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Found 13 results

  1. Can somebody can help with a bit of advice please? I'm completely debt free, and have a private pension, my intended sadly isn't. She is currently paying off a series of debts from her previous marriage, in very small amounts each month, that will take many a year to complete. We wish to marry, but I've no intention of doing so if this makes me liable, for her ex-husband's debts! If we marry can her debtors make a claim her from my finances for her/his debt? Any advice/information anyone could give me on what legal position I'd be in would be most appreciated.
  2. I am currently living apart from my wife. We are planning to get divorced,but have not begun proceedings, yet. Neither are we legally separated. However, all expenses are currently separate. For the purpose of completing the tax credit application form, would I be considered single or married?
  3. Less than a quarter of couples eligible for marriage tax allowance are bothering to claim it, according to HM Revenue and Customs The allowance - introduced in April 2015 to incentivise marriage - is worth £220 in 2016/17 . However those eligible can also back-date a claim for last year, meaning £432 can be claimed in total. Out of 4.2m couples who could claim that amount, only 1m have done so, despite an HMRC advertising campaign. Marriage tax allowance lets one half of a married couple transfer part of their tax-free allowance to their partner. However one of the partners must not be earning more than £11,000 - the personal allowance - while the other must be paying income tax at the basic rate. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37702190 Married Couple's Allowance https://www.gov.uk/married-couples-allowance/overview
  4. 'I'm from the Vatican, you're f*****': Drunken priest suspended after he kicked and spat at PC and paramedic Parish priest Gareth Jones, 36, had been drinking heavily when he passed out on a street in his clerical attire and swore at a paramedic when the paramedic tried to wake him up, then lashed out and kicked the emergency worker twice in the leg. When two police officers intervened, he kicked one in the cheek, and said “ I have diplomatic immunity'” The officer asked 'which embassy? too which the priest replied "The Vatican, you're f*****" A spokesman for the diocese of Chelmsford said "We are holding all those affected by this serious incident in our prayers." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/03/im-from-the-vatican-youre-f-drunken-priest-suspended-after-he-ki/ You never know, if he wasn't a darned ginger the order might have protected him
  5. My wife has been on pip for sometime now, I recently found out and applied for carer's allowance and have been receiving carer's for my wife for about 3 month's (she has ME as her main disability) During a recent visit to CAB on one of my bad day's they suggested I should be entitled to pip myself with my medical condition's and amount of pill's I take daily, I applied thinking I wouldn't get anything (knowing the problem's my wife has been through to get her awards and knowing the government cut's all the time) I got a SMS message from DWP telling me I have been awarded pip don't as yet have the letter so not sure of what my entitlements are (I'm assuming low lever of care component which is what my wife is entitled to) So now I have been awarded pip myself would it be wise for me to give up my carer's allowance entitlement ? We do help each other out, I have difficulties bending down, wife has difficulties cutting food ect she is very forgetful at times due to ME (these are just a few highlighted examples)
  6. In 2014, I was due in court for an alleged crime which was fitted up and racist. my wife and I signed to apply for LAA, and it was based on the earnings she was receiving as I was a poor musician. before the case date or I even had a Barristor, I had Rossendales harassing me to pay them £586. 00 per month, which I retaliated withe vitriolic replies. The case date was not set up until Oct, and by that time I had ignored all notices from Rossendales, and was going through nasty Divorce. As soon as I was divorced they started harassing me again, but I am fighting this tooth and nail because they have not bothered to go after my nasty ex wife, just me, and their insipid excuses is that I was the one who signed the agreement, my argument is that under the Consumer Credit act 1974, this is a joint agreement, hence both parties are responsible for the debt and the bailiff fees etc. They have visited my house and I received several letters with costs and threats to take control, to which I have vitriolically replied stating my case which seems to fall on deaf ears. I have made complaints through Resolve, and to Matrons and the LAA, which seem too have stopped the visits, and I have read all the anti bailiff blogs , and the law , but these seem to be a law unto themselves. Fortunately I have a partner with whom I am able to stay with, whilst I make my case, and can take evasive action, like purchasing my own wheel clamps for when I do have to leave my car on the driveway, when I am at my address. My question is : Am I right that the CCA agreement is a joint one, or am I liable for these ridiculous fees plus the LA costs?
