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Found 4 results

  1. hi Hi, I'd would like some advice on saving my home from repossession (sales) Lovell portfolio declared me bankrupt July 2011 for £3000 credit card debt they purchased, I offered to pay at £200 per month which they turned down, I've been paying of my debts at this amount successfully for 3 years. I only own a small amount on my mortgage, which is not in arrears, all my debts together amounted to £12,000. I entered into a payment agreement with the appointed Trustee, so far paid £2,100. Really suprised to recieved a court date for possession and sale of my home! The amount owed has multiplied to £48,000!! with costs etc. I work full time and am prepared to carry on paying - can anyone help? how do I contact the courts etc, continue to pay the arrangement (I've never defaulted) I sought legal advice last year and was told an IVA was useless as I had too much equity in my home. Not got to the eviction stage yet but suffering legal fatique after all the hassle, even had to change to a less stressfull job, now thinking maybe just giving up and go on the dole, it's a long hard fight. thanks to anyone with any ideas.
  2. I have just found this forum (and have to say it looks really good and helpful). I have a bankruptcy petition scheduled for monday 17th at my local court and want to know if I have any chance at all in defending it. The basic story: Had a business was doing well even though it was started after the crash we grew very quickly (to quickly) and eventually cash flow got tricky so signed a personal guarantee on a large over draft with HSBC, anyway long story short as possible. Stress of running the business made me ill, ended up in hospital with suspected heart attack (never had more than a day a year off sick in my life so am not one for being ill) so got over that went back to running the coompany but it was getting harder to manage and I didnt want to make myself ill (I have young children) so decided enough was enough and got myself a full time "normal" job and tried to manage the comapny part time but it was never going to work so sought advice and was advised voluntary liquidation which I took as I couldnt take any more nor could my family. Liquidators come in take my stock £50-70k at retail and I sign a guarantee for their fees and expenses. They sell said stock at auction for circa £4k just enough to cover thier solicitor fees and auctioneer fees. So I am left with a £28k overdraft to clear and thier fees of £7k. I sort the £28k with a charge on my property (which is in negative equity anyway so they wont get anything if a sale is forced) and I get a stat demand from liquidators for their fees but I now dont have a penny to pay them so send all my details in to them offering £700 lump sum to clear it (10p in the pound much better than they got for my business) or £35/month for a slong as it took but they never replied then just been hit with a bankruptcy petition. I dotn want to be made bankrupt as it gets complex with the house as still in my name and my ex wifes and dont want her anywhere near us as she made my life a living hell for years and I have always paid the mortgage and am up to date with all my bills with no arrears just no surplus cash and no credit raiting to raise the £7k the liquidators want from me. Had they of looked into the company surely a CVA would of been better suited as I could of just used the stock (business was 95% online sales anyway) and traded in the evenings until the stock was gone to pay all the creditors and am pretty sure they would of all got thier money back unlike what the liquidators did. I found out that nearly a year after they started the liquidation they still hadnt picked up all my VAT and PAYE records and invoices from the company accountant so dont even know how they managed to get it all sorted without that paperwork for so long. Do I have a defence or not do you think? I have offered a payment plan but still to hear if it will be accepted. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  3. Hi, I've recieved a notice from the land registry of an intended Bankruptcy from a debt that defaulted with the OC in 2005. Please help as I'm worried sick that I'm going to be made bankrupt. Anyone please!
  4. hi all got a default on crap1..limit was 1000 now 1.600 with added late payment fees etc..been paying token payment of 1.00 since september..they now passed to debitas,sent them all expentiture details has crap 1 was ignoring the fact that i sent thm my expenditure details etc about 4 times ..kepted getting letter saying they wanted this that etc.. i sent debitas all the details on the 25 feb ..no reply i didnt send recored so im hoping they have got them ..since then they are phoning bout 7 times a day,my nxt port of call will be a harrassment letter and a letter asking if they received the expenditure /proof of benefits etc ..is this the best thing to do ?? cheers guys
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