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  1. Hi I signed up to a gym in august this year. I was pressured into signing & have been a few times. I have tried cancelling with letter from GP stating due to anxiety i wouldn't be able to attend anymore. I heard back from ashburn saying they would hold my membership & add unused months onto end but i would have to continue payments of £51 per month. It is now making me ill & my consultant has written a letter stating i will not be able to attend anymore due to lifelong illness (ulcerative collitis). I fear i am going to have issues cancelling so any advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. Hi Will try and keep this as short as possible I work for a well know Pizza company, as a delivery driver, while im working for my employer i am covered through their business insurance. i have to provide my own personal insurance/mot to be able to work. I had an incident in October, whilst at work, I had reversed out of a parking bay, no more than a car length, looked in passenger mirror and noticed a car behind me, i waited for some sort of reaction from the driver, was none, i got out of my car, and i noticed damage to the front of the vehicle, being a bit confused i believed i had hit the car and caused the damage, having said that, as it seems now the damage on car was previous damage. At the time i gave him details of my employer`s insurance policy, i did not get any details from him, as i say trying to keep this short, incident would have been on company cctv. The other party has not gone through my employers insurance, they are taking it through my own. Now this is where i need help or advice, when i took out the insurance policy with Hastings Direct, i specified my employment as what it is, a fast food delivery driver, i do not need business cover, as its provided for. Hastings accepted my employment and insured me. Due to this incident, i had to fill in a claim form by 27 of this month. i spoke to Hastings, advising them that this was an employment issue, and that it should be going through my employers insurance. I supplied Hastings with the information that was requested. I now as of yesterday have been sent notice of cancellation. For using a vehicle outside the terms and conditions of this policy. I rang Hastings today about this, i was told its being cancelled due to my job??? I will now be penalised for being honest, by having insurance cancelled. I have contacted the financial ombudsman service today, also have put in an official complaint to Hastings. This has got me stressed out, I work a 0 hr contract and cannot afford the insurance quotes, im getting now or drive with a black box, with restrictions.
  3. Hello to everyone I decided to join David lloyd club in Dudley last Friday 10th March . On the day when I was introduced I explained that I am working full time so I can attend gym from 7 pm also I am working some weekends. Main reason why I joined was my 11 years old daughter could use a gym facilities with me . Next day when my contract start we arrived at the club just before 7pm swiped our cards to get to a lady in reception . I was going to book a gym induction (health and safety policy) I was told that my Hanna is not allowed to use it because she didn't turn 11 (she will in august) I was shocked- no one mentioned that fact that she has to be 11 I asked for a manager , one of the member of staff turned up _ same who signed me in. I explained my problem, and I informed that in this case I have to cancel my and my daughter membership because I was not informed about age restriction, he said I can still use other facilities, but he knew there is not much classes for me and I cant do it without my daughter by my side, I will not use a tennis courts or swimming poo because we don't like itl - main reason was gym! He said he have to go and double check with other member of the staff if they can make an exemption for my daughter, will back up in the system my entrance through a gate. He came back after few minutes saying that she is not allowed to use gym facilities till she turned 11, he saw a contract, I put my daughters date of birth in it , why he didn't said a word?! He gave me a advise to go back home do not use a gym till my answer come and send an email to one of the sales manager, so I did. This Tuesday I got a email saying they can not cancel our membership (even if it is within 7 days) because I entered the building and swiped a card- I have to mentioned that I have witnesses that I never used any of the gym facilities, also I have a witness who can confirm that I was not informed about legal age of 11, there is no such a thing in david lloyd contract. Please give me some advice's what to do kind regards Aga
  4. Hi All I received a letter from bt saying that i could cancel or move my landline and broadband from bt early as they are putting the price up in March by 6%. the letter said that if i wanted to do this i was to call and notify them before i started the move, when i called them i was told by the person from bt that it only affected my landline and not my broadband and that if i moved my broad band i would receive an early termination fee of 18 months for the broadband. as this letter says that both my broadband and landline will be affected and can move for free can i hold them to the letter if i move or can bt charge me the termination fee. also the reason for me having 18 months left on my contract is that i moved my business in September and when i moved the landline i was told that it would start my contract from new as the number would change due to moving exchange.
