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Found 11 results

  1. I have a credit card debt with Barclaycard dating back to 2014 and have not made a payment or been contacted by them for at least three years. Today I received a letter stating they are making a refund of £75 being an "inconvenience payment" and asking for a contact telephone number my bank details and a signature so they can make the refund. They also state: "We are now closing your account and do not require any further payments in relation to the outstanding balance. Your account is partially settled this means although there is still an outstanding balance on your account you won't need to make any more payments" Is this a fishing exercise to get my details and confirm the debt or is it genuine? Sounds to good to be true:???:
  2. About a month ago I stayed at my parents for a while and used my Apple laptop with their wifi. They both have ipads, neither of which I touched, let alone used to log in to anything. Earlier this week (and well after me and lappy were back home) they changed broadband provider to Sky, since when both their iPads have been logging them in to various websites as me - including Facebook and my Amazon account! Mum only told me today when she ordered something on Amazon without realising she was logged in as me. Anyone any clue as to what is going on? Hubby thinks their ipads have somehow synchronised with my laptop, but if it was that, surely it would have showed up a lot sooner? More importantly, can anyone provide idiot proof instructions as to how to stop it? I have no idea how ipads work and I seriously doubt the folks have either. They usually get tech help from a granddaughter who lives locally, but as luck would have it she's away on holiday.
  3. I have the Equifax credit checking thingy and have been checking it fairly regularly recently to see how a settled account is affecting my score. I pressed the button to update my score today and was pleased to see that it had actually came up a good bit but in looking further down the page the 'electoral roll' section was red, its always been yellow before because I have lived at my current address for less than three years. I clicked it to see that I am no longer listed as being on the register so I called them to dispute this and the told me this weird thing which I certainly didn't know and thought it might be of interest to others. Every year on January 1st everyone's file is changed to not being on the electoral register until such times as the council confirms that they are in fact on it. Apparently this can take till the end of January which I don't understand either since my council updates theirs in June each year. Its a system thing apparently as soon as the year changes you are bumped off the register until such times as they put you back on it. This doesn't seem fair to me, what if I was applying for credit right now and my file says i'm not on it when I am. Surely a fairer system would be to keep everyone on it until the council updates to confirm whether you are still registered or not? Am I the only one a bit confused by this?
  4. Evening All I have received a rather weird email from MYJAR today regarding an account which I can confirm I will raising the Fraud flag against (Think struggle with MMF) Anyway... MyJAR have sent an email advising that a loan was taken on 09/08/2011 and was due back on the 24/08/2011. However the email i received today included is listed below and attached were 3 attachments. (Obviously this isnt mine otherwise it would have been settled by now) Now my question is, shouldn't this account have defaulted in 2011? Yet they are going to issue a default notice in 2015?!?!?!?!?! Wasnt there something against that? Also this debt hasn't ever appeared on my credit profile with EXP or CCRED, So if they issue a default against it, surely i should have grounds to challenge it on that basis? The PDFs have been filtered for personal info so please feel free to give me advice on this one... I am stomped... FKO
  5. Hi, I have a weird Statute of limitations question: I live in Scotland, had a letter today from Buchanan Clark and Wells about a loan I took out in 1999 and defaulted on. I haven't heard anything about this loan since around 2003. I told them this was statute barred under the statute of limitations, however, they have said a payment was made in 2010. Now this was definitely not made by me. The address for the debt on the letter was my mums address, so I phoned her and she paid someone who came to the door £10 a month for a few months thinking it was something to do with my dad (same name) BCW are stating that because of this the Statute doesn't apply, she should know, she's a lawyer. I think they are wrong though as there has been no contact or payment from me. does anyone know where I stand on this? Thank you in advance.
  6. Just got a text from CFO saying that they had taken 20.00 from my account. It has apparently been taken off the balance but a repayment plan is not in please therefore could i call them on their number to get one in place. Ive just checked my account and nothing had come out so just wondered if this is a tacticto get me to call them?
