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Found 11 results

  1. Last week I placed an order via the Footlocker website for a limited edition item. While checking out they make it clear in the page that your item is being held for 10 minutes while you checkout and to check out quick so you don’t lose it. Earlier this week my order was cancelled. After eventually getting through to someone to speak to in their customer services I was told: ‘we cannot live track our stock so we cannot hold items during checkout’ and that the message during checkout was ‘essentially a lie customer services are aware of’. Is there anything I should do? I’m annoyed I stopped looking for the item anywhere else because I thought I had a guaranteed order with someone else because mine was ‘held’ during checkout and I feel they shouldn’t promote this obvious lie during checkout, especially when they’re totally aware they can’t do what it says in their site.
  2. Awesome, FINALLY I have received my first ever PPC invoice..... I'm due to go back there and will get some photos of the signage later, but I can categorically say that the signage is woefully inadequate, as you can only see it at the entrance from one direction, this is going to be so much fun! (hopefully?) Plus I will try and find out from the council if the 45 minute max parking rule is legit or not. 1 Date of the infringement 01/10/2018 2 Date on the NTK 05/10/2018 3 Date received 08/10/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? No 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly Gosport Retail Park For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA PCN-NTK.pdf
  3. Picked up on a thread on PP's blog regarding Barry Beavis... http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/barry-beavis-chooses-john-de-waal-qc.html Anyone else spot the deliberate mistake?
  4. This says it all well done the Judge http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/11748290.Debt_collector_jailed_over_fraud/
  5. I've just received a £100 penalty charge notice from Parking Eye for parking at the Marriott Hotel Waltham Abbey. The signs were very clear and I therefore paid my £3 charge for the allotted time. I don't understand why I received a notice - I paid my money and parked within the time constraints. Parking Eye do not issue you with a pay and display print out ticket so how can I prove I paid the money??? Any replies would be grateful please.
  6. Peter invited his mother for dinner, during the course of the meal his Mother couldn't help but notice how lovely Peter's flat mate, Joanne, was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two, and this only made her more curious. Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between Peter and his flat mate than met the eye. Reading his Mum's thoughts, Peter volunteered, 'I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you, Joanne & I are just flat mates'. About a week later, Joanne came to Peter saying, 'Ever since your mother came to dinner, I've been unable to find the frying pan, you don't suppose she took it do you? 'Well I doubt it, but I'll e-mail her just to be sure' said Peter. So he sat down and wrote: Dear Mum, I'm not saying that you 'did' take the frying pan from my house. I'm not saying that you 'did not' take the frying pay, but the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner. Love, Peter Several days later, Peter received an email from his Mother which read: Dear Peter, I'm not saying that you 'do' sleep with Joanne and I'm not saying that you 'do not' sleep with Joanne, but the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her own bed, she would have found the frying pan by now. Love, Mum
  7. Hi guys have you ever came across someone who lied in their application about the job and then unable to pay to the pay day loan company at the end? i left my company in mid july but took three pay day loans AT THE END OF JULY to cover an unexpected tragedy. i know pay day loan companies will find this out that i am no longer employed because they will call me at my workplace and the switchboard person will tell them that i left in mid july. i have pay loans of 400 with speedy cash 150 with money shop and 250 with quickquid. i am very worried that they will prosecute me for lying to them on the application that i was still employed. can this even happen if i call them now and offer them some repayment plans? i can only repay from jan next year
  8. sex offenders to be given lie detectors link here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18916405 i read the news this morning and my natural instincts on reading the piece was, good! until i read a little further and found they are now thinking of introducing this for people in work, i forsee the day, where employers will be forcing employees to take these tests. and it raises further problems, what if you could possibly be convicted in court because of these tests? nothing this govt does no longer surprises me. link here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/8354559.stm
