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Found 19 results

  1. I received a Penalty letter of £100 from NHSBSA all because my dentist registration lady misled me into believing that I was entitled to free dental treatment. I have gone through Stage 1 & 2 complaints procedure to no avail. Now, they have said I can go on to the Ombudsman if I am still not happy. My argument is - I was told I was entitled to free dental because I showed the lady my NHS Medical Exemption Card and asked if being diabetic, was I entitled to free dental as well? The lady said yes I was and asked me to sign the FP17FR form. I signed but didn't tick any box of date it because I didn't see any relevant boxes that applied to be. I thought she was the expert right? I haven't been to a dentist in 10 years. the next time I went was 9 months later, the same thing happened - I got the form to sign and I did but once again, I didn't tick or date the form. A few weeks later, I got a shock in the post - a penalty of £100 plus the dental charges of £56.30. phoned up and asked them what it was about - they told me I falsely claimed free dental. said I had a Medex card - they said that was not inclusive of free dental. said the dental lady said I was entitled - they said I signed the form and ticked the box and dated it. I went back to the dentist and asked why they gave me the wrong info - the owner told me I was responsible for signing the form When I asked to see the forms, I saw that the first form I signed had no tick and no date - but the second form someone in the dental surgery had actually ticked and dated the form - the handwriting was different. Then to illustrate my point - the owner and I both noticed that the first form was still unsigned and undated - and it was submitted to NHS which had rejected the payment because of that so that was why the NHSBSA didn't/haven't penalised me for that "false claim" yet. I asked for copies of the forms but the owner refused to give them to me - she said she will only give it to NHS if they asked for them. After my complaints to NHS, they spoke to the owner's husband (also an owner) and he said I was welcome to get copies of the forms. I went to get them - imagine my surprise when I saw that now, both forms had been ticked and dated - obviously the first one by someone in the dental surgery and probably resubmitted to NHS for their claim. How devious is that? After being told by me that I had been fined - they didn't ask me to pay for the dental fees for the first treatment - and instead preferred to tick and date the form and resubmit it to NHS! So now, I am left wondering, if I agree to pay £100 penalty for the second form, will it be a matter of time before the first from gets flagged up and I get another penalty? Has anyone gone on to the Ombudsman or even to court to fight their case?
  2. Hi there, I emigrated to SE Asia in 2006, and returned with my family in 2015. Before leaving I had been self employed, and on our return went self employed, notified HMRC and started Self assessment again. I have just received a letter from HMRC stating that I owe nearly 2K in tax and penalties for the years 2006 to 2012, much of which is for non rendering of returns. I can only guess this is a response to my notification that I am back...although this was done nearly two years ago. I did tell HMRC in 2006 I had emigrated and did not receive any returns posted to my address for many years. I have done a SAR online today,and written to them asked for more time whilst waiting on this, but is there anything else I should be reading up on in the meantime? Any other sage advice gratefully received. Many thanks
  3. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/penalties-for-social-security-fraud-and-error/penalties-policy-in-respect-of-social-security-fraud-and-error#introduction Dated 14/07/2017
  4. http://www.theexeterdaily.co.uk/news/business-daily-local-news/stiffer-penalties-using-mobile-devices-while-driving
  5. Hi, First time poster because I'm having a problem with the SLC! Sorry, this is going to be long... I had a student loan each year of my 4 year undergrad Masters from 2003-2007. I graduated with something like £21,000 of debt and immediately started repaying through PAYE with my job. I was in the UK for 4 years after graduating and then did some travelling starting October 2011. During the travelling, the SLC was in touch with my family who told them I was travelling (and therefore I wasn't earning). With hindsight, I wish I had used my savings on paying off my student loan in full rather than going travelling. : '( In 2014 I settled down in Canada and I've been working there with a visa and got in touch with the SLC via the overseas income assessment forms and have been making monthly payments via direct debits from my UK bank (I send