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Found 11 results

  1. Parked on double yellow lines (no kerb markings) outside restaurant this morning approx 5.45am. When I came out after making delivery I had a PCN on my delivery van. According to two men I spoke to parked across the road, it was a mobile enforcement car with the CEO getting out and taking pictures then sped off. I have just googled nearby signage and it is a small yellow plaque with a small controlled zone circle and times midnight - 8am & 6.30pm - midnight. Also has picture of a bus and a lorry with 5T on it. Can someone kindly confirm what signage instructs apart from no waiting / parking during times shown. Thank-you
  2. A friend has received a final demand letter from Islington council saying he has ignored 2 previous letters and therefore must pay the escalated sum of £200 with no right of appeal. He says that this is the first letter he has received and, although he accepts the offense, he dose not see why he should pay £200, rather than the £65, that is the amount that is payable on acceptance of the first letter. The penalty was issued via camera, so no ticket was placed on the vehicle. According to this final letter, the second reminder was sent on 25/12/2015, which seems a strange date to be posting letters? He has telephoned the council but has hit a brick wall. The question is, does he have a right to appeal the £200 charge and pay the £65 original amount and, if so,how does he go about this?
  3. Hi Everyone, I have abit of a funny situation here and need some urgent advice. How soon after contravention should you receive a PCN? I have received 4 in total for the same offence 52JM, one going into the road at one time and one for coming out at another time on the same date? Is this even legal? Admittedly if i knew i committed the offence in the first place trust me i would not have done it again. I received 3 in one envelope today and one last week. All totalling upto £260 which is allot of money for me at the moment but to issue me two tickets on the same day at different times i think it is abit far fetched. Thanks Rockyuk
  4. Hi Everyone, I wondered if you could help me. Is there anything I can do about this? It is due to be paid today to get the discount to £60, although is wasn't even issued until almost a month after the car was parked there! The driver of the vehicle was dropping off an M+S employee, the store is located in the same precinct as Morrisons, and the driver waited in the car (worked from it) until leaving later. No written confirmation of M+S giving authorisation to park there is available. Am I right in thinking these are not enforceable? Many Thanks
  5. Evening all, I visited some friends in Archway last weekend. Whilst there I parked up my vehicle in what I thought was a shared used zone (Ashbrook Road), paid for a ticket and went about my business. Upon returning to my car I notice I've received a PCN. Looking around the area, it turns out I had parked adjacent to the sign saying Permit Holders only. I hold my hands up for not paying close enough attention, the shared use zone was further down the street; I'm not arguing that. With that being said, nobody likes to pay a fine, especially when the mistake was made through blissful ignorance, so I'm trying to grasp at any straw I can. They are charging me with Contravention Code 12 "Parked in residents or shared use parking place without clearly displaying e ither a permit or voucher or pay and display ticket issued for that place". Is this the right contravention? I was thinking that maybe Contravention 19 would have been better suited "Parked in a residents' or shared use parking place or zone either displaying an invalid permit or voucher or pay and display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time." or maybe even Contravention 15 "Parked in a resident parking space without clearly displaying a valid resident parking permit. A resident permit must be clearly displayed in the windscreen if you park in a resident’s parking space during controlled hours." I had an unexpired pay and display ticket but parked in the wrong bay. Like I said, I'm clutching at straws really but any thoughts/advice would be kindly appreciated. Cheers, Sam
  6. Hi All, In desperate need of some help and advice! I arrived to my car this morning to be greeted by 3 PCNs. The back story is that I parked my car on Thursday evening at the back of my permit bay and did not realise that the back wheel was outside of the bay and on a single yellow line. I then left London and did not return until this morning. As far as I can see there are no notices or signage detailing the hours for the single yellow line. The times of the parking tickets are 09.58 on Friday, 08.48 on Saturday and 08.47 on Monday morning. It seems unfair that I am being charged 3 times for the same offence (if it is an offence as there are no guidelines on the single yellow line). Has anyone encountered a similar issue before - I need to appeal as I am not in the position to fork out £195 Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Shauna
  7. Hi, I have this ticket,got it on private parking and I'm really not sure if its a good idea to ignore it as its says on that website.Its says that they will contact DVLA if I dont pay.I will attache the ticket pics and the pic of the only one sign at the entrance of the parking,pls have a look and tell me what you thinking.thanks a lot
  8. I have been given a ticket and appealed it on the basis that the signage isnt clear. The council say that its a market traders bay and active only on match days as it is near arsenal football ground. Before I went there the person I was seeing made the effort to get a valid temporary residents parking permit for the day which I correctly adjusted. I researched the day before to make sure that it wasn't a match day and the team were in fact playing away. I arrived on the day and read the sign very carefully and there was a bay with a number in it but on reading the sign which was between my space and another it said there were additional controls on match days. I parked in the space and got a ticket. I have attached photos that I took as soon as I saw that I had a ticket. I don't believe that the signage and road markings are clear, the single yellow line is in fact broken and the sign makes it seem that the yellow line was in fact there for match days. I have never seen a number in a space before and there was no info on the sign to indicate that it was a market traders space at all. can any one advise please as I am quite annoyed by this and the council are acting like stubborn mules. I don't live in London and where I do live there is no market.
