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Found 3 results

  1. After a long absence from benefits I'll be starting a new claim for Universal Credit in the next few days. Just a brief history: I was on the old Work Programme with Ingeus for the full 2 years - towards the end I was placed on the ESA assessment phase having been on JSA only and didn't have to attend the office anymore... Shortly after I ended the claim to pursue a new opportunity and that's where I've been for over a year and a bit. Now having to go back to relying on benefits is a difficult thought and I have no idea what's changed. I have no clue if my local office is still open, I know most claims are now dealt with by phone only... I think that's right? I've heard DWP offices are closing down all over the country so what does this mean for a claimant and how do they check your doing all you can to find work? Can anyone fill me in on what's changed and what'll happen when I sign up... very nervous about it as I never actually thought I'd go back into the system... I was on antidepressants before and looking for job didn't help much with my mental health. Having not worried about work strictly speaking for over a year I am quite anxious regarding all these changes and what it could mean for my family.
  2. hi all natwest have blocked my accounts except 2 and told me i gotta ring collections in the morning i have 2 silver select accounts 1 of which is overdrawn and still active and the over one is in credit a little also have 2 saver accounts both of which are in credit and a basic bank account - for internet buys after coop and rewardsnow done me over and i argued with both parties for refund as it wasnt authorised transaction and got no where and i have a isa with nothing in work has been a bit sketchy recently with a little bit here and there and i didnt realise my select 2 account was £59 OD calculated income between opening them accounts and now is about £2400 in 5 months inc paying rent and bills and food and been a struggle they have blocked my accounts that are in credit and left one active which isnt - can they do this as i have regular small payments going in and out of my other accounts - its 4am in the morning and i cant sleep as im fuming at the bank after having to walk 9 miles home because i couldnt get my money which i had put by to get back from work what can i do on this front - also i will need some more advice on other debts but will start that in a new thread in another day because i actually want to sort myself out financially as im 25 and not getting any younger lol i cant access my money to buy food or pay my rent and got a gut feeling that they will say pay 59 quid and we unblock accounts and give you access to your own money again any ideas as im going out of my brain and its not good
  3. Am going to try and keep this as short as possible! i ordered a bike for my sons xmas gift from very and the delivery date was befroe the end of the month! I got a text saying the bike was in my garden, Having been dropped behind my 6ft gates and had been put out of site! I phoned very who said i could put it together and see if there was any damage or arrange a return and they would put a complaint in with the delivery company! My husband put the front wheel on and then went to put the handlebars on to find a chip in the paint next to the rubber hand grip! I phoned very and asked for a price reduction rather than having to send it back they offered me 75p, then £3.75 so i asked to return the bike where i was offered a further reduction but we just want to send the bike back! That was over a week ago i have since waited in 4 times for arranged collections and been on the phone every other day and emailed very to ask what is going on! I then get a rather aggressive phonecall from their bike deppartment telling me i cant return the bike as we had "put the bike together", i pointed out that we had phoned very and asked what our options were and at no point in any of the conversations or emails has anyone said it cant be sent back! I now have to phone them again as yesterdays collection didnt happen and i feel very anxious to the point i cant sleep! I feel like im getting nowhere and no one cares they just keep appologising and telling me to keep phoning and re-arranging a return
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