the money to my UK bank from my Canadian bank). As of today, I have £13,040 outstanding on my loan. As an aside, during my time in Canada and my annual assessments, I was having issues with the SLC where they would give me 30 days from the date of the letter to update them on my income and provide proof. Usually I would get this letter 2-3 weeks after the date on the letter, partly because Canada Post is slow but mostly because they were sat on the letters for ages (based on postmarks). That would leave me to scramble with getting a letter from my employer and sending it back to the UK, which takes 7-10 days so my letter to them often arrived late. I even wrote them a letter explaining that if they're going to set a 30 day deadline to someone overseas, they should send that letter immediately! as of October 2016 I'm unemployed. I quit my job in the oil and gas industry due to health problems caused by working crazy hours for the preceding two years. I'm back in the UK because I wasn't able to support myself in Canada (lost my savings in the downturn) and I live with my parents for free. I contacted the SLC and told them I was no longer working. The woman I spoke to was lovely and sent out some new income assessment forms in early November. They asked for proof my parents were supporting me via regular bank payments, which they're not doing since it's not a regular payment to my account and instead they just cover my expenses. I called the SLC again to find out what proof I should submit. During this call, I had a 'disagreement' with their phone operator who started questioning me about how the SLC knows I'm going to stay in the UK, how they know I'm actually unemployed, how they know I'm 'not just on vacation,' etc. I can't prove an intention! I submitted the info recommended, specifically bank statements (UK and Canada) that show I'm exceptionally poor right now, a letter from my former employer with my final date, a letter from my father stating that they're supporting me by paying for everything and letting me live with them rent- and bill-free, and the SLC forms they sent. I gave them everything I could to prove what I was saying, which is more than they were asking for! I also sent it with proof of delivery because of the number of times in the past that they claimed to not have received something I sent (a likely story) and have downloaded this proof of delivery. I sent these forms on December 8, 2016, the delay being caused because I was waiting for the letter from my former employer. Also, by this stage I had made two repayments totalling £148 during my unemployment. I was advised to cancel the direct debit so I did. Fast forward to today I received a letter from the SLC with big red letters saying, 'You need to read this letter and take action to avoid penalties and charges.' They're asking for the exact same info I sent them on December 8. Obviously I'm going to call on Monday to find out what on earth the problem is. Has anyone been through this with this sort of threatening letter?
  6. Using a mobile phone whilst driving just 2 more weeks or so left on the consultation on this matter. Has anyone been following this topic see here >> https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/hand-held-mobile-phones-changes-to-penalties-for-use-whilst-driving please see the other links within the link as well... 'The Department for Transport seeks feedback on proposed changes to penalties for the offence of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for increasing the fixed penalty notice (FPN) level from £100 to £150 for all drivers. It also invites views on increasing the penalty points from: 3 to 4 points for non-HGV drivers 3 to 6 points for those that hold a large goods vehicle (HGV) licence and commit the offence whilst driving an HGV The proposals ultimately aim to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads.'
  7. Using a mobile phone whilst driving just 2 more weeks or so left on the consultation on this matter. Has anyone been following this topic see here >> https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/hand-held-mobile-phones-changes-to-penalties-for-use-whilst-driving please see the other links within the link as well... 'The Department for Transport seeks feedback on proposed changes to penalties for the offence of using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving. This consultation seeks feedback on proposals for increasing the fixed penalty notice (FPN) level from £100 to £150 for all drivers. It also invites views on increasing the penalty points from: 3 to 4 points for non-HGV drivers 3 to 6 points for those that hold a large goods vehicle (HGV) licence and commit the offence whilst driving an HGV The proposals ultimately aim to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on the roads.'
