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  1. Just over a year ago my wife was driving me into town in her car on a day when the ground was snow covered. My wife stopped at the foot of a hill when she saw that a car half way up the hill had stopped and was clearly in difficulties. The car then began to slide back down the hill very slowly and with cars behind us, my wife had no way of moving out of the way. The sliding car came to a halt when it bumped into our car. Driver admitted fault and exchanged details. A few days later got the go-ahead to have the car repaired and paid the £95 excess to the repairers when the repair was complete. Contacted wife’s insurance company to ask how to reclaim the excess and was told that we would have to reclaim from the other drivers insurance company which they said was Aviva. Aviva was not the insurance company named by the driver. However, phoned Aviva and because they said that the details we had provided were wrong they would not discuss the case and that we should again contact our own insurance. And yet we had provided the drivers name, the registration, phone number and the other relevant details as given by the driver. Contacted our own insurance again by email to verify or correct the details of the other driver and were shocked when they replied that because of the data protection act, the could not provide the other drivers details. Phoned the Ombudsman and was told that he could not understand why they would not provide the details because these were the details that were required in an RTC and in any case could be accessed online. Own insurance wouldn’t budge. Just received our insurance renewal which logs the bump as being my wife’s fault. Data protection has indeed gone mad. Aviva wouldn’t discuss because we gave the wrong details and our own insurance wouldn’t provide the details either because of data protection. Any advice?
  2. Guys. I would be VERY grateful if anyone can help me to get this ncompany to actual address my complaints. I am very unwell at the moment (putting it mildly) and this business is just making me scream with frustation. Here we go: In November 2015 I moved to my new home. On searching online, British gas offered the best dual fuel package at the time (Collective fix November 2016) which I signed up for with payment by direct debit. I supplied them with the meter readings that we took the moment we opened the door to the property and by pure luck, the meter reader from Eon knocked on the door literally moments after we got inside, so we had him check the meter readings too as it was at that point supplied by Eon. In December we had and paid the final bill to Eon. The meters are both smart meters which happen to have been supplied by British Gas and thus British Gas could get the readings at any time they wanted. We received a first bill in February that had the wrong readings. I rang them and they apologized, taking the same correct readings I had given them in November and said they would send another bill. They duly did and it was wrong again. Same process and they sent a third which was wrong yet again. They kept using the gas reading for the electricity and vice versa. They finally got it right on the forth bill in April and compensated me by £100. From April (when they finally got the readings correct) to October they took not a single payment at all. They did not send me any bill by post, email or on the online account which I checked regularly. In September I noted the readings and the accumilated costs online, at which point it said next bill due in October. I waited for October and on 6th I looked again to see the bill was due on January 4th 2017! This would have been a year after the last bill and 2 months after the contract expired. I am one of those people that WILL shop around for the best deal each year. Noting what the accumilated balance was I paid there and then by card online and I rang BG to complain about the lack of billing. They then generated a bill on 7 October (the day after I paid and complained). I had by now started looking for my next supplier and as I had just paid and would be leaving BG by 30 November chose not to pay a one day bill but to allow that to accumilate to the final bill. I raised a written complaint with British Gas asking them why they had not builled me or taken any payments since February. In their first reply a week later I was told that they did bill me on 7 October. You get the picture and where this is heading. Long and short is that their complaint handler has so far taken an everage of 9 days to reply and when he does it is always a generic reply telling me he will contact me by (date) and then repeats that a week or so later again and again. Meantime I received an email form a company I had never heard of asking me to complete a survey about British Gas. I did not, but contacted British Gas to raise a further complaint about them passing my private details to a thrid party without my permission. In a nutshell, British Gas has failed to address ANY of my complaints and have today sent me a stroppy demand for their final bill in which they threaten to add £18 if they choose to pass the buill to debt collectors. I am FURIOUS. I feel that until they address my complaints I should not pay anything. The bill does not adjust for direct debit rates, so is incorect as was the amount I paid already in October. Can someone please help me with this. It is a matter of principal that they have not provided the service they were contracted to do when I signed up and have also breached the Data Protect Act as far as I am concerned.
  3. Don't bother with Saga Insurance. They send me letters offering low car insurance. Initially they quoted £151 for fully comprehensive on my old Citroen Picasso 1.6 petrol vehicle. My car insurance is due for renewal at the end of August. I phoned Saga today to check the initial quote. They now quote £409 and said sorry for the increase compared to their initial quote. I then obtained a quote from the AA which was £152. OK so if you get any letters from Saga offering low insurance, either bin them.
  4. I'm just watching Parking Mad, I cant believe the profiteering by local councils. Why are the Police helping private Bailiffs pull over cars on the road ? Total [problem].
