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Found 10 results

  1. This company Park direct uk, issued me a PCN while i didnt have time to think to where to park, so i was feeling dizzy and i parked there, and I gave the reason to them, and I'm legally to do so if im in an emergency, and i sent them a appeal and they refused, and this is a private land, can someone help me out please? I attached all the posts that i received from them and what i appealed to them. Many thanks guys
  2. Roll Up, Roll Up... One and all... This is a new record by any means... Someone on another site posted this... The letter is comical, Not for the fact its a debt but for more the amount.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]60057[/ATTACH] Bravo RBS, Bravo...
  3. Today I was caught shoplifting £62 worth of products in Boots. I was spotted by the security guard (who wasn't in uniform) and I was taken to the security room. I was searched and the stolen goods were seized while the security guard made some very strange comments about me being a "godless woman" and having "the devil inside me". I am 17 years old so he asked for the details of a parent/guardian. Although I live with my mother, I decided to give my dad's details and address because if my mother ever found out about this I would be beaten black and blue and I'd probably end up in hospital. They called my father to confirm the details, they took some pictures of me and then I was given a piece of paper confirming my ban from the shopping centre for 6 months and from Boots for 6 months. They said that they'll be giving me a fine(?) of around £130, I can't really remember. The police were not involved. I've not stopped crying or shaking since being let out of the security room, I know it's silly, it could have been a lot worse. I just want to make sure that it's not possible for anything to be sent to my mother's address. I gave them my father's address, told them I permanently live there and even said that I'm not in contact with my mother so I can't see that anything would be sent to her but I want to check because I'm really on edge right now. Thanks
  4. Hello all, I had a debt with EDF which I have been struggling to pay, they did inform me that they were applying for a warrant to change the meter but heard nothing since until I came home today to discover they have been in my house whilst I was out and changed it. Surely they are supposed to tell me when they are coming so that I can choose to be there or not? I feel sick thinking they could have been looking through my things etc. Also my 15 year old daughter is often home alone and doesnt answer the door if shes on her own unless she knows who it is, so if they just let themselves in and she had happened to be home she would have been absolutely petrified. Are they really allowed to do this? I get disability benefits and they were told when I moved in that I am registered disabled
  5. Hello on the 13/03/2015 a insured driver with Hastings insurance ran into the back of my vehicle whilst it was stationary at a set of traffic lights.Although myself and my pregnant partner were shocked and there was substantial damage to my vehicle and the 3rd party's i thought it best not to get too angry at the driver who had hit me as he was an elderly gent and could not say sorry enough.We exchanged details at the scene and that was that. We both attended our local walk in centers and were told that we were both suffering with whiplash but on the up side our babies are fine. Later the next day i had a call from the 3rd party who advised me that he had told Hasting's insurance what had happened and he had admitted that the crash was solely his fault,would have very difficult to see how it could of been mine when i was stationary and he ran in the back of me. I then involved a well known solicitor of the internet who arranged a inspection of my vehicle which was done a few days later and it was deemed a cat d total loss. Seven days ago i got a call from my solicitor who told me that Hastings had still not admitted liability for the accident but they were releasing a Cheque for vehicle damages which has still not arrived at my solicitors office as of today. I have a pregnant partner who is 25 weeks pregnant today i have to get her to hospital every other day for blood pressure checks as we are having twins. I want to know why liability has still not been admitted or even how it has not when the Hastings driver ran in the back of myself. The Hasting driver is ringing me every few days to see if myself and my partner are ok and if his insurance company has sorted the claim as he seems to be a genuine bloke. But Hastings insurance are dragging there feet for some reason and i would like some advise on who i can complain about this too. I am not currently not in a credit hire vehicle but i wish i had gone down that route as i have had no car now since the 13/03/2015 and i am running out of money to send my mrs to the hospital in a taxi. I will be holding Hastings insurance liable if anything happens to my babies as a result in them taking so long to do there job. There driver hit me end of story.:mad2:Now is there anybody who can help me as my solicitor is about as much help as a wet lettuce as there is nothing they can do until a certain date and then that will involve taking Hastings to court. A much longer wait.