  8. Barry Beavis has just asked me to post up this petition for him. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111925 Barry Beavis
  9. Cllr David Allen,*Surrey Heath Borough Council*member for Frimley Green, said: “The company gives tickets to those people whose wheels are over the line and if you are over by a minute or two, they will ticket you. It has only been an issue in the last six months. "We are trying to do as much as we can, but we are also appealing to drivers for them to be responsible and not disregard the regulations.” http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/frimley-motorists-still-being-hit-8450443
  10. Three years ago changes were made to legislation whereby unless a vehicle is subject to a SORN declaration, they must be insured (even if the car is parked in your garage and never driven). Following the change in law, if a vehicle is not insured and is not registered with a SORN then the vehicle owner faces a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice and the potential for their car to be clamped, seized or destroyed, as well as being subject to a court prosecution and a court fine of up to £1,000 This subject is very serious indeed given that every month DVLA send 60,000 letters to vehicle owners and in the past three years (since the change in law) 670,000 vehicle owners have been prosecuted. In fact, according to the following article......6,000 motorists are prosecuted each month and receive a £100 Fixed Penalty. Apart from enquiries regarding fines for using a TV without a licence, these Fixed Penalties are ones that we receive most enquiries about every day. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-2851587/Clampdown-uninsured-vehicles-sees-60k-letters-sent-month.html
  11. Hi all, Just need some advice please. I was in a partnership with 2 others from July 2006 to November 2012, i was not really involved in the business, more just a name on paper. I have worked while in the partnership and have always paid my tax through PAYE so i have no tax outstanding. The business never made a profit and money was always put in to keep it afloat. In the last 18 month the tax office have been in touch with me regarding outstanding self assessment tax returns which i wasn't aware of as the business used an account to do account and returns, so i just gave my forms to them and didnt think much to it, till i started to get letters saying i had to pay this, it was always different amounts. I finally managed to get online so i could see the information on what my account was like and i was so shocked to see that i had 4 missing self assessments. 07-08, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12 . As you can imagine the late penalty fees have mounted up and as it stands it is nearly £6500 on the account. I have spoke to the HRMC 4 or 5 times in the last 9 months and have registered online which i was only just told i could do a few weeks ago. I have returned all but the 07-08 online, i have even done the 12-13 return. The accountant that the business used has since retired in 2011 (not seen again) which i didn't know about and another accountant is doing the returns for the business at the moment to get them in i have been told. I spoke to hmrc last week who told me they had reduced my tax code to collect extra money though my tax as i pay tax through PAYE. This week getting phone calls of a company called Blue Stone credit management (not spoken to them). which i would think is to collect money for the above. It looks a right mess to me and i really cant afford the late penalty charges. Any advice would be great as i really don't know what to do.
  12. Hi, A CCJ was issued against me which has been satisified entirely, I know a portion of the monies were made of penalties for letters, phone calls etc I am wondering if it is possible to recalim those costs even though the CCJ has been satisified? The loan was orignally with Welcome then ownership passed to MKDP who were awarded the defaut jugdment. thanks
  13. I have been asked to complete tax returns since 2002 to present day due to periods of self employment. I have outstanding tax returns from years: 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 I have various fixed penalties for late return and "determinations" for tax owed for these years. In these years, there was no income tax payable. The determinations were based on previous years (and where higher than in previous years as well.) I left the country to live in China in July 2006. I phoned the Inland Revenue to notify them of this, indicating that I was no longer self employed. I didn't have a mailing address to give them where I could actually receive mail so I reluctantly gave them a friend's mailing address. I returned two years later to find mail form HMRC (although a lot seemed to have been lost). Currently i have £5000 of debt to HMRC in the form of determinations and penalties - even though no tax was owed for these periods. My own fault I guess, but I wish HMRC had notified me of what I had to do to prevent this when I contacted them before leaving the country. Can anyone give me any advice? I'm going to a HMRC enquiry centre tomorrow to try and sort things out. I seems that I can't appeal the determinations because the time period has passed. There also seems to be an appeal processes against excessive determinations (which i imagine mine would be), but I think that limit is 6 years. I'm now wondering if any of the charges/determinations can be 'statute barred'. I understand that the statute barred rules don't apply to tax - but is a penalty charge form HMRC 'tax'? Can it be statue barred? What about a "determination"? If I submit a tax return for the years in question to show that no tax was payable (in fact I wasn't even resident for 2 years for tax purposes) then can the determinations even be considered tax? I mean, if I am non-resident in the UK for a period of years - if HMRC made penalties and determinations as if I was, is this valid? Just wondering what my options are. Really can't afford to pay anywhere near £5000 - but do really need to get this sorted out as I've had my head in the sand for too long about it already. If it makes any difference, I have various personal circumstances since 2009 which can act as strong mitigation as to why I've not tackled this problem sooner. Any advice much appreciated!
