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Found 5 results

  1. Hi Can someone please tell me how to proceed. A company called Fidelite knocked on my door tonight but I wasn't home. He just handed my husband an envelope. The debt is with Cabot and the original creditor is a Barclay loan. Ive made no payments since 2012. What is best to do? Do I set up a payment arrangement with them?
  2. Hi there, A year ago I took out a product with Buy as you view. I have had no problems and have paid religiously by DD every week. This week I returned from holiday to a letter saying the DD had been cancelled (my fault I was cancelling several DDs at once online before i went away). this means that the payments have mounted up to £89 owed. Due to the holiday and not realising they hadn't gone out I rang Buy as you view to advise them I could meet the back log in payments on my next payday but would continue to pay the weekly amount every Friday until then so I don't owe more. they said to do this I had to arrange for the area manager to come out (which I did for next Thursday) to reset my direct debit up rather than by phone. this evening having got home from a long day, feeling unwell and with a small child in the house and one on the way a Buy as you view rep bangs on my door. I didn't answer as I hadn't been expecting him; we had made an appointment for next week. It states on the website they can only visit by appointment. Can anybody advise me where I stand on this please? Do I have to let them in at all? Can I make the payments by phone. What has put me off answering and dealing with them in person is now that they have come round uninvited when I have specifically set an appointment. I tried to ring them but was on hold for 56 minutes then told phone lines have closed Best wishes and thanks in advance Emma
  3. Hi, Today, a debt collector has knocked on our door asking for me. I was out at the time but he says he will keep calling back until he gets me! Apparently he is from Robinson Way, but I have no idea what this is about or how much etc. Yes I am in debt and trying to sort it all out, I have had some advice off here and through national debtline and know a bit about it all. Am I right in thinking that he should not be knocking and asking for money without my prior agreement? If so, I am thinking of passing him a letter when he next calls, explaining that I will not deal with debt collectors at the door but I am struggling to find the right wording and would appreciate your help. If the company write to me directly, showing their ownership of the debt and indeed some proof of what the debt actually is, I am more than happy to start negotiating with them but I don't want people hammering on the door and showing me up in the street. I am also expecting family next week from Scotland for two nights and certainly don't want him turning up when I have people over. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi, advise needed please. Last week I had a bailiff come round to my rented flat, to claim an amount for a council tax bill from 13 yrs ago. I wasn't in at the time, the said bailiff managed to get my phone number from my young daughter , and after repeated calls I got him to leave my property and daughter alone. He has threatened me with police action, lock removal and removal of my partners property,(as I literally own the clothes on my back and nothing else). I have told the bailiff that I do not want to avoid the original debt, and Im willing to enter into an agreement to pay the debt off in installments. This offer has been refused saying that this has gone on for too long and because of previous visits, of which we as a family have no knowledge. Where and how do I stand? Any advise is more than welcome Thanks in advance Lou Lou
  5. hi guys, great site for info this! use it a lot. im hoping you guys can help me out with a problem. dont know toooo much about all this, been looking on some sites and have delt with debt collectors in the past, but not tryed the same tactics on bailifts. im in arrears of an old council tax bill at a very old address, i had a payment schemem set in place with the councils bailiff but due to lack of work and a hand injury recently have missed payments. i recieved a letter this morning regarding my outstanding council tax bill which has now been passed onto a company called Ross and Roberts ltd. i missed my last few payments due to lack of work as a self employed builder, they are now demanding the payment in full plus charges! this can not happen as i dont have it, i contacted the council (who the debt was with before)and told them i was not whilling to deal with a 3rd party regarding my financess. they told me it was now out of their hands and to contact the said bailiff, i will not be contacting them how ever as i want to pay my debt with the council direct, i still have the payment details in place to pay them via on-line or automatic phone payments. im just worried about the said bailiff company that may keep knocking and adding further charges to my already over streching debt plus maybe seizing my work van!!!???.... the council informed me if i wasnt willing to communicate with this other company, that my debt will eventually be handed back to them anyways, as they have no rights to send me to court for it etc.... and I AM WILLING to pay the debt, just not via a 3rd party with silly add-on charges. whats the best thing for me to do now? just wait till it gets handed back to the council and ignore the 3rd party bailiff? can i call the police and tell them im being harrased by these people if they continue to call at my door? thanks for your time. shaun
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