  7. hello friends, I would require some help to get correct info. I have contacted my local council and each time i spoke to someone in there has given me different answers to others, and this has confused us a lot. So thats why I would like info regarding the matter I am about to mention. I am in part time employment 24 hrs a week, earn around £1100 PM after deduction in tax, NI and pension. We live in a rented property and we get housing and some towards council tax benefits. My wife dont work and look after children age 6 yr and 13 yr. Recently my wife has decided and went thru some interviews to get admission in local college for a beauty therapy course 2 evenings a week (6 hrs per week) for a full one year and she has also got admission with other course Hair Dressing in another college which runs 3 full days a week (18 hrs per week) for a full one year. My question is 1) Would we both be exempted from council tax or the council will consider to exempt my wife ONLY and will I still end up paying council tax ? Would appreciate your replies.
  8. Might sound like a stupid question but here goes... In 2006 my wife instituted divorce proceedings. I was in a bad place at the time and didn't respond at all. I received a decree nisi and a solicitor's bill but I didn't get a decree absolute. How do I find out if the decree was made absolute? If it wasn't, am I still married?
  9. HI, I will be 60 this month, and I have been told I no longer need to pay my married womans national insurance contributions anymore. I have been paying this since 1976 - is this information correct? Many thanks.
  10. Dear All, My wife was made redundant in Croydon just before we got married, the company went bust and therefore two weeks before we got married and she moved to the midlands she signed onto JSA for a contribution based allowance. She received two payments of the £56(?) allowance and then got transfered to my local office. To which she was then told to fill in a lengthy form, which included some of my details, we said that this doesn't look right as all we want to do is change address and status. However JS persisted that we filled it in and we did, we notified them we would be on honeymoon for three weeks and therefore will not be actively looking for three weeks until we get back in October. Therefore freeze claim. However, JS wrote to us twice first letter saying she isn't eligible to claim due to me working (income based) and the second letter came to say she isn't entitled due to not attending the JS. When we got back we went in and told them, they realised there mistake and reapplied for contribution based scheme. We got a letter again saying she wasn't eligble to claim due to not enough NI contributions. This was bizarre so i emailed and called and wrote a letter, saying in london she was claiming and got payment and now shes married and moved here she isn't and here is the letter. I spoke to NI centre in newcastle, they confirmed she has 4 years eligble NI contributions and also supplied a letter stating so. What can my next steps be? it's odd she has been paid and now they are not moving Please help thanks Thanks
  11. Hi, I wonder if someone could shine some light on my situation. I currently receive ESA and full housing/ council tax benefits. I live alone and my partner lives in company accomodation and this will continue (for the forseeable future) after we get married. My question is... even though my (future) wife wont actually be living at my address, are my ESA and Housing/tax benefits going to be altered or stopped? Thanks in advance:???:
  12. Hi, im 27 year old, and few year ago i got meself into alot of debt, my brother died tradegically and i then ended up seperating from my daughters father, i was really depressed and didnt care about anything.The debt does send me letters, and three month ago got a new couch and fridge from brighthouse. I got bk with my daughters dad a few year later, and he does not know the extent of the debt, We getting married in 8 weeks and moving in 4. My bank account will be closed and a new one will be opened, and nothing is being put in my name until we married, i dont even have a phone contract.. The only thing i do have is car insurance, which is and has always being registered at my parents house.. Is there anyway that my debt can trace me, possibly through car insurance, drivers licence or car ownership, or anyother way? any help would be much appreicated Kind Regards Helen
  13. Currently trawling through various PPI claims. I have one with HFC but do not have an account number. All the others I have proof ie: Statements or contracts and so have sent a copy of my marriage cert with it all. Now I've read on this forum I need to send off an SAR to get my account details but as the title says I moved and married. What other information/proof do I need to include with the letter?
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