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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I have 2 different questions to ask please: Firstly, my mum has 2 items with BrightHouse, one mobile and one 'smart ' computer. She returned home from a weekend's holiday yesterday to find her home has been burgled and both items have been stolen. Her contents insurance won't pay out as she is a couple of weeks in rent arrears and the insurance is through the council tied in with the rent. She's in total shock a the moment as the home was completely trashed and is loathe to go in a nd speak to BH due to finding their customer service appalling in the past. She took both items out in Nov 2011 and has service cover on the computer but not the phone. She has reported the burglary to the police so has a crime ref number; where does she stand with BH and having to still pay for the items? She still has a year to pay on them, at least, but can't find her contracts at the moment as her filing cabinet was emptied and all paperwork ripped/ruined or simply left in disarray. Secondly, my partner took out 4 items with BH before we got together; a tablet in Jan 2011, an Ipad in June 2011, an Iphone and a computer in December 2011. These items have been given away as presents to family members for birthdays and christmasses (I know, he's an idiot. but there we go) When we got together, his weekly payments were £70 a week. He is on benefits due to being too ill to work and is long-term signed off sick. His benefits are literally £72 a week. Surely BH would have needed to see an income sheet before agreeing to him taking out the items in the first place???? He was under pressure from BH, phone calls, home visits, aggressive and threatening behaviour in the street etc, when we got together and I eventually couldn't take it any more, went in to BH store and said he can't afford the payments what can we do to have them reduced. Stupidly, I agreed to take them on in my name to reduce them to £40 a week. This is still far too high a payment for us to afford per week, and includes service cover on 3 of the items. At present he is/we are 2 weeks late in payments and getting up t 8 / 9 calls a day from BH, with voicemails left, some of these as early as 8.15am. I am 36 weeks pregnant and booked in to be induced next monday, in a wheelchair with pregnancy complications with a 17 month old daughter a nd clearly need as much rest as possible. The store manager, Kelly, knows this, having seen me in the street a few times in the wheelchair, yet they still are constantly calling. I have written to the store explaining that the payments are too high and I can offer a reduced payment of £20 until I am back in work, I have sent this also by email to head office email address on the website, and had no response from either, just continued phone calls. I know t wont be long before they turn up at the door demanding repossession of the items. Can you advise on the best course of action please? I have found your letter template requesting service covers to be removed completely and would be happy to send them that, but if there's any further advice / information that could be offered first that would be great. Many thanks
  2. Hi , I am new to the forum and really confused on how the insurance claim process work. We were out 1 day in late dec and when we came back we found the house broken in and completely cleared out of most moveable valuables. I informed the police immediately and they came to asses the situation. This was followed by a forensic person but no prints could be gathered. The police was able to identify the back door as the entry point due to scratches on the door near the lever . The burglars seems to have used 1 / 2 pointed devices to move the door from the hinges and free it up. I called my insurance company on the next working day and they acted swift in getting a loss adjustor. The person who visited us very professional and patient with us . We shared with him a list of items which we think had been taken away . To summaries we had electronics worth 3000 & ,Cash and jewelry @ 50000 taken away from home. I have provided most of the receipts for electronic items and in process to collect documents for the jewelery. Content Insurance in current policy is for 40000 £ and high valuables at 15000 £ .. Current - 1. I got a call from the insurer underwriter who asked me why did I under insure the house if I had such high ammount jewellry at home. My response to her was we had just moved home and were in process of looking for a safe box or a secure access storage. She asked for my job and annual salary and said if we under insured ourselves it can be considered fraund and the whole claim can be declined. What does this mean ? 2. The loss adjustor has now sent me a spreadhseet showing costs of stuff in the house from flooring to clothes to electronics.. what does this mean ? I am really worried about what is happening . Any help here.
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