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  1. Hello and many thanks for this very helpful forum, Ive been reading around for a few days on here but cant see something that I can directly relate to, so I'm hoping that someone can point me in the right direction of what to do. Situation I have 3 outstanding debts with various lenders all of which I have negotiated a £1 per month payment. I'm a job seeker and I'm also attempting to get my own business up and running - No income from this as yet so I'm just on the basic JSA - but also poss looking to move to tax credits (or the equivalent of). One company Nationwide have appointed KPR to as they quote 'your account which has been passed to us to recover the outstanding debt' Amount £7500 - Date of letter 7th March - received regular post 11th March 2014. Now, my agreement for the £1 per month with Nationwide is approx 12 months old and KPR have been calling and writing to me for 6 month prior to receiving this letter,. . Ive never entered into any conversations or correspondence with KPR over this matter. I also haven't entered into any correspondence with Nationwide since this arrangement was set up. The letter from KPR going on to say call us immediately to discuss what discount is available to - 'settle the debt by paying a significantly reduced one off discounted sum. I'm lost to what my response to this should be? Any help would be very gratefully received.
  2. Hi ive recently been having trouble with KPR due to nationwide credit card and an over draft, can someone help me with a letter to get them off my back, im fully prepared to go into a plan when im working, but as i have temporary work at the moment its hard to stick to a proper plan, however if i word it right they may be able to stop trying to send me letters with my final notice before court action. The biggest problem is facing the fact they are demanding over 100£ payments in order to wipe the collection, which i can barely afford £20 at the moment. I also have to personally go into nationwide to pay the money into my account when i have it. They ring my home non stop and constantly barrage me with letters, but they ring they ask me alot of personal stuff and demand that i pay it but i have told them i barely work but its still something. Im not asking them to cancel the debt, its just i cant magically make money appear to pay them back a reasonable amount.
  3. I have been dealing with my parents' credit card debts since finding out about their financial difficulties last Summer. I've found lots of useful help on these forums but now need some guidance about what to do next please. I have calculated and set up affordable payments for them and reviewed and increased the payment amounts in April after one company wrote off a debt because of their circumstances. My current issue is with my Dad's Nationwide credit card account. (He is 76 and has heart failure and diabetes) Yesterday he received a letter dated 06/08/2013 on KPR Debt Recovery headed paper.(hopefully attached with a copy of my last letter to Nationwide). It refers to "previous correspondence" and a Default Notice (which has never been received). It is the first letter on KPR paper that he has ever received and he has been making the accepted regular payments without fail. I have already explained his health position and the need to avoid stress and anxiety etc. numerous times and they have a signed authority to deal with me but they continue to threaten legal action. Please could someone have a look at my attachments and advise me how to respond to this latest letter? Thanks for any assistance
  4. Hi. My Wife has received a Default notice for a credit card. She has about £2500 on the card account and they are demanding payment in full. We haven't been able to make any payments this year due to first her & then me being made redundant. She has contacted them before by phone to ask that they freeze all interest/charges but to no avail. She has a current account with Nationwide, and today Nationwide put a stop on it. She had to go into the Nationwide branch to find out why she couldn't access her money. They explained that KPR had frozen her current account - due to her being in arrears with her credit card. Is this allowed? I assume KPR are part of Nationwide due to the fact that the bank assistant gave my wife a telephone no. to ring and it was KPR on the other end. My wife asked them to release the account, explaining that we were both made redundant and all that was in her account was our child tax credits, which we were using to buy food. They agreed to open the account up again, but only after grilling her about our finances and asking about my situation. Incidently I am no longer on JSA as I started my own business due to the frustration of not being able to find a job. I am in fact now earning even less than I was on Jobseekers due to the fact that I've had to start my business from nothing. We can't afford to service her credit card at the moment. We are a month behind with our rent, behind with our water and electricity. What do we do next in regards to Nationwide / Kpr? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Hi all, I have been a member of the CAG for a while now and have in the past successfully sued Nationwide for my bank charges but it has been quite a while since I have been here. I also have a credit card with them and they have been nothing but vindictive ever since I recovered my bank charges. I have been studying for a degree which I have had to give up, partly due to ongoing financial problems and depression , all exacerbated by the ridiculous and, I would say criminal, behaviour of Nationwide. For the past 2 or so years I have been trying to pay the card off, but due to the nature of living off student loans etc. it has not always been possible to maintain these payments. I had been proactive and advised them in advance that I would be experiencing difficulties but they did absolutely nothing to help! Now I find myself in a position whereby I have had to give up my degree and therefore am no longer in receipt of any finance, I am in the process of job hunting but this has not affected Nationwide's stance either. They have passed the debt, a measly one at that, to their in house collections dept. KPR. I have been to the CAB recently and they have arranged for me to see one of their professional debt counsellors, but in the meantime they also phoned some of my creditors to ask them to 'lay off', at least until I have seen this counsellor. They all obliged EXCEPT for Nationwide who refused point blank to the CAB guy down the phone - he was aghast! Sorry for the length of this intro but I felt it better to lay a good foundation, so to speak. What should I do? Should I send a CCA request as I have been reading and if so, who to? Nationwide or KPR? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't handle this treatment anymore, I have enough on my plate without the corporate greed and bullying tactics being demonstrated by the Nationwide. Kind regards
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