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Found 4 results

  1. Hello all, This is my first post and I'm after reassurance more than anything else. First the basic outline of the story. I had a debt with Yorkshire bank for a loan. Due to circumstances beyond my control I got into a situation where I couldn't pay it correctly. After a while they took me to court and obtained a judgement against me. I paid this religiously until a few years later they passed this over to Moorcroft debt collection agency. Moorcroft were great and collected the payments in full until the full sum owed was paid off. there was no short settlement I paid the full amount to the penny. As some will know, getting a millstone like this from around your neck is a wonderful feeling. Imagine my shock nearly a year later when I get a letter from Mortimer Clarke saying they own the debt and I owe them £2800. I have had no contact from them prior to this, If the debt had been passed to them I would have paid the monies to them, it would make no difference to me who got it as I was paying much more than the agreed amount and paid the balance in full. I have full documented proof of payments going right down to zero balance, these people keep phoning me and telling me blatant lies about how they have just had a charging order put on my house at christmas and if i don't pay i will risk loosing my house. I have sent them copies of all documentation and recipts but they still persist in harassing me. My response to them now is that I owe them nothing, I have never heard of or dealt with their company previous to the letter I received nearly a year after the debt was discharged and that if they think they can get any sum from me the only way is for them to take me to court. Can anyone offer any advice please? No time is a good time to deal with **** like these but I have a serious heart condition, I lost my son two years ago and this is making me feel very ill. Thanks in advance Gerry
  2. Hi all. I want to tell my story regarding these cowboys! I joined Costa Bingo a few years ago and played a few times. I however stopped playing some time ago and only very recently decided to join again. Three weeks ago I played on roullette instant game on their site and was lucky enough to win over 22k!. However, when trying to withdraw my winnings, Costa dragged their heels making every excuse under the sun in order to stall paying me. Eventually their "security department" contacted me by email and advised that they would not be hounoring my withdrawal, I susequently tried to log into my account only to find I could not. Their excuses wer'e nothing more than pathetic! The "security department" otherwise known as Cassava Enterprises kept all of my winnings and with no rock solid reason. The whole website is utterly suspicious As are their excuses. I won fair and square with my own money, I made withdrawals before with them, so why when I win big, do they suddenly have an issue?! Hmmmmm seems very convenient. These guys are nothing more than [EDIT]. I am exhausted trying to make thses idiots see sense, but they wont listen. Just come up with new excuse after new lame excuse. They need to be named and shamed once and for all!! It seems everyone has the same excuse regarding cassava, i'm so happy I am not the only one. I won life changing money and I want it back! I'm prepared to go/do anything in order to get my winnings............[EDIT]!
  3. Immobilise is a FREE national property register, on which people can register items belonging to them. It was set up in 2003 and works alongsied the Police National Mobile Proprty Register, so the authorities can trace owners of lost and stolen property. Immobilise can be used by members of the public and businesses to register their valued possessions or company assets, and exclusive to Immobilise all account holders registered items and ownership details are viewable on the Police national property database the NMPR (www.thenmpr.com ). This online checking service is used by all UK Police forces to trace owners of lost and stolen property. In addition Immobilise is checked daily by a huge range of recovery agencies and lost property offices. Immobilise enables you to register and keep track of all your valued possessions. It's quick and easy to add any of the following: Bikes, camera , mobile phone, satnav, computer, games console, ipod, tv/radio, jewellery, watches etc. You can even add images of your items. Register your property free at Immobilise and improve your chances of getting it back if it’s ever lost or stolen. http://www.immobilise.com/index.php
  4. people in this country need to wake up and smell the coffee quicktime, because r&r are harassing people with incorrect information. i have a similar case, with Torbay who are chasing me for £90 for a ticket which i appealed against and woin the case, and they are using them to get the money, but thankfully i am an ex cab adviser, so i know what they can, and cannot do, and i am just waiting for them to try that, as i have already warned them not to trespass on my property because i will forcibly remove them. i am sorry that you have this stress, b ut i would advise you to get to the cab or anyof the other legal advice centres like yesterday, and let them talk to them, who would tell them to back off. it may be too late as you have l;et them inside your house and they can return and get in especially if there is a window left open for then to squeeze through. i will be posting my encounter with them on this and my page as well, because i want the world to know i kicked their butts off my property.
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