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Found 3 results

  1. OH works in a team of 5. They have been through the consultation period and were told 1 had to go and all were offered voluntary but no-one took it. A similar vacancy in another part of the company was offered. OH asked about it and was told go for an informal interview which he did. They told him to start next week great he said and was told that due to him taking up new employment everyone's job was safe. He has now been told that when he starts he has a 4 week trial period. We have checked this up and this is the norm apparently. He has been told that if the redeployment is unsuccessful they will dismiss him with the redundancy he should receive. He now believes that this is unfair as he felt by changing to another part of the company he had not only saved his own job but also the other 4. He feels very let down and now wishes he stayed and hoped that the redundancy was not him. I feel that the company are being unfair as he has done the same job for the last 8 years but because the new manager doesn't know is trialling him out. I feel that after the trial period if he is unsuccessful he should go back into the pot of selection for redundancy. All terms and conditions and salary remain the same in the new position. What do people think. It has been an up and down rollercoaster for the last 4 weeks. The best thing about all this is that they were only told officially 4 weeks ago that 1 had to go by the end of this month. They had heard chinese wispers but nothing official until 4 weeks ago.
  2. I've recently been redeployed under the DDA in the Fire Service with my same uniformed T&C's as before. I have been redeployed to a post that pays a higher salary, but have been told that I will not be entitled. In the Fire Service you have uniformed posts and non-uniformed posts, both having different T&C's. I have transferred into a department that have uniformed AND non-uniformed posts and because HR state that they are now regrading the posts to become non-uniform jobs for future vacancies, I cannot be transferred to the higher salary that existing members of the team are entitled to as they were in the team before the re-grading. Is this a discriminatory or a like it or lump it situation? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi all, long time reader, first time poster Just wondering if I can get some advise about a work issue that's going on. Bit of a background: I work in an outsource call centre, have have been there for 3.5 years. About 2 weeks ago, everyone was called into a meeting, and we were told that our building was closing. The landlord didn't want to renew our lease, so we had to close. We've been given the closing date of May 29th. The company owns 2 other buildings, one about 6.5 miles away, and the other about 40 miles away. We were told we are to be transferred to them. We were told that this isn't redundancy, but redeployment. The issues we have are: The opening hours of the other site 6.5 miles away is vastly different to our current hours. When we started our contracts state our hours of work are flexible and matched to the clients needs, which were 8am-10pm. Over the last year, the client has reduced our closing hours down to 8pm. Moving to the new site means working until 11pm - which is causing problems for people with transport and family issues. Is there any grounds to argue that when we started we agreed to be flexible up to 10pm, and the change to 11pm is being forced on us? We've been told that the company has consulted legal advise who said it's not redundancy - but when asked for details of the legal advise, we were told it was verbal advise with a solicitor they won't name with no record of what was discussed. Surely that seems a bit iffy? There are two different version of contracts that we have, the newer ones have a mobility clause in them, but quite a few of the older staff, myself included, have no mobility clause. They state that our place of work is "Building name" full stop. As our jobs at the building are no-longer available, wouldn't this class as redundancy? The new building is with a different client, who is requiring a CBR and Credit check. One of the staff have failed the checks, and as now been told that his options are move to the other site 40 miles away, or quit. The other site isn't an option due to the location and travelling distance. What would the situation be in that case? He was offered his job on the basis of no checks being needed, and now due to no fault of his own he's stuffed. Bit of a big one, but we're trying to discuss our concerns with work, and are just being told that we're 'lucky' that we 'still have jobs' and we have to bend to the companies needs. Any advise you can give will be great. Thanks
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