  7. I wonder if anyone has come across this weird one. After a series of issues leading to BT engineers coming to "fix the fault" ( This included the engineer waffling about going to the main exchange and changing our main box to the "new style") we have been left with a really odd internet connection. When plugged into the test plug everything works fine - although still a slower speed than before the fault (around 6000). When plugged into another line in the house the speed varies from nothing at all up to 2000. I guess this implies that the fault is with the internal wiring, although I am convinced that he just wired it up wrongly in the new box as this wasn't a problem before. Here's the weird bit though - when we ring Utility Warehouse (who provide our BT line) on the 0845 number, or when they ring us on the same number our speed jumps up to 6000+. When the call disconnects it gradually goes back down again to 1000 / off completely. Can anyone tell us what's going on? Utility warehouse certainly can't - it's taken 5 phone calls to persuade them to order out another engineer.
  8. I have a halifax current account and it had a £100 overdraft. As my mum uses the account too I turned off the overdraft and started using another current account. Anyway by accident I had all my cards automatically set up on paypal and i charged £370.00 to the account a few days later. instead of declining the transactions because there wasn't that in there..it minused the account and used my mums funds. i of course reimbursed her because it was my fault. But I wondered was this a glitch or normal? Can haifax do this..and am i at fault..or??
  9. in the early hours I was checking old 8mm tapes from my old cam corder....then I heard strange rasping noises from my side gate so I went out the front to check that all was well and then I heard the scurry and light bump and banging as whatever it was that took exception to my gate being locked and SOLIDLY locked legging it up the gaarden when it heard me kick the gate to make sure it was tight shut "bluddy cat I thought" I then heard even more rasping and of a much much heavier clawing noise from down the end of my 70 foot garden and maybe over two gardens to the left of my house so I flipped a few pebbles in the general direction of the noise and it made no difference to whatever it was that was clawing the fence two houses over. I was out the back with my elder son just now to drop the gazeebo and then I looked down the side passage to my house to the gate and i noticed quite a few large lumps of the bottom of the gate had been bitten or clawed off........a rat perhaps ...no way due to the gate is about 4 inchecs off the concrete path so it has to be something much much bigger....went down to the bottom of the garden to see if there were any tracks or claw marks on the 6 foot fence but nothing but with what I heard last night and in the ealry hours it was very very scarey just thinking back to that loud clawing and sniffing snuffling noise and I doubt it would be a badger due to how would it climb the fence......I hope the Essex Lion was a fib or is the beast of Essex on the prowl again due to we live a 3/4 of a mile up from the roman river and there were sighting there some time ago too.......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww...I kid you not
  10. Hi, Just wandered what your thoughts on this are. Have been in dispute with Halifax for ages. They imposed a £90 charge in July 2007 and this spiraled into bank charges totaling £2100. They never explained this charge despite numerous letters. These charges clearly affected my ability to pay off other Halifax products forcing me into default. Went through debt management with cccs and stopped paqing around April 2010. They 'gesture of goodwill' refunded £400 in May 2012 because of my financial circumstances. They closed the account June 2012 and sent me a cheque for £217 overpayment. Now August 2012 Moorcroft debt **** are claiming the full £2100 as due. Seems very bizarre to me. Would the £217 be illegal lending if they are claiming it as part of the debt? Is the best bet with this a complaint based on the banking code 'Levying charges upon charges' Surely you can't close an account with no notice at all send a customer £217 and then set the debt collectors on them for a balance ignoring a previous refund. Thanks
  11. I was wondering if anyone would be able to suggest what a letter could be about. I am currently in a debt management plan with all debt registered to my address in Wiltshire, I recently had a letter arrive at my parents home in Kent, where I am also registered. my mum called me to tell me about it, she said that it was actually dated 21st May even though it came through the door 2 months later. It was also franked with a second class stamp only. On the envelope it said Revenue Protection, do not treat as ordinary Mail. and the post mark was from Bath. I called my management agency and they said they did not think it could be to do with accounts they have as the would have been calling and sending more than one letter, also they did the annual review last month and everyone was happy with what I was paying them and some even dropped interest. I am obviously very worried what this letter could be about as I am not going to get my hands on it until saturday and My parents will now want to know what it is about. I have no idea what it is and why it went to my old address (even though everything is in the new address). Has anyone any idea what it could be?
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