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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all. I need some advice for my sister. Main points: She has worked at this company for almost 3 years now; Never has any problems, and always gets her work done; Recently, she has a medical problem, which is unconfirmed and investigations are still ongoing; Apart from her self, our mother had a few hospital appointments, which ordinarily, she would have gone with her to understand exactly what the issue was, and therefore asked if she could work from home. They always replied, its only given at the company's discretion. Due to this and also then [everybody] receiving an email further stating that working from home was now not allowed, whilst she did ask, when things were a bit crazy personally, she respected the company policy and didn't ask again. Our mother sadly passed away. Understandably, everything is just not normal anymore. Her direct manager noticed that something was wrong, so he spoke with her via an informal talk. She spoke to her openly, with the hope that this can only sorted out. Since, she's been back to work, despite the changes, her mind has been up and down at work, and she has been told by other colleagues that they were granted to work from home, but they need to remove it from the diary and don't tell anybody about, furthermore, since the talk, a 'mate' of the manager who was working from home, his entries were changed to hospital the very next day in the work diary. Overall, the company seem to have been good with her, and were happy with the work she has been doing. Now the company seem to be trying to escalate this all formally, although she has not yet put in a formal grievance, hoping to get these concerns sorted out without the grievance route. There is no reason for it to be this way. So my questions are: How should she deal with this? should she put in a formal grievance if the next informal meeting resolves nothing. As it stands, its my sister that's trying to clear this issue. I wouldn't like to think that this is a colour problem, but other coloured people are no longer there, but if they still make things difficult for her, it might be thought of as an issue, does she include that in a formal grievance? If it gets to a point that she feels she has to resign for her own sanity and health, does this count as constructed dismissal? If they dismissed her, can she argue unfair dismissal? This is all I can think of asking at the moment, I'm sure down the line other things may come into this. Any help and advise would really be appreciated. Kind regards
  2. I started a new job in November 2013. Everything was going fine, up until 2 weeks ago!! My area manager has stepped down to become our store manager. Before this a fellow colleague complained about him as an area manager, his attitude towards problems that were happening within the store, and his attitude towards my colleague. This go resolved and everything was fine. Then he became a permanent feature in our store. We work for a basic wage and commission, When it comes to large sales I can bring them in, the only problem is when I do my manager suddenly takes over and places all my sales in his name, on my days off if one of my customers comes in he will steal my sales ( we can assign commission to other staff) but he doesn't do this, he places them all in his name. I do not get my half hour/hour break away from the work place. I either have to rush eat in the office or eat behind the sales desk, pausing when a customer comes in. He has told me I have to clean everyday, which I don't mind as I like a clean work place .. but I have to clean the mens toilet, now if you have ever been in a mens toilet you know how bad they can smell, the men will use the womens toilet. I have had no proper training, I have had to train myself, If I get something wrong it suddenly becomes my fault!! I honestly feel like there is no one I can voice my problems to within the company as my manager is well known and well liked within the company. He had one man sacked from the company as he was talking badly about my manager behind his back. I need this job alot and I do not want to risk loosing it. I dread going into work as he makes me feel so uncomfortable. Am I just being paranoid?
  3. Hi and thanks for any who can help. I raised grievance for bullying, and periodic aggressive attacks on me by secretary (relation to owner). last straw was when the owners "secretary" said she was giving my admin work of home office stuff and staff files to senior care assistant. she is studying her NVQ sorry now QCF level 5. my roles are admin and Activities as per my contact. I have had attacks on me since 2011 but was unable to do grievance until now as 1. did not have employee handbook until 2012. 2. because of aggression 3. changed of matrons' who did not want to deal with my concerns or who were being bullied their selves. The care assistant has been gradually taking over most of my admin work , i have had all good feed back in the past and now, so apart from care assistant just starting her QCF, i dont know why, she relabeling, she's auditing "my" staff files' and even tried to publicly critise.even nurses are asking care staff member to do forms for them, so am unsure what they have been told too. Anyway i raised grievance, yesterday the owner asked to speak to me, she said it;s informal chat , then started asking me questions which relate to the grievance, said i would like you to focus more on activities and anyone can do admin, then said she did not know anything about the grievance/ meeting due next day today... the person who wanted to take the notes is also related but yesterday denied any knowledge of the arranged grievance hearing* when last week he called me over and said the grievance letter it.s no biggee we can sort out, perhaps we can have meeting next thursday or friday i will do a letter I said next friday would be better for me, whilst he walked passed meyesterday he told a staff member that he would not be in tomorrow. So in the end the owner said she would be coming in to the initial hearing. Today 1 hour at 1pm ish before hearing she had bad head and headed off to hospital, i was asked to put meeting back later to 3pm. at 2.46pm she rang , said she was at hospital having blood tests, i asked about our grievance hearing as the home manager who was to take the meeting was on annual leave after today. she said are you in on monday i said yes, she said it's only a grievance , i can do it on monday without the home manager.. so now im worried. firstly she tried to have informal chat in the middle of process, she is the owner and she would be the person who i would need to appeal to after the home manager has done his investigation. Now she wants to hold herself without the home manager being present..she's broke our own employee handbook policies and procedures with regard to grievances. she did ask me if i wanted to do an NVQ, i feel she's trying to sweep under the carpet. what do i do when she calls for an informal chat to deal with a formal grievance monday. grateful for advice, thanks so very much all.
  4. brought off a chinese site they requested AFTER taking the money but before they send the order A copy of my ID A picture of the credit card A picture of my statment all ive sent is A photocopy of a fake id ive had since college A photo of the website the cards issued from and a statment saying its a virtual card numeber and has no physical card they then said they accepted the other id but needed a picture of the card so i took a picture of a credit card on the web and put my name and part number on it and used that
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