  9. When they do visits they will soon be wearing body cameras. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/blackburndarwenhyndburnribble/9823951.East_Lancashire_bailiffs_all_set_to_use_body_cameras/
  10. Hello All First time poster, glad such a forum exists, willl be one of my dialy reads from here on!!! AWESOME My issue is as below, if I can get a view on what my options are? I bought a laptop from PCWORLD in Staines in Aug 2011, my criteria was backlit keyboard, dedicated graphics with HDMI and the fastest processor possible which was the i7, so I found the HP Envy 14, 2002EA very appealing. The sales guy asked me " So why the fastest processer, what you going to be doing on it?" so i expalined its for work and I dont like a slow laptop, " ah right, so business use?" to which I replied "Yes" so instead of the Club insurance I got the Premier Insurance at £14.00 a month, the reason? well if your laptop goes away for repair you will get a loan! That was the selling point of the "Premier" Laptop worked nicely, until May 2012 when it gave off a horrible burning smell, went in for repair to be picked up Saturday, "we dont have any loan but can put you on the waiting list.." Is what I got when I mentioned. Needless to say I did not receive a loan and the laptop was away for 8 working days rather than the 5 promised. Laptop came back repaired worked for 20 mins and burnt out again, so again no loan to give to you sorry sir, will put you on the waiting list, by the end of the week I had not heard back so I went and bought a new laptop as I needed one. Eventually they wrote off the HP Envy, gave me the voucher code popped into the store and they had matched the specification and offered me another HP, which turned out to be an i5, priced at 499.99. You can imagine my reaction to that!! I questioned this as mine was an i7, anyhow alot of time later and many phone calls it transpired that the INTERNAL PCWORLD website had the incorrect specs so they corrected their mistake and offered me the cheapest i7 priced at 799.99. It was a Toshiba it looked nice so I took it, however the speakers popped on this machine so I have just returned it today. After thinking it over and using the not so good toshiba I started to feel extremely angry so glad I was able to return that however now I have 799.99 on a gift card I am out of pocket by 1100-799.99= 299.00 and also the 10 insurance payments of 14/month =£140 Now since HP provide a years manufacture warranty, why should the customer have to loose out on a 1/4 of the laptops value? I feel very very angry now considering I have 7 warranty/insurance agreements with them. again I will be looking to possibly cancel all of them if i do not get anywhere, so far the Staines manager has offered to ring up head office and see if they can up the voucher, my local Slough store were not even willing to do this. Again no promises. If the store can not get anywhere, where do I go next? Thanks for reading and apologies for any grammar, spelling its late and I am not happy
  11. I went shopping to Zara (Covent Garden/ London) on 12. Jan. 2012. After buying two pairs of shoes, I wanted to try a jacket on and that was when I placed my bag on the floor next to me. While I was busy trying it on and looking at myself in the mirror, the bag was gone. I asked employees for help and they looked around but after a few minutes, the only answer I got was, "Sorry, it's gone. There is nothing we can do." I asked to see CCTV to find out what happened but a lady answered that there was no CCTV. Since I was in such a shock and all I could think of was blocking all credit/debit cards. After I came home to block the cards, I went to police to report it. When I told an officer what happened, he answered that ALL stores have CCTV and I was very ill-treated. After a few days, I went to a different branch to see if there was CCTV and indeed there was. (I did not go back to the same branch because I didn't have time to go all the way til there and I am still in the shock.) My bag, purse, gloves and a make-up bag were nothing compare to my USB stick for work. Since I was THINKING of making a back-up file, I had not done it yet because I NEVER loose my USB...(not until then...!) I accept the fact that the bag and all belongings are gone but I am very unsatisfied how the employees treated me. possibly not telling the truth to a customer whose bag was just stolen in the store? Because my bag is not their retail product, it does not matter if someone comes and steals it? I have expressed my disappointment through Zara's online contact form, but I have not received any reply yet. I want to send my opinion per mail but the only address I found was in Spain. I wonder how serious they will take my letter.
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