  5. UK: Grieving Family Face Horror of Exhuming Their Grandfather After Muslim Family Complains About Relative Being Buried Next to Non-Believer http://no1forum.co.uk/showthread.php?707-Racism-is-rife-and-native-Britain’s-are-biggest-victims&p=1302#post1302
  6. Well time to get the discussion going. What comments on tonight's show please?
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone/programmes/genres/factual/carsandmotors/schedules/2014/04/17 Thursday 17 April 2014 9-00pm Episode 1 of 4 Duration: 1 hour As the squeeze on parking spaces continues, this series follows wardens under pressure, bailiffs, drivers and motorists fighting back. We film the winners and losers in hard-fought parking disputes. We watch as councils and bailiffs go after the non-payers, taking cars away and leaving some motorists well and truly stranded. In this episode, Mr Mustard helps a 93-year-old man appeal against a fine he's been given by Barnet Council. Elsewhere, at a roadside operation run jointly with the police, bailiff Debbie has to confiscate a van. In Lincoln, we meet the team dealing with parking in an increasingly busy city centre. Residents in a quiet Sussex village take direct action to stop London commuters parking on their road, which happens to be right next to the station. And in Devon, a businessman develops the world's first talking parking ticket. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b041d6z6
  8. Hi, I would love some advice. I moved into a new shared ownership house a year ago. The house is, somewhat ironically, called an ‘Eco-House’. The water pump from the rain water harvesting system is defective. This faulty pump, which is meant to take the rainwater through a pipe system to the upstairs lavatory and washing machine, is permanently on 24/7; that is, constantly operating, whether there is a demand from these appliances or not. These pumps range in power from 800w to over 1000w. Since I moved in and until this week (upon discovering the fault), my electric consumption has been around 20 kWh per day. This has now, since discovering the fault and, for safety reasons, having to switch the faulty pump unit off at the mains, dropped to approximately 8 kWh per day (roughly my consumption in my previous home). Also, of course, before the discovery of the defective pump, it was operating 24/7 for a year, and has had, therefore, the equivalent usage of a pump of 25 years old or so. Using an energy monitor I’m video recording how much this pump uses and I intend to use this as evidence if there is any dispute from the housing association or building contractor. Any other tips/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ianbrodski
  9. We kept getting calls from this crowd asking for Mrs B's dad. He passed away almost two years ago. I have told them countless times that he has passed away, and that every time they phone, Mrs B gets dreadfully upset. I have asked them not to call, and to remove all details have also done a Section 11 request, with which I received the following reply: Further to your email dated 2 July 2013, regarding the telephone canvassing calls you have been receiving from Zenith. I sincerely regret that it has been necessary to make a complaint of this nature. I can confirm that your telephone number has now been suppressed on our Database to ensure that you receive no further telephone canvassing calls from this Company. This will now take approximately one week to become effective. Furthermore, the Sales Branches in your area have been issued an instruction not to contact you further. Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused. Yours sincerely ******** ************** Sales Office Administrator This e mail was received on the 4th of July this year. Today at 12-55, Mrs B picked up a call. Once again it was from Zenith Windows. After I dealt with the guy on the phone, I then had to comfort her. She was crying her eyes out and asking why this crowd keep doing this to her. She watched her dad die a very slow and painful death. I have told this crowd that on countless occasions. I have been repeatedly told that our details are being removed from their system, yet today we received another call from them. I have had the number registered with the TPS from before her dad passed away, as he too was getting the calls. And even then, they were told not to call, and why they were not to call. I have had enough. Where do I go now? I want recompense for the stress, emotional upset, and distress that this company are causing Mrs B. I want them to pay for this. I have to pick up the pieces every time they call. It is not nice watching your loved one break down like this, especially after I have had assurance after assurance that the number has been removed from their database. I am a gnats hair away from contacting my solicitor, who is a bit of a rottweiller, but I thought I'd come on here first to see what you guys suggest, as you have been fantastic in the past with previous issues Mrs B has had. Any suggestions guys? Would a SAR be of any use, just to see how many times they have called, and when they have called?? Sorry for this being a bit of a rant, I am just so bloody angry with this company. Buncrana
  10. About 4 years ago, we had some financial problems and GE Money tried to repossess our house. The matter went to Court and we got the Warrant suspended on payment of the monthly payment plus an amount off the arrears calculated by the Judge on the Norgren principle. Since then we have not missed a payment and the arrears are decreasing. At the end of October, GE Money started calling to say that there was no payment arrangement in place and they want the payment to be increased because the total debt was increasing because they had not declared the actuarial fee account in Court. The Judge had asked for full details in Court before passing his ruling and only the Mortgage amount and the Arrears were declared by their Solicitor. The Solicitor declared that was the total debt owed. GE Money have 3 phone number for me, Home, Mobile and Business number and started calling all numbers up to 6 times a day. So far they have made over 1,100 calls I have reported them to the FSA and the OFT for harassment. The Information Commissioner's Office were useless as they only deal with cold-calling for sales. The FSA surprised me by taking the matter seriously and said that they had asked the OFT to prepare a full report for them with a view to taking action. I have told GE countless times that there is a Court Order in place which is a legally binding agreement on both parties. They have now started adding £40 monthly charges to the account as they say there is no payment agreement in place. Are they in financial difficulties as they seem desperate to wring a few more pounds a month out of me. They are certainly not making much if a lot of people have the same terms as us as our contracted rate is 2.19% over BoE bank rate. Who can I approach to get the calling to stop?
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