  5. Hi I recently joined my local David Lloyd gym on August 22nd. Last Friday (September 23rd), I had a letter through saying they were increasing my fees (!) up to £101 (from £95). Obviously I rang up to speak to the membership team about this to be told that "they was nothing they could do". Slightly frustrating as they'd have known about this fee increase when I joined in August! I said to the lady on the phone that budget was an issue and this pushed it above my budget, and that I'd appreciate it if they would honour an immediate cancellation, due to the circumstances. On the phone she said, that would be fine and to reply to an email to confirm this. Her email was as below: Steven, As per our conversation please reply to this email confirming your request to cancel your membership. I understand from our call your level of frustration and would appreciate your feedback regarding the pending price increase from the 1st January 2017. I await your reply. Kind regards Alex Smith | Member Relations Advisor | David Lloyd Worcester I also cancelled my direct debit and haven't thought anything of it - in the mean time, signed up for a cheaper gym in the area, for 12 months. I just had an email from them saying that they haven't received my payment this month. I'm worried now that they won't honour the verbal agreement I had with the lady on the phone and will hold me to the T&Cs. Any thoughts?
  6. Hello Everyone I've noticed there is plenty of threads in regards to memberships with X4L but every single one of them seems to have some unique twist on it after a long time of receiving letters from CRS and now spratt edicott I decided to share my problem. On the March 13th 2015 I started 12 month contract with X4L which I wanted to cancel before the contract ended as the membership started to hit my budget after a while. Unfortunately the process to achieve this was rather difficult with my only option to give proof of redundancy according to the first email I sent to the gym. That was not possible in my case as at that time I had no job. JI was a university student with very little cash. I decided to just bite the bullet and cancel direct debit around February-March 2016 time as the contract ended. From that point I started to receive letters from X4L and CRS. I have sent them another email with a request to cancel my gym membership and the response you can see in the second screenshot . I have no idea where they got 1 remaining payment from as the contract finished and my cancellation of direct debit meant I don't wish to continue with their membership. HI would not cancel direct debit if they had an easier option to end the membership. Currently I'm being harassed with calls(which are ignored) from them and I'm constantly receiving letters from CRS lately I have received a letter from spratt endicott demanding £131.49 I've attempted to just ignore them but they don't seem to give up In and the advice I received from Citizen Advice was to just pay which left me bit disappointed. My question is what should I do? Continue to ignore them or accept my fate and pay?
  7. Hi, I have a little issue, and would like some help. I have a 24 month contract with vodafone (£44/month), unfortunately I am going to have to leave my job and the country in the next 3 month. I won't be able to pay the £500 they are asking for in one go and would like to set up a payment plan with them to re-pay what I owe. I have called them today and they told me, my only options was to pay all in one go or pay £300 and then £10 a month for a plan. I will no longer be in the country and have no interest to get another contract with them. Is there anything I can do ? Do they legally have the right to say no to my payment plan ? Thanks for your answers !
  8. Had brokers fee taken from myloan, I don't even remember using them and certainly didn't get any referral or loan as a result of them I stupidly put in my card details thinking they were a lender. So their t & c state 14days to cancel, now it was almost 2 weeks before they took any money and I realised what I must/could have done. Pretty convenient waiting 2 weeks. I've missed my chance to contact them in writing, although I did email them in time, within the 14 days, although as you can imagine, no response from email, do I have any hope, can I show the FSO the email? Total crooks.
  9. followed advice on here and sent them letter re recent court case and judges submission etc, this is their reply. They are saying i still must pay £700! What is my next step? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi there. My contract with fitness first was signed on ( 20.03.10 ). And I would like to cancel it. Reason why I want to do it? First of all, I'm working in DFS... I'm lifting 100kg beds every day (All day long) and it's so obvious that I don't want to go to the gym after work. I do work 6 days a week ( Mon - Sat ) and on Sundays usually having a day off but I don't want to go to the gym on Sundays too as I lifted heavy stuff already 6 days. Also, when I joined Fitness First, I lived not too far away from it, but now I have to travel by bus to the station, then 15min walk to another station then 30min by train and then 15min walk again. Witch takes insane amount of time and money to get there. Any suggestions of what to tell them so they cancel my membership would be appreciated. Thanks.
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