  9. Good afternoon. Last week I was given a penalty charge notice by Islington Council for parking in a suspended residents' parking bay. I wasn't very happy about the pcn for a few reasons: -The signs were only put up the day before the suspension. The council claim they went up ten days before, I'm pretty sure they didn't but obviously can't prove it. -The council put some cones up around the area to be suspended the night before the suspension. My car was outside of the coned off area. I raised this in my initial appeal but the officer appears to have ignored it. -(Retrospectively) I've read elsewhere on this forum that parking can only be suspended using authorised sigsn, and the sign used in this case does not match the authorised sign I've seen for Islington. I've copied out below my initial appeal and the council's reply. As I understand waiting to appeal again would mean I ended up paying the £130 instead of £65 fine, I'd be very grateful for any comments on how likely future appeals might be to suceed - if I don't have a case I'd rather know so I can pay up now. Thanks! Re: PCN IS288xxxx Dear Islington Appeals I’m writing in relation to the penalty charge notice identified above. I wish to appeal against the charge on two grounds: 1) The PCN was issued in relation to a parking suspension. Notice was only given of the parking suspension on the day before it came into force. As I do not use my car in the week, I had no opportunity to observe the warning notices or to move to my car. Specifically I parked my car on the evening of the 10th of February, at which time no notices were in place, and the suspension began on the morning of the 12th. The Islington Council website states that: “Where possible, 10 days notice will be given for residential parking”, this clearly was not the case on this occasion. 2) The Islington Council website further states that “Time plates will be covered by yellow hoods (or the area coned off) on the first day of the suspension, and will be removed when the suspension is over.” Although cones were in place during the suspension, my car was outside the coned off area. I therefore do not consider that my vehicle was inside the area of suspended parking. I’d be grateful if you could withdraw the ticket. Kind regards Chris And the reply: Dear Mr xxx Penalty Charge Notice No. IS288xxxxx Date of Issue 12/02/2013 at 09:17 Location of Contravention xxx, N19 Thank you for your email regarding the above Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) which was recently received at this office. The PCN was issued because the vehicle was parked in a suspended parking place. The yellow notices next to the parking bay clearly stated that parking was suspended from 8:30 to 18:30 on 12 February 2013. The vehicle was parked in close proximity to one of the signs. You have stated that there was only a day's notice of the parking suspension. However, I can confirm that the notices were put in place on 02 February 2013. They are usually attached to the time plate/s relevant to the bay. It is your responsibility as the driver to check the signage for parking suspensions and changes to parking restrictions. I have also noted your query regarding why a yellow hood covering the time plates. I can advise that this only occurs when parking in the entire bay is suspended. On this occasion, only the spaces outside numbers 6-8 were suspended. As the PCN was issued correctly, payment is now due. I have decided that we can accept the discounted amount of £65.00 provided we receive that before 08 March 2013. Please bear in mind that on that date the charge will increase to £130.00. If you wish to continue to contest the matter, the next stage is that a Notice to Owner will be sent to the person responsible for the penalty charge. This is a necessary legal step and further correspondence will only delay this process. The Notice to Owner will establish liability for the PCN and the grounds under which representations may be made. If representations are made at this stage and they are rejected, there will be the right of appeal to the independent adjudicator at the Parking & Traffic Appeals Service. Attached images: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41767[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41768[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41769[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41770[/ATTACH]
  10. This is my first post so please excuse the length of the thread and the incorrect use of paragraphs, it was just to make the post clearer and easier to follow. I received a PCN from Islington council in December of last year. I was half parked on a double yellow line and half in an out of hours residents bay on a residential road. It was a Sunday evening in a commercial vehicle (under 3.5 tonnes) and I was unloading and making a delivery to a house. The unloading was constant and I did not leave the vehicle unattended for more than 5 minutes at a time and overall I was there for under 40 minutes. I returned to the vehicle to find a ticket issued at 20.29. I challenged the PCN within 2 weeks requesting photographic evidence as this was, and,still is unavailable on the website. Within 10 days I received the photos indeed showing that the rear wheels were on the yellow lines, but, the photos showed they were taken at 20.30 (first 3) and 20.31 (last 3). I immediately wrote back saying that the rules on the website clearly state that for a ticket to be issued, the vehicle must be observed unattended for a full 5 minutes. I then pointed out that the ticket was issued and then 6 photos were taken 1 and 2 minutes later respectively. Therefore the civil enforcement officer had only spent 3 minutes with the vehicle and had not observed the vehicle unattended for 5 minutes before issuing the ticket I received a reply to this within 10 days simply saying they were satisfied that the vehicle had been observed (from 20.23) for a full 5 minutes before the ticket was issued, and that the photos were taken at 20.30 and 20.31, therefore the officer had spent a total of 7 minutes with the vehicle. I politely pointed out that that 20.23 to 20.31 equates to 8 minutes and could they provide notes or photos or proof of this as I dispute this fact because I would have been there. To cut an already long story short, they have failed to produce any evidence that the vehicle was observed before the ticket was issued and have now said that the onus is on me to prove that the vehicle was not observed for 5 minutes! Is it just me or is that the most ridiculous demand ever?? The civil enforcement officers are equipped with PCN machines and cameras both of which record the date and time. I am equipped with neither nor am I required to be by law. Surely the onus is on them to prove a contravention has occured, otherwise they could just go around issuing tickets willy nilly without any chance of appeal. I read up on the case of Ronald Kendrick Douglas VS The London Borough Of Brent where it was judged by the adjudicator that the burden of proof was on the council. I assume this applies at this stage also? This has now been going on for 2 months and the council are just stonewalling my appeals and refusing to budge Some advice on my position and who bears the burden of proof would be much appreciated.
  11. See below links. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll38/bribribourbonbourbon/citypcnpg1final.jpg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll38/bribribourbonbourbon/citypcnpg2.jpg Car was parked with a blue badge on singel yellow which is ok in Islington but this was on Golden Lane. One side of the road is Islington but I didn't realsise that the other side was City of London. The location on PCN is only Golden Lane. Also I think yellow line has a break of about 50cm-1m. hard to tell becasue it goes through motorcycle bay. the map link http://goo.gl/maps/MiSXp. The car was next to the bays at junction of Fann Street. It is in a CPZ. No photo provided by CEO. Suggestions welcome. Thank you
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