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Found 8 results

  1. The same thing has happened to me to. I owe £20k. But never agreed to my credit limit being increased and staff purchasing without my authority. It wasn’t even pointed out I was signing a PA. I stupidly thought I was signing on behalf of my Ltd company. They are threatening personal bankruptcy. Even though I have 0 equity in my house. They are bullies. They had me tears on the phone. They are rude, aggressive, threatening and do not support small businesses in any way. I spent a fortune with them over the years and they end up treating me like I want to be in this position, it’s my fault. They should not be allowed to conduct a business in this way.
  2. first off im sorry if this has been answered somewhere i did search thoroughly through the forum threads but i couldn't find this particular situation... after being laid off in January i used most of my redundancy money to pay off existing bills and such and eventually left me with £0.02 in my account and thinking everything's sorted, i didnt look at my account for a while and when i went back it was a whopping £-160 and what had started as a £15 charge for a returned direct debit has now just racked up charges for being overdrawn and i didnt think they were allowed to make money off their own charges? i rang up nationwide and after some shpeel they said there was nothing they can do. i managed to get a tax rebate which just managed to fix the problem and Lowe and behold the charges kept coming now i'm back at square one and its only going to get worse, this has been going on since march, now ill admit im not the best with money but after starting a voluntary apprenticeship where i dont make much money if any im running out of ways to fix the problem, help!
  3. TODDLE2U ; are you still active on this forum and can you assist me with a pernsoal guarantee which has now been called upon from Travis Perkins. A lot of what's been said is similar to my situation. Credit application forms were signed in 2014, and like other we didn't know what we were signing for and a quick signature was given after form completed by office staff. There is no mention to seek independent legal advice on the form, should this be stated clearly?
  4. Hello, I work as a recruitment consultant and I get target based commission along with my basic pay. In our staff manual it states that Employees who resign are not due any commission following their last commission payment Say commission is payable on 29th April 2016 and I hand in my notice on 1st April 2016 (notice period is 1 month). Will I still be payed the commission due on 29th April, as I will technically still be working my notice or not? Thank you for your help.
  5. Hi - I am not sure where I stand in the matter of my late mother's estate. In her Will it is stated that jewellery is to be distributed to the family, however it is a year later and I have heard nothing further from my sister who is acting as executor. The last I heard was that some of the family had decided to give back items to those who had given them including more distant relatives rather than just the beneficiaries of the Will. In this case several daughters. I am at a loss as to what to say or do with this situation. Any advice most welcome. thanks
  6. my previous employer after a grievance I had with a supervisor told me I wouldn't have to work with the supervisor in question, then they went back on their word and tried to force me to work with him, I refused and walked out in a heat of the moment dispute with them. On returning to work the next day I was told by one of the managers that I had to leave the premises, but instead of being sacked they said my leaving was taken as my resignation. There where then letters being sent back and forth between us with me saying I didn't resign and they cant force a resignation on me. They are now trying to say that the manager said to me if I was to walk out he would take that as my resignation although it was more a threat of if you walk out we will get rid of you. They have concocted this resignation part to avoid going through a disciplinary process with me. I have contacted acas and was advised that I cant be told to resign and that I would have to do this in the form of a resignation letter, or they could assume I had resigned if I had had no contact with them after leaving. I am now in the process of taking them to a tribunal, and have chosen to represent myself as I cant afford a solicitor and legal aid doesnt exist any more. I'm also now working again for a different company so its difficult to get in touch with acas as they work the same hours as me and I have no holidays I can take. I need to know what the law states on how they are putting forward that I resigned when I didnt. I've been offered a settlement that is very low and I will be declining it, but I've no idea how strong my case is and what would be a decent amount to settle for?
  7. My aunt who has recently died and her tenancy agreement states that upon her death the property must be vacated within 28 days. It was a life time tenancy agreement where she paid peppercorn rent. The agreement was made in 2000 when she sold the freehold property to the current landlord. The task of clearing the property within the time scale will prove to be difficult (before selling the property her family had lived in the house through many generations and nothing was dispossed of) and the will states contents are to be distributed to various family and friends both in the UK & abroad. The landlord is a difficult person to deal with and has no compasion, he wants the property back to modernize and sell on. Is there any legal rights we have to extend this deadline. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  8. Hi All, I have been going through the courts to gain possession of a room in a house from a non paying tennant, i had my court hearing yesterday and the defendant did not show up (he tried to adjourn hearing but his application was refused as he did not file a defence) anyway the judge gave me possession order and have received an "order for Possession Forthwith upon service of this order upon the defendant" does this mean i can start immediately to apply to the court for a baliff ? if so how long does this procedure take? Will the defendant be able to appeal and do you think he has any chance of success? any help appreciated.
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