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Found 6 results

  1. Allegedly I drove into the bus lane in august 2014, twice. Bmth Council have sent PCNs and all corespondense to my old address. I moved to the new address in january 14. My oversight was to notify driving licence department of DVLA and presume they will share information with vegicle registration people.. . I letter has been delivered to my on 04/08/15 by the new owner of my old address. Its from Equita. They have been trying to reposess my car for the debt of £579. Since them I have been in touch with Bournemouth Council and TEC, Filled out and sent PC2 and PC3 forms. However, Bournemouth Council is requesting for my application to be rejected on the ground that the correspondence they sent was never returned as undelivered so I had plenty of time and opportunity to reply to them. I believe now both parties are waiting for resolution by TEC. Is there anything else I can do?
  2. Today the Ministry of Justice announced that from March a new service is being rolled out across the UK and Wales allowing people charged with some minor motoring offences to enter a plea online from any suitable device (including mobile phones) 24 hours a day. This will be done via a secure Ministry of Justice website and is an alternative to a postal plea or attending court in person. Motorists will be able to view their case details, view evidence and make their plea remotely. Motorists who use the new service to plead guilty at the earliest possible stage will benefit by receiving the maximum credit. At present the facility is limited to the following offences: Failure to identity the driver Using the vehicle without valid insurance Driving in excess of the speed limit http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11438914/Motorists-to-be-given-chance-to-enter-plea-to-minor-driving-offences-online.html
  3. A service allowing motorists in England and Wales charged with summary motoring offences to enter a plea online is being launched by the government. People charged with a minor motoring offence such as speeding or not having insurance will be able to enter a plea 24-hours-a-day via a secure website. The gradual roll-out of the "Make A Plea" scheme from March follows a successful pilot in Greater Manchester. The government says it saves time and money for the criminal justice system. Last year saw 4.5m minor motoring offences processed through the courts. The government is also considering whether the scheme could be used for other low-level offences. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31653760 Warning: Expect an influx of copy-cat sites from the same bottom-feeders who rip off the unsuspecting by charging for something you can do for free. Here's the official government website: https://www.makeaplea.justice.gov.uk/
  4. Hi Each I have been unemployed for over 18 months due to health , cardio, mental , epilepsy and a series of leg operations, number 4 due soon. I have been kicked out of my old home with my fiance due to a domestic and i have an anti social order against me for 5 years, this case is still due to be re heard... I have had to move back into my own mortgaged property that used to be rented out, no monies from the government for anything ie CT or \Mortgage interest, and tax paid I have moved in today no furniture no bes pots pans cutlery or any luxury apart from utilities, i receive ESA and am after advice on how my chances are on gaing a loan and how best to word it, i have the application ??? Is there anyone who could advise please, also I am currently on a non weight earing cast and require a zimmer to get around, cant get anything out of my old property as there is an order served on me to communicate or visit my ex and her home Help Please ??? Anybody Thanks in advance AG
  5. Dear Neighbour I don't really know you, but I'd like to ask you a favour. Please turn your music down, or, if you feel you need to listen to really loud music (who doesn't sometimes), then please use some headphones - I'll happily buy you some if finances are an issue. Because, you see, all I can hear is a continuous loud thump-thump noise at varying speeds. I can put up with it for a little while every now and then, or the occasional night if you're throwing a party (no I don't need an invite, just a note of warning through the door with a 'promise to end by' time), but it's been more than five hours now, with no signs of stopping. Every now and then there is a pause in the thumping, and I become hopeful, but then it starts again and I realise it was just changing tracks. I dread to think how loud the music must be in your flat for it to still be loud through several walls and a lobby. I may now feel the need to resort to playing chop suey very loud to drown you out, and am considering moving on to some slip knot if you continue to trespass on my peace and quiet.
  6. hi all I have been taken to court recently for no having a tv licence . I did set up a direct debit that apparently didn't go through for whatever reason. im a carer for my mom and have a daughter that has adhd a job and a college course so I haven't really got time to go through the threads so apologies if its been asked before I entered a plea to court of guilty and explained what had happened. pointing everything out and asking for a way of paying by instalments. after a few weeks I had a letter requesting fine in full. I wrote to them asking to pay in instalments. however this was ignored and I had a hand delivered letter the other day saying the debt is now £445 !! it says if full payment is not received they'll be attending my property to seize and remove goods. im worried sick now . I cant believe they've put the fine up ,in fact doubled it when I had asked for a payment arrangement ! Is this legal?
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