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Found 3 results

  1. I started the T2G course in 2010 with the sales person getting me to sign and me taking out the loan for £4860 with Career 4 Finance, etc. They told me that I could do the course in my own pace and own time to suit me, as I have health problems I have taken a long time to get to the Lesson 7 of the new App Production Course that I asked to change to because the Designer course was not really the one that I wanted. I have now been told by T2G that I have taken too long and they have stopped their contract with me. They even told me to go to Benchmark to try to carry on my course but Benchmark have told me they will not let me carry on it with it either as I do not meet the minimum criteria for them. They have not told me what the minimum criteria is but I have emailed them to find out. So this TG company have taken my money but will not let me continue my course with them, so my Guaranteed TIGA Diploma will not be given me as well! What can I do about this ?
  2. Hi All, I have read many many threads on here about SkillsTrain etc. and the issues about the course material, mis-selling of finance with CDF etc and i am in a similar boat. Let me explain my story here. In early 2010 i responded to an advert about receiving information on the Games Developer course with Train2Game. A lady came to my house shortly afterwards. At the time i was very stressed at work and was diagnosed with an acute anxiety disorder (thankfully that has gone now) because of my work and the pressures on me. The lady arrived at noon and started chatting about the course. Throughout the chat she kept asking me "is this something you are interested in?". I told her that i would need to think about it as i wasn't sure i could afford the £4500 that it would cost (£135 per month), especially with the way things at work were going. She started talking about all other things under the sun and ended up staying in my house for 7 hours. She didn't leave no matter how many times i said i would have to think about it. All the while my partner (now wife) was there witnessing this. She told me that she had 3 other appointments to attend but was missing them to sign me up, she kept looking at her watch, making me feel pressurised. The only way to get her out of my house was to sign up as it was now after 1800. She gave me a "pre contract information sheet" that i looked at, all the while regretting signing it. Straight away she called a finance company (CDF) who gave me the finance and i signed the agreement. As soon as i signed it she went to her car, gave me a laptop bag with a workbook and CD and then drove away. All this within 15 minutes. I made 1 payment but didn't start the course. I could not sleep from thinking about it. I did some research online a short while afterwards and saw the mountains of complaints about it and felt utterly sick about being pushed into the course. She told me that i was guaranteed a job after completing the course and that the course was accredited by Microsoft (which it isn't). She also told me i could use the course to get into university (which i couldn't). I stopped making payments because of what i had read about and my illness at the time, i couldn't deal with the stress of it. I have never received any correspondence, no calls, no letters, no material, no nothing up until last week when i got a letter from Cabot saying i owed £4320 for my course. Since receiving this letter, i have dug out the stuff that i was given including the agreement copies etc. The agreement says i should have been given the "per-contract information sheet" in good time beforehand, which i wasn't, i was given it 1 minute beforehand.. The contract agreement between me and CDF has my signature on it and a date but no signature and date for the CDF representative (salesperson) as it states it should have. So the agreement is basically a signature of my own with their company name on it. I really need help here as i cannot afford to pay this. I have received no goods or services at all. My credit file is slowly getting better and i cannot have this on my head. Should i go to CAB? Can anyone suggest a letter and wording to put in it for me to send to Cabot? I dont want to be in a financial mess again and i feel that this whole thing was forced on me. What should i do?
  3. Hi We have just had a Train2game adviser who went through the course which sounds amazing and is just want my son is looking for, my only concern now is after reading problems other people have had with this course that it is in fact too good to be true, so I am wondering if there is anyone who has gained employment after doing this course which we have been told takes 18 months to complete and 2 points of a master degree.
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