  14. Hi, I recently sent a SAR to Welcome and have received a statement that shows a "Principal Credit Adj" of £573.96 with no other explanation. I have managed to find various letters and documents that I have scanned onto this post. None of this makes sent to me, can someone have a look at them and tell me what might be going on? If I go by the latest notice the balance outstanding is more than the balance shown on the notice from "their" collector who I pay. I am still waiting for their SAR by the way, these are just my documents. I have to upload them 5 at a time, different posts, sorry. Any help please?
  15. I completed the tax returns for my partner and myself online last year IN January using tax software recommended by HMRC, a while later I was notified that the partnership return hadn't been received and we were charged penalties, I then wrote to them and stated the date and time they were sent but still sent more penalties I then spoke to someone from HMRC who said re-send elctronically which I tried to but the software doesn't work after Jan 31, I was then told to send a paper copy which I did, by this time it was June and the penalties had escalated, I then sent in another letter of appeal which was rejected so yet again I phoned and explained the situation bearing in mind our company has never made a profit and my partner (daughter) and I only have part time jobs (the penalties are now exceding £1200 each) I have now been sent another rejection letter along with an appeal form - please help as I'm at my wits end!
  16. My small ltd company has been hit with a hefty penalty charge for late filing of accounts which it is unable to pay since it has effectively stopped trading as bank closed accounts over longstanding dispute and offset available funds to reduce overdraft. CH passed matter to DCA to collect payment, I told them business wasnt trading, had no income or assets (only me) and therefore couldn't pay. DCA has now instigated proceedings against company at local CC for payment of penalty charge with costs, even though I had written to them explaining that it was a pointless exercise. Can anyone offer some advice as to how to deal with this, I'm a bit concerned that DCA threatened that once they got a CCJ, if they couldnt get the money from the company they'd expect me to pay!
  17. Hi Everyone. I am new here but am hoping you can offer me some advice. I have a daughter who is now 16 years of age. She was born in England. After separating with my wife at the time I continued to support my daughter directly, but then she (who was born in Australia) decided to return to Australia and take my daughter, and a daughter from a previous relationship who I also brought up, with her. As you can imagine I was not happy at the time. Her deciding to move to Australia made it extremely difficult for me to have regular hands-on and financial control/involvement with my daughter which she agreed but and chose to move to Australia anyway not caring about me or my involvement. I have maintained contact with my daughter throughout though. In 2009 I moved to Canada to live with family and am now awaiting my approval for Permanent Residency. I have a signed letter from my daughter's mother dated in 2009 confirming that she has no outstanding issues with regard to Child Support for my daughter, as this was required for my application. A few days ago, and totally out of the blue, I received CSA papers from the Australian CSA demanding over $13,000 (over $4,000 of which are penalties) in payments for my daughter?? The mother's financial situation and train of thought has obviously changed and she has decided to claim support dating back years!? My questions, that hopefully you can help me with, are: 1. Can the Australian CSA legally chase me for payments when I have not lived or resided in that country. My daughter was born and predominantly raised in England? I am English. 2. How can I be charged penalties for monies/payments that I have never been aware of from a country that I have not resided in? The mother has always had my contact information as I have stayed connected. She obviously hasn't informed them of this as they are claiming that they have been trying to contact me for years??? 3. I have a signed letter from the mother from 2009 (which she has obviously forgotten about) stating that there are no outstanding Child Support issues to date. This also proves that she was in contact with me at that point. I have been sent residency forms and a breakdown of fees owed from the Australian CSA to my Canadian address but am hesitant to respond without finding out how I stand first. If you can provide any advice and what I should do next, or how I should respond, that would be fantastic! Best wishes, Dunny
