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Found 5 results

  1. Mrs L.C.writes: I bought my house in 1999. Previous tenants left owing money to everyone possible. Their children went to university but have not repaid student loans, and every few months I have received demands, which I have returned, saying they are no longer at my address. Erudio Student Loans Limited has now taken over this debt. I told it that the family left over 15 years ago, but Erudio said it would keep sending demands. I protested and was told they would stop, but after two weeks another has arrived. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/experts/article-2904618/TONY-HETHERINGTON-Student-loan-demands-pile-15-years-tenants-moved-out.html#ixzz3OYUF3D6f
  2. Hi Guys, Wonder if I could just make sure I'm thinking about this the right way. I joined BT in August, apart from a few ordering issues everything went fairly smooth, we go the Infinity 2 Broadband, phone and TV package with BT sports, HD bundle, Music Bundle and a couple of other bits. £40.00 less a month than we were paying sky so result, or so we thought. We moved on the 3rd of October into a new house (well to us anyway) round the corner, so the exact same exchange and a point box with an "BT infinity now available" poster on it. The last tenants had Openreach fibre through Talk Talk, so all should be fine or again so I thought. I did the move online, it confirmed that we could keep all our services and packages etc. We moved, everything was up and running when we got there so all good. However after the 3rd is when our problems started, we couldn't get any of the bundles to work, technical said it was a account issue, the account guys set it was a technical issue. When I finally go through to someone who gave me a straight answer, that answer was - "you cannot get these bundles because you are not in a BT infinity area" at this point I saw red and had to put the phone down and swear loudly. There were a couple of other issues which got sorted but should have not happened in the first place so this was my third lengthy call to BT. I have written an e-mail complaining to which I've not had a response yet, there was a message on my answer machine, but the person leaving it did not understand the concept as all I had was a message saying - "Hello? Mr ...." a number of times. Where do I stand? In my eyes they are in breach of their contract with me as they are unable to provide the services that I originally signed up to, despite their website saying otherwise (I have screen shots just in case).
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embe dded&v=cFb0nLCKypg
  4. Hi, my ex-partner has amassed a pile of debts, in the thousands, on credit cards. It's looking like he may go bankrupt very soon and is doing nothing about it. Head/sand interface. He hasn't contributed anything towards the mortgage, the bills or anything for over a year, apart from the minimum amount of child support. The problem is that the house is in both our names and I'm worried to death about what will happen if he does go bump as I have a young son to support. I'm a full time student at University so I'm not sure if I can buy him out or not or what my options are under the circumstances. Can I buy him out? Can I take his name off the mortgage? If the creditors come after him how will it affect me? DizzyGirl
  5. Hi All, I was travelling on a dual carriageway which has a speed limit of 60mph. The road conditions are wet and it is raining. It has gone past sunrise and visibility is good. As a precaution, I drive between 40-50mph taking these conditions into account being fully aware of braking distances / aqua-planing etc etc. As I go round a bend, some 700 yards up the carriageway I see queing traffic and decide to apply the brakes, not firmly but enough that I will know will bring me to a slow speed safely before I reach the traffic. However, the brake doesn't want to work and I now have my foot glued to the pedal and the pedal to the footwell of the car. I feel the ABS kick in yet it is having very minimal effect and the car is only slowing down as we are travelling slightly uphill and the fact I am no longer accelerating. I keep the brake pressed but to no avail, I hit a staionary car in front (which was unavoidable) at now 10mph whereby his car moves about 2 feet forward. Had he have had his handbrake on, it probably wouldn't have even moved. The 3rd party hasn't hit anyone in front, at the moment it is just between me and him. I get out of the car, pulling up my handbrake and switching on my hazard lights, he kicks off and starts becoming very aggressive. I have called the police at this stage. However, I inspect all round the front of my car and the rear of his where the impact has happened and I think, thank God, not even a scratch. No damage at all, as if the accident never happened. Whilst the other driver is calm, I offer to exchange insurance details. However, another car now ploughs into the rear of me, sending my car forward once again into the front car. This time, not so lucky. Both the front and rear of my car is extensively damaged. The 3rd party (front driver) that I initially hit has had his boot cave in but his vehicle is drivable, and he later proceeds to drive home in it. My car and the car that has gone into the rear of me look like write offs. Police arrive and by this time everyone has realised that there is a diesel spillage further up the road which has caused the accident to happen. The queing traffic I have seen was also due to an accident further up who had skidded on this diesel. The police put it down to a damage only RTC and obtain insurance details and exchange them with all parties. No one is complaining of any injuries and the front car (that I hit initially) has a boot that will need replacing leaves to go on his way. The driver at the rear who has hit me is showing INSURANCE NOT HELD on PNC and produces a motor insurance certificate insurance showing that he is insured. He gives an honest account of what has happened and seems like a decent bloke and signs his account as a true statement in the polices paperwork. However, 48 hours later, this bloke is reported for summons by the police as it has been established that he does not hold any valid insurance covering him for the vehicle he is driving. This is confirmed by my insurace company. Where does that leave me then? I was under the impression that if the insurance speak to the front car and he confirms that there was no damage on the first impact, and damage only occured when the second impact happened, me and him would claim of the guy at the rear. But the guy at the rear is uninsured. I have a fully comp policy witha £400 excess and my car looks like to be a write off. Any advice anyone who has been in a similar situation? I could claim off my own policy but I lose my NCD and have a "fault" claim registered on my name. As for the dual carriageway, it was closed off until Highways Agency could attend to grit the diesel and the reopened some 4 hours later. Thanks
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