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Found 7 results

  1. Last Thursday morning, all of my RBS accounts vanished and they won't tell me anything other than I'll receive a letter! Even my 6 year old son's account has vanished along with the housekeeping account.
  2. Hey guys, i have had an outstanding loan with PaydayUK for a long time now and i have been paying a monthly payment of £25. 2 days ago i got a random email offering me a loan from PaydayUk, so i emailed them and said i already have an outstanding loan with still over £300 remaining that i have been making monthly repayments, they have replied to me saying: 'We can confirm that we have been receiving payments regarding loan ID: ***********. This account is now showing as settled. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the office on the number below' I have no idea how this is now settled, do i just forget about the loan now and take their word for it that it is in fact settled? Thanks Darren
  3. Hello everyone. I'm repaying some of my student loan, or rather my student overdraft, through StepChange. I really like StepChange, they've been nothing but nice to me and I've had no problems until now. To my horror, my recent payment has disappeared. I have to pay monthly, due by the 10th. I paid this month's installment on the 3rd, and it takes about 5 days to process so it should have made it on time. Only, 2 weeks later, they still haven't gotten it. There's no record of it at all. I used the exact same details to send this money. There were no mistakes in the bank details of the company, I double and triple and god knows how many times checked. If you compare the receipts of my previous successful payments, all details are absolutely identical to those on the receipt of the missing payment. Except the date of course. Now I'm sitting here wondering what will happen to me, if I have to pay double, what my rights are. I've emailed them scans of my bank receipts of each payment for them to compare and see that there's no reason they shouldn't have my money, and I'm just waiting on a reply from them. What can happen to me here? Any help is appreciated. Thank you for reading.
  4. Hi, Just over a year ago I bought some items at a store but was unable to carry them home. The store allowed me to pay for them, gave me a sales invoice but kept them at the store for me in their warehouse. I returned two months later to try and collect them (as I don't have transport) and they confirmed the items were at the store but wouldn't be able to get them from the warehouse out back (it's a big store). I am a psychiatric outpatient and have agoraphobia and had put this all on hold until just recently. However, now that a year has passed, they don't have a record of the order other than something they've archived. Unfortunately this archive doesn't say whether I picked the items up. So far I've been going round in circles with them for over a month and wondered what the chances are in using the small claims court to get the money back. It's not a huge amount, £90 but it just feels like it's been robbed from me. It's unbelievable that they have a system like this that allows this to happen. They are a massive retailer. I have the original receipt, along with an A4 piece of paper with the order details they gave me.
  5. Had a ccj against me in 2007 for a very small amount that I didnt owe anyway, checked my credit file in 2008 with equifax it did have the ccj recorded. I paid the amount and deal with it later and I added a notice of correction and left it at that. I checked last week with equifax and there is no sign of the ccj or any notice of correction. All my previous addresses are listed as well as the voters roll check Would all the credit agencies have all the same info? Definately not a moan, just scratching my head!
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2167529/Amelia-Earhart-Explorers-set-mission-aeroplane-75-years-vanished.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  7. I have some issues with my LL, and have spent many an hour hammering the internet for information – I require additional clarification on what I’ve found out so far, any advice would be much appreciated! I have been a tenant with the same LA for over 2 years and lived in two properties through them. I moved into my current rented property in September 2009, when my LL purchased the property I was renting at the time, and I agreed to rent her property through the same LA. In January this year, the LA asked that all payments should be made to them in cash as they were ‘having problems changing banks’. Whilst this seemed a little strange, I had no issue or cause for concern as I had an excellent relationship with the LA, they had gone above and beyond their legal duties as LA, and I was very happy with the admirable way they looked after the tenants as well as the landlords. I made payments in cash, and received receipts for the same. At the start of March, I received a phone call from my LL stating that I should not make any further payments to the LA, and that she would provide bank details for me to pay rent directly to her. She informed me that she had not received payment from the LA for February’s rent, and that she could not get in contact with anyone from the LA (office closed, no-one answering phone etc). She did confirm that at the end of Feb she spoke to a lady at the LA over the phone; it was someone she had not spoken to previously, and the lady stated that she was ‘a family friend helping out’. The LL told me that the lady confirmed that Feb rental had been paid, and that payment would be made to my LL asap. According to the LL, no payment was made. My LL shortly afterwards posted the new tenancy agreement (AST for 6 months), and after adding some additional terms and conditions, I signed the AST. I would have preferred to move out of the property (I have met the LL and she can be very difficult, especially when you are voicing her errors or issues!) but as I did not have a security deposit (the LA had used the deposit as a rent payment on the previous property when my partner had to have emergency heart surgery and our funds hit the floor), and did not have the money to move, I didn’t see I had much choice. In the same correspondence, the LL also made additional claim that the LA had gone into liquidation, however, despite requesting the information three times in writing, she has yet to provide details of the Receivers, which makes me suspect that the LA has simply vanished and is not actually in receivership. Under the new AST, the rent for March fell due on 21.03.11, however, following issues with my tax credit payment I was only able to pay £150.00 (the rent is £525.00 per cal month). I informed the LL of my circumstances in writing and confirmed that a) if the tax credit issue was resolved quickly, the rent would be paid as soon as I received the shortfall payment or b) if the issue was not resolved quickly enough, I would pay £50.00 on 25.03.11, with the full outstanding balance to be cleared on 01.04.11. My LL has now stated in writing that unless payment is made in full by 25.03.11 for Feb rental (under the previous AST and already paid to the LA), and Mar (under the new AST), she will go to CC for a possession order. I have looked up the terms and understand that she is not in a legal position to seek such an order as there is less than two months rent arrears and the offer/reasons for late payment I have made for the arrears is reasonable, and also that she has not supplied any Notice of Intention. She also claims that she has filed a complaint with the police in regard to the LA, as it is a criminal matter, and that she requires receipts for payments made to LA dating back to Dec 2010, despite confirming in writing that she has received the rental payments for Dec and Jan (albeit late). Sorry to go on, but I wanted to provide a full background, and would appreciate greatly any advice offered on the following points of concern: As far as I can tell, the non-payment of rent by the LA is a civil matter, not a criminal matter as it involves the breaking of a contract by the LA, and as such the LL would have to sue the LA. Is this correct? Is there a difference to LL/tenant obligations if the LA has just vanished rather than gone in administration? Can my LL demand receipts for a 3 month period even when she has confirmed payment received for 2 of them? And what happens if I cannot find all receipts? (I am currently missing one receipt for a payment of £160.00). Am I legally obliged to provide any receipts at all? I am a good tenant, and always make my rent the first bill I pay; I am in no way trying to get out of paying anything. I understand my LL concerns about the loss of her money, but I do object to being treated like I have done wrong and being threatened with eviction when she has no right to do. I am also having a nightmare with trying to get her to understand that whilst the boiler is indeed covered by a Home Care agreement as has a safety certificate, the other gas appliances do not have the same, and her Home Care agreement does not cover these. This is the mentality I am dealing with, so I need to be 100% certain of my legal obligation so that I can be sure where I stand, and not be harassed or bullied which is what I feel she is trying to do (repeated mention of it being a ‘police matter’, demands for rent confirmed as already paid, threats to evict etc). I feel she is trying to railroad me, and, with her coming to inspect the property on Saturday (I can’t wait ), I want to be able to firmly stand my ground should she make any demands that she is not legally entitled to do so. Thanks so much in advance for your help!!
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