  18. I have posted previously on here for help with my LL from hell, and have had some excellent and much appreciated advice. However, as is with the case when delaing with such LLs, I would again appreciate some guidance. I have an AST for 6 months (ends 19 Sep) for which I pay £525.00 pcm direct to my LL. I used to pay this via a LA, but in March the LA ceased trading and my LL insisted on me signing a new TA, even though the previous TA was on a rolling contract. I was told to sign the new one, or she would serve a section 21. Since signing, this woman has been obstinate, bullying, unreasonable and intimidating (to be fair; always in writing, never in person). She has attempted to make claim for previous rent payments she says were never made to her from me, and has been very vindictive in her chasing of this money. She has attempted all number of ways to intimidate me into making payments I do not have to make by threats of legal action, threats of a claim for misrepresentation, continual references to 'criminal matters' and lying in regards to the Liquidators of the LA, whom she has offered many lies to be about so called meetings and demands from me from the liquidators. The woman is a nightmare. I dread the sound of droppage from the postbox after 12pm, as I know it will be her with one of her new harrassment letters. Whilst I have many issues with this LL, I would specifically like advice on interest charges and late fees. I have done some hunting, but there is quite a lot of conflicting advice around. In March 2011, I noticed an error on my Tax Credit award notice, which had my partners earnings at 3 times the actual amount he had earned. Despite phoning them immediately, my WTC payments stopped in April. They promised they would have the issues sorted by 20 June, but I am now being told there is a backlog and they still have not processed my backpayment due from them. When these WTC stopped, my household fell into financial hardship. Our budgets were already tight, and so I was struggling without the extra WTC payments. I am still in the same financial position. I explained all of the above to my LL, before the first late rental payment, and informed her of exact dates when payments would be made. Where I offered her such dates, I have always paid the amount promised on these dates. I initially told her 'I am hopeful that all arrears will be cleared by (but hopefully before) 20 June 2011, as this is the date that HMRC Tax Credits has given as the latest the claim should be rectified.' I have since updated her regularly on the Tax Credit situation, informing her of what has been said over the telephone, as well as letting her know when I will call Tax Credits again to offer her another update. As well as this, I have been making payments wherever possible in order that I do not fall two months into arrears and risk a PO being granted (I have a 2yr old boy, and no money to move at present). The TA states that 'any late payments will be subject to a fixed penalty of £35.00 payable immediately'. This is stated on a seperate sheet from the tenancy agreement, which lists a number of other T&Cs not included in the main agreement/small print. The small print has the usual 'to pay the LL reasonable costs as reasonably incurred.....etc'. There is also a clause in the contract to pay 'an interest charge of 4% above the BOE base rate from time to time prevailing on any rent or other money lawfully due from the T under this TA which remains unpaid for more than 14 days, interest to be charged daily from the date the payment fell due until payment'. Being the kind hearted soul that she is, when I fell 14 days late with my May rent, she activated this clause. There was a total outstanding of £265.00; to the date the rent was paid (33 days) she has added £431.46 in interest charges, a total charge of 164% of the original arrears. Whilst I have managed through begging, stealing and borrowing to clear May's rent, I am now in arrears on June's full rent of £525.00 (it was due 21 June). In a statement sent yesterday she has added interest of £496.12 on these arrears, which will continue to accrue until the arrears are paid. That's a charge of 94% of the original arrears to date, and this will only get higher. At 4.5% per day, I am accruing interest of £23.63 per day. Whilst I understand that a 4% above BOE base rate interest charge is fair, surely this is annually and not daily?! I have no hope of ever clearing this debt at this rate. She has also stipulated ion her last letter that any payments made by me will be credited to the arrears and interest in date order, meaning that even if I make a payment of the full £525.00 now (which I have no way of doing), this would actually be used to clear the £430.00+ interest charge from May, and not clear any rent. Surely this is unfair, as I will be forced to go into arrears every month as monies will be used to pay the interest and not the rental payments. Any help or guidance you can offer would be much appreciated; I am very stressed with having to deal with a restricted income at the moment through no fault of my own, and this is making a bad situation unbearable. I would also pint out that I am an advocate for paying rent; it is my first priority and it would never be my wish not to pay. The only reason I am falling late is because I do not have the money to pay. As soon as Tax Credits get their behinds into gear and make the backpayment, the arrears and late penalty fees will be paid. Many thanks in advance!
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