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Found 8 results

  1. Anglia arrived to collect van under VT after paying 50% Letter from Motonovo Finance says nothing more to pay all upto date. All went well until drivers door would not shut. vehicle had no Mot Tax or Insurance. and was going on a low loader, said he couldn't bring low loader into close , but there was plenty of room. He already had a car onboard and was eager to get to auction, He had given me the yellow inspection sheet and yellow slip from log book. , He wanted them back now as he said he could'nt take vehicle as door wouldn't stay shut. I asked him to tie it to the adjourning side door which was an inch away from drivers door, but said no. Im left with the vehicle , whos responsibility is it now ? They said a few days ago they would talk to Motonovo and see if they could get a third party to pick it up. Who will pay for this. Started to collect on 3rd April its now 10th I opened the van door ok for him on arrival. . Van in good condition.:
  2. I took out a car on finance from RCI in May 2014 and made regular payments of £214 to RCI. Myself and my husband were both made redundant in February 2016, I subsequently managed to find a new job quickly, however my husband's health rapidly deteriorated and has been out of work since. In September 2016 I was issued a Default Notice from RCI and I made a post term agreement to pay £240 a month until May 2018 which was the original end date of the finance. I have struggled upto this month to maintain the payments as we rely on the vehicle to get back and forth hospital appointments and for me for work. However this month I have been unable to pay the required £240 and received a phone call 2 days later from RCI to ascertain why payment had not been received. I explain that I had sent them a letter and email stating that I was experiencing difficulties maintaining the payments and proposed a revised payment plan (They have denied receiving either). I explained my circumstances to the caller and my payment proposal and was told that they would call me back. A few hours later I received a phone call to state that they would send an agent to collect the vehicle and my proposal had been rejected. I asked if I could speak to someone to discuss payment and was told that there was no other options left to me. On Thursday last week Anglia UK rep posted a letter through my door whilst I was at work and my husband was there requesting I make an appointment to discuss my agreement with RCI. I call Anglia on Tuesday of this week and explained the call with RCI and their response. Also over the weekend my step-father has reach the final days of COPD and I have been spliting my time between work, caring for my husband and visit my step-father in his last days. The agent from Anglia was very understanding and suggested I go back to RCI and explain the situation. I have spoken to RCI again today and again was told there was no room for negotiation and that I was to surrender the vehicle to Anglia UK on Friday at 2pm. My question is can RCI repossesses my vehicle without a court order? Do I have to return my vehicle to Anglia UK tomorrow? Sorry for the long post, am at the end of my nerves atm with everything that's going on atm
  3. Hi, I was caught by the revenue checking inspector/office, while travelling from Wickford to London Liverpool street for not paying full fare for my journey. I have been regularly travelling from Ilford to Liverpool street by having an annual ticket. Quite recently, I moved to Wickford and travelling once or twice in a week. I was travelling part of the journey without valid ticket (for more than once) in order to save few pounds based on the wrong advice that I had received from a friend. Because of which, I am in trouble. Ticket inspector/officer caught me and found out that I am doing this for about 5-6 times and said that he will send my case to court and said not to issue any fine, even though I requested him many times. I fully regret for what I have done in the first place. My finances were bit tight because of recent parents visit to UK, new mortgage and other additional expenses because of new place. All these things played part of my thinking and made me to follow wrong friend's advice, which I should not do in the first place (and fully regret) in order to save few pounds in travelling. Office was not able to match my name with the address that I had given through the system that they use for checks on the day, when he booked me in September. After around 2 months, I got a letter from Greater Anglia to confirm, if I am the one, who has been caught. I am having a family with 2 kids and they are fully dependant on my earnings and they will be in deep trouble, if any thing happens to me and with my employment. I don't want them to be in trouble for the mistake that I had done. I am having sleepless night because of constant remembrance of the incident and feeling ashamed for what I did in the first place. Please advice, what I have to do, now? What kind of capital punishment that I am going to face? And is there any way to get settlement out of court with Greater Anglia. Your immediate help and advice is much appreciated. NOTE : Right after the incident, I starting paying full fare for my journey and kept those tickets as evidence (if needed).
