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Found 2 results

  1. Hello everyone One year ago I started work in one of DHL sites. My employer is work agency and I am on 0 hours contract. When I registered I put an information about my disability in the agency application form. Also, right after I started work Remploy contacted my agency to remind them about their obligations as my employer (making reasonable adjustments etc). Since my ability does not affect my work (and I do not require any adjustments and I told that to the agency coordinator when they asked) everything was fine during the year Buuuut... On the beginning of this year DHL started recruiting for full term contracts. I applied, put information about my disability in the application form and went succesfully through assessment and interview. And then the problems started. To complete the paperwork necessary for making the contract DHL's recruiter contacted the agency to get the details about my disability because they should have some in their health and safely records but they had none. It turns out that the agency was supposed to ask me for a letter from my gp and ensure that someone from DHL's health and safety department will conduct risk assessment for me. And that should have been done before I started work . Well, they did not do anything like that. And they said they missed the information about my disability in the application form. (The person who was processing the application one year ago does not work for them anymore so they can not ask him. ) Because of that DHL had to ask the agency to remove me from the site due to the potential risk until I get all necessary paperwork done but they made it clear they want me back as soon as possible (it was really busy time for the department I work in) It took almost two weeks because my GP was on holiday but in the end I was able to go back to work And everything would be OK but: 1 I lost eleven days of work 2 I didn't get the contract About the contract there should not be any problems. DHL is recruiting again and I was told I will most likely get it when they finish this round since I passed anyway. But I not only lost 11 days of work but also was charged for the letter from GP. The letter was required for work so my employer should pay for it. Or at least that I was told in the family practice but the agency refused to pay for it at first. And also they told me I won't be paid for the absence After couple of days they changed they mind and said they will pay for the letter and at least for the first week Of course there was no payment on my account at the time they was supposed to pay ( I am paid weekly so it should be Friday of the second week of absence. After I returned from work ( Monday) I asked the lady from my agency what is going on with my money She said she has to speak with her boss because they want to cover some of those days with my holiday . I agreed to wait but I wasn't sure if they can even do that and I didn't understand why should I pay for their mistake with the holidays I acquired .So I consulted the matter with ACAS and my disability advisor. ACAS consultant said I should be entitled to medical suspension payment and that I have right to use my holiday as I want. And if the agency will deduct my holidays without my consent it will be unlawful. Meanwhile I got a payslip from the agency. With payment for roughly 6,5 days. I went to them before my shiftb started and asked for explanation and they said they decided to use my holiday to pay for those days and add the rest to that. I informed them I am not happy with that and I want to discuss the matter later but I couldn't catch them that day Next day I have got the payment stated in the payslip I went to the agency again and asked how many days of holiday I have. The answer : none . They took all 7 days I had (!) And they said I agreed for that (!) and also they took 7 days of my holidays but paid me for three remaining days but initially their boss agreed for two (!). Very nice but first it should be four days remaining not three, and second where is the payment for the letter from GP? The payslip does not explain anything. I informed them about what I heard from ACAS and they ask me to write a etter to their boss I did it and now I am waiting for his response but honestly I don't know what to think anymore. What, are my rights? What else can I do? I am going to call ACAS again and maybe I'll get some more info but at this moment I am jus worried there is nothing I can do. Employment Tribunal looks too expensive for me... PS sorry for mistakes, I'm not native English speaker Also, sorry for the wall of text
  2. Hi Everyone First post as I just moved to London form Australia (British Citizen though) I've been doing a christmas temp position and begun by signing a contract that stated that I have remaining 5.5hrs of annual leave (before we had even started). I've since worked up to 40 hours a week and just been told that I don't get annual leave on those hours, just the 5.5 that we signed for on the training day. Info: It's a 12 hour contract FYI (they said this was only because it made it more flexible) and although the hours I've been working have been much more. The contract states that my employment was expected to end on 24/12/2012 although I've since continued to work there without signing any new contract. The contract was supposed to be in conjunction with the Employee Handbook but this wasn't given to me until after the contract was signed. (Not sure if relevant) Any help is much appreciated. I'm new to the laws and really need this holiday pay to help me through until I find a new job as I think they will be letting me go after the sales. Cheers Dave
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