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Found 7 results

  1. Hi All Need a sign that l can put on my door that tells religious people, mainly Jehovah witnesses, and political leaflets. I have a no junk mail no religious people no menus and no in invited people but l still tend to get these people and political leaflets threw. Does the old standard bog off and leave me alone notice still count. As in the rights of access common law one if so who has it please
  2. I sometimes might attend a religious gathering and some people call themselves pastor and or Reverend. Are these legal qualifications ?..
  3. Hello everyone You may think that I am a bit paranoid but I would like to ask your opinion and advice about a potential collusion case about a district Judge in the UK My story is about a non-fault accident which I was involved in 2014 and eventually took the company who hit me as well as the management company who was acting on behalf of me based on breach of our contract. Everything was all fine until the hearing date; on the day the defendants sent their counsels and the following is the summary of my experience with the judge (all bear in mind one of the defendant already admitted the fault and paid me the repair of my car - however the case was my broken digital device during the accident and my time off from work whilst my car being repaired) It was a small claims court and the case was dismissed by the judge and I was asked to pay both counsels fees (inclusive of vat) I was humiliated and I was questioned like in a police custody..., one of the counsel blatantly blamed me about lying however I had provided all the documents. Here is my notes of concerns taken during the hearing 1 - the Judge admitted that he has not read the case during the pre-reading time which was allocated and paid by the claimant (the claimant was asked to pay an extra hearing fee on top of the claim fee) 2- due to the fact that the claimant is representing himself; the district Judge "Sh....h" asked the second defendant's counsel to represent the "claimant's case" the second defendant's witness statement was prepared by Mr "Iq...l" 3- District Judge told all parties that as the claimant was representing his case, whilst both counsels of the defendants (one of whom was sent by Mr Iq...l) - were allowed to ask questions to the claimant; the claimant was not able to ask any questions to the counsels and has to answer all the queries, which I found it insulting and discriminating. 4- The first defendants counsel blamed the claimant without showing any prime evidence that the claimant was lying and the Judge did not stop the case which I believe that this behaviour is also classified as "defamation of character" 5- the district judge Sh...h who dismissed the case and awarded both defendants costs in a small-claims tracking, whereas the same individual who was the defendant in a different "FastTrack Claim" in A9Q..... Number and despite the other party not turning up to the case on the hearing date he was not awarded any of his costs 6- both defendants counsels represented their cost of £250 + VAT and £350+VAT and an individual was penalised to pay the VAT whilst both companies are already reclaiming this VAT in their books. 7- the claimant also had a prime evidence that showing the second defendant (accident exchange- witness statements by Iq...l) sending a "virus" via email to the claimant which is also a part criminal law; this was ignored by the judge Sh...h again 8- the judge dismissed the case based on there was not enough evidence; so how come he awarded the defendants with their cost based on the claim being "unreasonable" is still hard to understand 9- the claimant requested a copy of the recording or transcript through the court manager -- RESULT??? of course he was not given the copies but so many baloneys I would like to ask whether I am entitled to start an online petition against the judge?? And my legal right to take it to the human rights? Kind regards
  4. It seems you can't lawfully have religious beliefs any longer. Now you must put whatever anyone wants you to put on a cake or you end up in court. Why must someone 'have' to believe in same sex marriage, it's wrong.
  5. A member of a religion called the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is lodging an appeal against the DVLA for not allowing him to be pictured wearing a colander on his head. A musician has accused the DVLA of discrimination after his driving licence photo was rejected because of the 'religious' head-gear he was wearing - a colander. Ian Harris, 51, is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - a 'religion' also known as Pastafarianism - that regards colanders as sacred headwear. Mr Harris has lodged a third appeal against the DVLA after it refused to accept the picture of him wearing the kitchen utensil in his driving licence photo. His so-called faith, which is widely considered as legitimate, is a light-hearted take on religion which opposes the teaching of creationism and intelligent design. It believes Fridays are national holidays, pirates were the original 'pastafarians', and that beer should be celebrated. The religion argues that belief in a flying spaghetti monster is just as valid as any other - although critics claim it is just a parody religion. However, in April 2013 a court ruling was overturned in Poland, allowing the church to apply to be registered as an official religion. Mr Harris, from Hove, East Sussex, says he was "insulted" by the DVLA after their response to his driving licence application implied it would damage their credibility. "Who are they to decide which religions are true or valid?,” asked Mr Harris. “Our religion is a minority, but the DVLA is discriminating because it allows people who practice major religions to wear headgear in pictures. "The letters implied the picture would damage the DVLA’s credibility because the religion has a comic element to it, which I found insulting. "Other church members have been very supportive of my complaint, and have said the headgear is allowed in photos in other countries." A letter from the DVLA said: "Unfortunately the decision remains the same and you will be required to make a new application for a driving licence with an appropriate photograph. "You will appreciate that we must work within a framework set by law and the decisions we make have to be in line with the relevant legislation, therefore, we may not always be able to meet your expectations." Mr Harris, who plays the banjo for successful busking band The Iron Boot Scrapers, based in Brighton, East Sussex, has no intention of submitting a new picture. He said: "I will continue to fight the good fight for our savoury Lord. I have checked, and their guidelines do not say I cannot wear my colander." A DVLA spokesman said guidelines on acceptable photographs were the same as those issued by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.
  6. JC decided i should sign weekly. I was meant to sign and see advisor but there was a mistake (surprise surprise) and i signed on with a lady who was clearly narked she had to fit me in between appointments. She told me i would have to go twice to the JC next week, i immediately informed her it was Eid (muslim version of xmas) and she said - 'i know but you still have to attend'. Wonderful as they screwed it up. Thankfully my new advisor turned out to be muslim and be booked off so she had to make an appointment the following week. But really - can they legally do this to people? is it not against human rights or something???
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