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Found 5 results

  1. TL;DR Akinika calling and sending letters about DWP debt that has been repaid. Should I ignore, write and tell them to jog on, or contact DWP? In 1999 I was temporarily homeless, and got a crisis loan for b&b, food e.t.c. Was paying £10 a week back, then lost my job and was on jsa for ~6 weeks, they were taking a few quid a week out to repay the loan. When I got another job, I started paying back £10 a week like before. Last payment was sometime in early 2000. In late 2005, got a letter from DWP saying I still owed £82 and a bit of change. I did my sums and it seemed correct, so I sent a cheque. March 2014, started getting letters from CCS saying I owed DWP £68 for a social fund debt. First few went straight in the shredder, but after the 4th one I wrote back asking for proof. No more letters came. 4 days ago, got a call from Akinika. Refused to confirm any personal info as I didn't have a clue who they were. Now I have a letter from them saying that I owe £68, at the top it says the debt is to CCS, but in the body it says the debt is to DWP. They "intend to arrange a doorstep call by one of [their] home collection division and, with [my] agreement, discuss [my] outstanding account" and I have 72 hours to respond to the letter. They can discuss anything they want with my doorstep, but I don't think it will be much help I searched on here and read the akinika threads, so I'm not actually expecting anybody to roll up, and I know I did right by not discussing it on the phone, but what should my next step be? Do I write back? Contact DWP for clarification? Ignore altogether? I not only want to resolve the situation, but also find out why DWP passed my info to these mouth-breathers without contacting me first. I should point out that I have absolutely no records of either the original loan, or any repayments. I actually did have, but lost everything in the floods last year. No point getting historical bank statements either as I made all the payments at the jobcentre office, except that last cheque, but AFAIK because that was more than 6 years ago, the bank wont be able to provide that info.
  2. Hello, I am wondering if you can help / provide advice for my brother. He ended up in some financial difficulties following a car accident which meant he was unable to work (self employed) for a while several years ago. As a result he got into some financial difficulties which were finally sorted in 2012 (or so we thought!). The debt was for a credit card at Lloyds TSB, who passed the debt to a company called 1st Credit. A full and final settlement figure was agreed with 1St Credit in May 2012 (we have a letter from them confirming this). However, in August/September 2012 for some reason Lloyds sold the debt on again to a company called Apex. Both Apex and Lloyds confirmed that it should not have been sent to them, and we have complaint responses from both companies in September and October 2012 confirming this. The letters also advise that the debt is closed off and Apex were sending it back to Lloyds. We thought everything was fine as no further contact however fast forward two years and we have now received a debt from a company called Cabot Financial (dated 3 November 2014) claiming that the debt has now been sold on to them. It is clearly the same debt, as all of them quote the same amount right to the penny as well as his original lloyds credit card number. We are clearly very unhappy with this as he is looking to rent a property soon and we are worried that this could affect his credit etc further. In addition to this, Cabot Financial's letter states that the original lender is "Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l" which is not the case and we have not had any dealings with them (as was lloyds, 1st Credit and Apex) so we are at a loss with who to go to - Lloyds, Appex, 1st Credit etc. Does any one know if there are any links between these companies (i.e. is this Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l linked to Apex/1st Credit etc).
  3. Hi, A few years ago I regrettably took out a payday loan with Wonga. Unable to repay the full amount (after interest had been added) I ended up taking a loan out with Quickquid. Things spiralled out of control until I literally had around 6-7 payday loans on the go at once. It got so bad that I had to join a debt management company (Fresh Start). Now I'm reading that companies are having to pay customers back who have a loan currently with them. What about customers who took loans out with these companies when their affordability checks would have still been in disrepute? I find it extremely unfair that I've had to find a way to pay these companies back and struggle for years, when really I shouldn't have been allowed to take these loans out, to then have it highlighted in the news that companies are paying people back! Do I stand any chance in being paid compensation or do I just have to suck it up and move on? Kind regards
  4. Evening I just received a letter asking me to repay all my mortgage. I am in arrears - but only by half last month's mortgage. The current month is due now. I have been slow paying for the last year but have always paid monthly, just not the correct amount - due to having too many recent unexpected financial commitments and juggling. I am panicking. I am just not in the position to repay all the mortgage now. The term is not up yet. And can not let them even begin to instigate legal proceedings. Not for being half a month in arrears. I am not sure what I write to them? It seems super drastic for the bank to write to me and ask for the lot to be paid off when they can clearly see that I am paying regularly. I owe money on a barclaycard and have a barclays loan too.... Horrid day
  5. Hi, I took out a £100 loan with Microlend at the start of June, I subsequently left my job and could not afford to repay. At the time, I made a token gesture of £35 reducing my balance to £135.00. This I was told, in text and via the phone would be frozen, no interest or charges to be added, and they would keep in touch with me over the next couple of months. This I agreed to, and subsequently started a new, temporary contract. Paid through an umbrella company, which I explained to them meant my wages could hit my account on payday at any point of the day and they agreed, and I have proof, via text that they accepted this fact. The payment was due Fri 5th Oct. Only one slight problem, I was missed off the payment run so nothing hit my account until yesterday. I used a separate account so Microlend could not debit anything they liked (which as it turns out was a good idea) as they were now claiming that I owed £320.00. I agreed in full and final settlement to pay half at £160.00 and actioned a transfer from my account to theirs last night. This shows on my bank statement already and my balance is reduced accordingly. This again, is in writing, via text (I am refusing to speak to them on the phone). However, this morning the calls start and in 90 minutes, I have had 3 texts, and 3 missed calls saying they haven't received calls and are bombarding my current employer with telephone calls. Not helping this is that I am currently ill, in bed. I have stated I will forward a copy of my statement later today (I will black out all other information) showing the payment leaving my account, but still they are harassing me. And as far as I know, my employer. What can I do to get them to stop? I want to ensure that on receipt of my statement this is backed up with appropriate language, information, etc. I am hoping they are not bombarding my employer with calls, as it may very well cost me my job! As a contractor, they can end the contract without having to provide a reason. All help greatly appreciated!!!
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