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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone. Please sign this petition, #share it, #retweet it everywhere. I appreciate for a petition to be valid, you need to give your personal details to be counted, but that should remain restricted viewing. This is a properly set up Govt. E-Petition to try to get them to look at the Law Of Property Act, where Debt purchasing relies upon this loophole to take your data, your unsecured debts, pay a small price for the info and chase you for the full amount, it is pure greed and the very fact it CAN stand up in a courtroom, assuming they have enough data (re. your debt/paperwork etc) and they CAN take your homes and property, it is about time this was stopped. Can't guarantee this will succeed...it needs 100,000 valid and true signatures to get this to be looked at. It has been tried before and if people won't sign, it won't go anywhere....but hey, let's try again! Some of you will likely prefer your debts to be bought cheap by these greedy grabbing DCAs, but the point is, they are heavy handed, they make people more stressed, more ill and the original banks/creditors as yet don't maliciously go after people's homes simply because they can. Obviously if there is a CCJ and that is not paid, there is that chance of losing home, property, becoming bankrupt, but we need to take away the one Law or loophole that makes it so easy for debt buying companies to manipulate say 900% profit or more (where applicable), if they succeed, but more so we need to STOP them bullying people that are in a financial mess and already unable to cope with the pressure, let alone the harassment. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/60324
  2. I also have just received a statutory demand for my husband from 1st credit / connaught collections and i am panicking so much so i can remember how to start a new thread. The notice was served by interlink putting through my door. the delivery driver then banged on the door to wake me up and got me to sign for it. unfortunatly my initials are the same as my husbands ( GROAN)....
  3. I saw a thread referring to these people, but it was last year. I had work done on my house in 2007, to install a new boiler and new radiators and some plumbing jobs. I made two payments to the guy, he took 8 months and left with no corgi cert, which I had to get via corgi, ruined three ceilings, had several leaks since, the central heating zones don't work, etc. I heard from him in March 2008 when he sent an invoice for an amount I had already paid. I called he said I can do what I like when I like go jump. Then I didn't hear from him again. I thought he had realised his mistake and was to rude to apologise. The other scenario would be he would take me to Court, but I have the cheque I paid and I could counter-claim for damages. Two years and seven months later I get a letter from these Commercial & Domestic Investigations, saying that I owned him the money. I called and advised it was paid, and asked them to send a copy of all invoices and payments on my account. At the same time I called the plumber and left him a message asking the same thing. I haven't received anything from the plumber, but the Investigations people have send a copy of the invoice he sent in March 2008. I have asked my bank for a copy of the cheque and don't know what else can do. Any thoughts, please
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