  4. Not your usual story... Had purchased a ticket earlier this month from London Euston to Windermere via Oxenholme on a Virgin train. It is one of those "book 'em early, buy it cheap" with a "no refund, no changes, specified train" only ticket. Travel plans have changed slightly and I decided I wanted to end up in Penrith, the next stop up the west coast line from Oxenholme. Popped in to my local railway station to see if I could purchase a ticket to cover me for the short distance involved on the train I was already booked to travel on. The answer: Yes, the fare will be £6.50 (approx). Great, I'll go for that, so the guy tries to book the ticket and print it out for me. At which point, technology and gremlins kick up a fuss and promptly spit him out. The help and advice of a colleague was called upon, and despite further assistance, no ticket was forthcoming. Couldn't even book the next class of ticket up despite the screen showing availability... Thirty minutes of our time had been spent trying to negotiate the uncooperative booking system and the staff were fast running out of both options and patience. The only practical option left was to issue an excess fare ticket . Didn't like the sound of that As it was about the only option open at the time, new tickets were printed off and handed over - The excess fare payable ? A grand total of £0.00 A word of thanks to the ticket office staff for their help above and beyond what I had expected.
  5. Hi, I have just been fined £64.10 for travelling on a train with an invalid ticket. Due to an emergency, it became important for me to travel home from LiverpoolStreet ASAP. When a train was called heading to my station, I asked the member of staff at the barrier if my ticket would be valid for this train (3 hours earlier than mine). He told me yes, so I boarded the train, and sat in an unreserved seat. When the conductor came over, I showed him my ticket, and he issued a fine as the ticket was invalid. Whilst I do not dispute that my ticket may have been invalid, I have appealed via IRCAS, as thanks to a member of GA staff, I had no doubt that my ticket would be fine. I really can't afford to pay the £64.10, and was wondering if anyone could comment on my chances of having this unfair penalty revoked?
  6. plz can someone help us we have just moved into a council housing home, and there in a problem with the sewage pipes at the rear of the property, as they keep blocking we have been in touch with the landlord who sent out a chap with drainage rods to clear the blockage but the next day it was blocked again we phoned again and was told that it belongs to anglia water and they are responsible for the sewage they have come out and said that they are not other people in the street have complained to anglia water as well as they have been told that it is anglia water responsible and they said its not these homes are council house but some have been sold off so can some one tell me who is responsible for the sewage an as this is now the 6th day this is been block are we intilled to compensation and who from. thanks
  7. Hi, Today I was charged a Penalty Fare of £20.00 for not showing a valid ticket when travelling from Wood Street to Liverpool Street London. The reason being I forgot to renew my monthly pass which expired yesterday. When I reached the barrier at Liverpool Street station and saw the ticket I realised that it expired yesterday and so I went to the ticket officer and explained my situation, He asked me to pay a PF of £20.00 as I travelled ticket less. I have been travelling on this route for pass 9 months and I have tickets for all the pass 9 months, I didn't had any intention of travelling ticket less, but unfortunately this time it just slept out of my mind to renew the ticket (totally my mistake), we don't have any ticket barriers at Wood Street station which makes it worse. The ticket officer told me that I can appeal to IRCAS and showed me the website, I would like to know if I stand any chance of getting the PF back. I've been a genuine traveller on Greater Anglia for the past year and I've got ticket for every single day, I don't know if that would help. Can you please guide me on what I should do in this situation, I really don't want to loose my £20.00, I know its a small amount but makes a difference to me. Thanks
  8. Hey Guys, Tonight I've received a letter from Anglia Water regarding an unpaid bill of £550 from a house i lived at around 6 years ago. As I've mentioned in previous posts I was homeless between April 2007 and Jan 2010 i don't know or cant remember what i owed to who before that happened.. . therefore I've never received a letter regarding this before. Most of my records and paperwork are lost. Of course I'm hoping that this can be Statute Barred but does that apply to water companies? the trouble is i cant quite remember when i left this address, I'm pretty positive i had moved out of the house well before Christmas 2006 but not sure it was as early as that June, Once i moved all bills were in my partners name so the account was not moved with me. Also i only lived at the house for 6 months so I'm not sure how i ran up £550 worth of bills. At the moment the debt still appears to be with the water company but they are threatening to forward the debt to a collection agency if they don't hear from me by the 26th, i am concerned that this will go on my credit records, i have been doing well to build my credit back up and i could do without my credit card company and bank cancelling my accounts. I'm concerned about replying to them and acknowledging a debt, so any advise on how to respond to this. Any help is greatly appreciated and many thanks in advance Regards Mark
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