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Found 3 results

  1. Hi -Looking for some advice & help on this please as constantly being harrassed for payment : (PCN) Ticket Issued by Premier parking Logistics on 26/11/2016 @00:25 in Tenant Street, Birmingham. This was my immediate reply via email on November 28. On Friday 25th November I parked in your parking compound in Tennant Street, Birmingham. I arrived at 20.44 and purchased a parking ticket which gave me until 02.44 on the 26th November. The ticket I had purchased was clearly visible in the centre of my windscreen. I returned to my vehicle before the ticket expired and found that a Parking Charge Notice had been placed on my vehicle at 00.25 on the 26th November. As far as I am concerned I acted correctly in purchasing a ticket and whoever issued the Parking Notice clearly could not tell the time. Proof of my parking ticket has been attached to this email I look forward to receiving confirmation that this PCN has now been cancelled and that i will receive no further communication regarding this matter. Thanks I did receive a reply via email but as it started with info@ my bt email server blocked it as spam and i never saw it - so i assumed this had been cancelled and no further action was being taken. On the 20 Jan 2017 i received a "Notice to Keeper" letter saying £100 due and explaining PCN was issued due to vehicle "unauthorised parking" This letter was addressed to my company but spelt wrongly. It was spelt Angela and not Anglia. i emailed them again on 27 Jan 2017 saying Once again I am emailing you in regard to the above as you obviously were unable to understand my last email where i had sent proof of the ticket i had paid for etc etc on the day... Eventually i found this email which had been block by my BT server Reference: Parking Charge Notice Thank you for your email. To enable the appeal to be investigated we need as previously stated your address details. We emailed you 15 minutes after we received your email appeal for these details but did not get a reply. The terms and conditions in the appeal section on the back of the ticket clearly states, provide your full name and address, the vehicle registration number and notice reference number and your full reason for contesting liability other wise your appeal will not be processed . As you failed to adhere to these terms your appeal was not heard. You failed to give these details, we then request your details from the D.V.L.A and at this stage your Parking Charge Notice is £100. If you need anymore information to assist you in your complaints please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely Premier Parking Logistics On the 31/01/2017 i received an email from CPS Enforcement Northern Ltd titled PCN this letter was saying my vehicle was parked on a residential road ( where it was a compound rather than a road) and this ticket has been sent to you as the registered keeper but if you are not the person who parked the vehicle etc etc On the 4 May 2017 i receive a letter from DCBL - Notice of Debt Recovery Now it has gone from £100 to £160 as they are now adding on admin fee of £60 I immediately telephoned DCBL and was asked to send proof via email Further to my conversation with you earlier please find attached a copy of my parking receipt together with the ticket issued by Premier Parking. As per my conversation I did email them on the 28th November showing them proof that I had purchased a ticket. Surely then this ticket should have just been cancelled rather than get this far. We were unaware they had emailed me back due to our BT email blocking all info@ emails without our knowledge so we missed the appeal date. We had contested the ticket and thought that was the end of it as we had adhered to their parking terms and purchased a valid ticket. Below is a copy of the email sent to them. Please look into this and hopefully you can sort this out without it going any further. Many thanks To which they replied - Thank you for your email. I will add this to our weekly query sheet and will get back to you as soon as we receive a response regarding your query. I had not heard anything back i emailed them once again on 22 May asking what was going on to which they replied - We are still waiting on a response from the client regarding your query. Your case has been put on hold until we receive a response and will inform you as soon as we get one. On the 8 June 2017 i received another letter from the DCBL titled - Legal Action Recovery saying i have failed to pay the outstanding amount and are now commencing legal action against me. Again the letter sent to my company has been spelt wrongly. I emailed them back saying i thought that this case was on hold to which they have now replied and said We have looked into this for you and can confirm that your case has been progressed due to our client advising that the vehicle was parked in a reserved bay with no authorisation. They have advised that you check the photographic evidence at . Please do not hesitate to contact us directly should you require any further assistance / payment. I have now looked at these photos - and for the first time just seen this so called Reserved bay sign. When i parked in this compound i was in a high roof van and had reversed into the parking bay and had not ever seen this sign as it was not visible from the drivers side when i got out - so all the time i thought i had bought a legal ticket when in fact the PCN was issued due to me parking in a reserved bay and nothing to do with my ticket timings. All along i had thought i had parked legally and had done everything in my power to adhere to their terms - What do i do now please - any advice would really be appreciated as this is going on and on. I hope i have provided all the relevent information - and sorry if it is far too long.
  2. Hi All, I am hoping someone can help me or provide some advice on what i need to do: I live in Birmingham City Centre and have received a number of Parking Tickets from Premier Parking Logistics- these notices are usually issued during the night time. Upon advice from blogs etc i have ignored these Parking Ticket due to them being unregistered with the appropriate parking authorities and a certain Mr W*lton W*lkins being the owner or previous owner of the company. I have racked up about 4-5 of these notices and now they have passed this to a company called DCBL (debt recovery company) they have written to me at an address where i no longer live - they also spelt my name incorrectly. They have somehow obtained my address and written to me advising i owe them £160. £100 for the Parking Ticket and £60 admin fee. On the back of the letter conveniently hidden it says "This case is not subject to High Court or Bailiff Action" firstly yes i have written to the DVLA to request who they have given my information to and i have not acknowledged any of these letters or contacted DCBL or Premier Parking. Has anyone else had any issues with Premier Parking & a Debt Recovery Company and if so how was it resolved? I appreciate any advise or help!
  3. I would like to make my thoughts known on Expert Logistics who have within the past 30 minutes delivered a washing machine bought from Tesco. My son bought us a washing machine as our old one packed up. I disconnected it and pulled it out into the kitchen. When the delivery man came into the kitchen, there wouldn't be enough room for the new machine as well as the old machine so I asked, "could you move this one to there?" pointing to a spot outside the backdoor and 4 feet from where the machine stood, he immediately jumped in 'No, we don't do that' , I said it's only four feet, are you saying you won't move my old machine four feet for me", and he again said "NO". So there I am, an old man with a walking stick and he a young strapping bloke who refused to move my old machine. His mate on the van did do it but I think he was a bit reluctant to do it as he moved it and then disappeared. I'm not wasn't asking for a replumb of my house and installation of the new machine, all I wanted was my old machine move 4 feet. What is wrong with people today, no courtesy and no hint of customer service. I bet he wouldn't have refused a tip, but because of attitude they got nothing, not even the offer of a cuppa. Sod them, I'm fed up with the crap customer service in this country, all they want is to screw you for as much as possible and to do sod all in return.
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