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  1. This morning I had a visit from a Marston EA. I was at work and my partner didn't hear the bell so the EA left a card. The cards is for the attention of my stepson (Ben) who hasn't lived with us for over 10 years but as he moves around a lot often gives are address for post etc... He has no room or property of value in the house (just a few items of clothing etc..) The card states they called today to execute a warrant of control by Hertfordshire magistrates court. The debt is for £640 I rang the mobile number on the card to explain that Ben doesn't live with us and has no property of value in the house and the man said it doesn't matter and he will be back in an hour and a half with a locksmith and police and will take goods to cover the debt. Can he really do this? The house is mine and my partners as are all the possessions in it. I've left work to come home but am sitting here not at all sure what I can do if they do return. How do I prove someone doesn't live here? How do I prove any items in the house are not Ben's? I'm concerned that if I go back to work they will break in and I'll come back to the house with a bunch of stuff missing. I have contacted my stepson and he said he didn't know what this was about. I treid to talk to the court but they wont tell me anything (or do anything) because I'm not the debtor. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Many thanks Andy
  2. My stepson works in his local WMC glass collection usually on a weekend while he does college through the week. He's just turned 19 although has some form of Autism so with this being his first job me and his mum look out for him a bit. He's been there about 3 years now and usually does around 2 shifts a week over the weekend the wmc decided they were going to do contracts for everyone. In the contract it stated that stepson/glass collectors are classed as casual staff so they are working in a needs of the club basis. Now once this contract was issued he started getting the odd shift which was 1 day a week which meant his wage would only be about £20. The landlady said after he spoke with her not to worry about it as he gets 2 shifts (they do have too many glass collectors) So ok we then looked into how his holidays were worked out with him being casual staff as we wanted to know how they worked them out as he was told 8 days per year but in the contract it stated that they would look at hours worked over 12 weeks. We also asked about smokers breaks usually because he does 4 hrs they don't get a break and if they do it is down to the landlady/boss that night. usually they do however in the contract it only ever refers to smokers getting a break and as long as they sign out it's ok so we asked if the contract could be changed to inc non-smokers. this we as reply we got in summary, Dear ..... None of the bar staff of glass collectors have contracted hours so it would be unfair to say you are guaranteed 2 shifts per week. Holidays are worked out from your working week pro rata over the last 12 weeks worked (fair enough) (only gripe I have with that is holidays run from January-dec so the secretary didn't explain if from January he needed to build up 3 months of holidays or whether they go from the last 3 months which would be from the end of december 2012) I will look into that. As for smokers breaks he basically said they don't have to give one but they do they have to sign out in a book so they know where they are and went onto say that as a non smoker he has to stand in the smoking area so they know where he is if there is a fire. he doesn't smoke and he ended the letter with. Stepson...you have more than 50 years left to work and you will find this type of discrimination where ever you work.
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