  6. Hi Just looking for a bit of advice. My husband has been on DLA for just over 2 years and in May he was asked to apply for PIP. I filled out the forms for him and sent all evidence from each consultant he sees. We received a letter in June to say all had been received and his assessment would be in 12-16 weeks. I called just before the 16 weeks and was told it would now be 26 weeks but ATOS would be coming to us. His last ATOS assessment for ESA I had to take him and we actually found the lady very nice and she included me quite a bit in the assessment. He was placed in the SG. Is a home visit usual/unusual? Should I be worried? Thanks
  7. Hi Forum. I am currently a BG customer, for three years, prior to that EON for a additionalr three years. Myself and my better half live in a tiny two beds (chocolate box) cottage, single fuel (electricity), No gas main, multi fuel stove burner which keeps the house reasonably warm in colder months. For many years we have always disputed and questioned the high costs with both Utility companies. After many years of being made to feel like we are going mad, and with the suggestion from both companies "are you sure you want to go-ahead with the meter check, it will cost you if you are proven wrong" attitude by both EON & BG we finally decided to proceed with a meter check, we were advised that this check would be via an independent! It was actually carried out BG themselves. Results - The engineer who attended professionally used the phrased "goosed" to confirm that as we had suspected over many years, the box is fast running. BG took over a week to acknowledge this and the reaction to resolving the faulty equipment has been disappointing, enough for me to ask for senior member of staff to deal with the matter. BG have now offered a monetary value, zero interest applied, no additional compensation applied, just what seems to be monetary payment with regards to over payment (I do not know the formula used to calculate their offer?) EON initial response was very professional to begin with, but now the worm has turned and they have become some may say, quiet bullish in their opinion. I am aware of the complaints procedures that I have to follow, I have logged a case reference with CAB, I will use the 14 days period of notice, followed by an additional 8 weeks if I am not satisfied with conclusion. Thereafter the ombudsman directly. I have been advised not to let the faulty meter be taken away, this advise actually came from the regulatory body who will determine further checks on the meter if we fall further into dispute with our current suppliers, I understand that meter examiners are employed by SGS and a point of contact here advised at no costs let them take the meter until we are satisfied fully with the outcome of dispute. The same kind contact advised me that beware that on the day, if the meter happens to perform correctly then it may not work in your favour!!! So right now I am confused about how best to approach this case! once I have exhausted the official process of complaint with the energy companies; Q can I claim compensation in excess of what would be the standard overpayment due to the fast running meter? Q are we entitled for interest to be applied to any overpayments made? Q should I allow the meter to be replaced? Q should I request a checking meter sit side saddled to my current meter? Q is their a maximum claim applicable to this kind of case and can I use effect on lifestyle (true) etc etc to make my claim for compensation stronger? Sorry for so many questions but I am now feeling a little bogged down with different opinions, at least BG by offering a figure is acknowledging the faulty meter. I look forward to the forums responses. Kindest regards
  8. Please help, i was signed off work 2 weeks ago with a lower back problem (i have 3 prolapsed discs), due to go back to work tomorrow but so stressed, anxious and in pain, not sure what to do. I checked my work Blackberry tonight and i have a couple of emails from my manager (sent to me at 8 & 9pm Friday) telling me she is disappointed with my recent workload and is requesting a weekly report from me. In addition for the past 4 months i have experienced very poor internet connectivity (which she is fully aware of) and this will not be resolved until 30th November. I do not feel that this has been taken into account, I work from home and am unable to complete 60% of my work due to the fault with the broadband. I am unable to access spreadsheets ect and my nearest office is a 200 mile round journey. I m so confused about how i am feeling at the moment, just looking for some help or advice on what direction to take this. I work for a very large organisation and feel totally demoralized. No email asking me how i am or if i am returning to work tomorrow!!!
  9. Can anyone give me some advice, i feel suicidal and have no one to turn to, i am guiltyof claiming wtc still when my husband came back home for the last year, I have a son in long term hospital and suffer from severe depression myself, most days i don't know if i am coming or going, but have still managed to keep working. i had aletter from wtc saying they knew my husband was living with me, and i had 30 days to prove otherwise. i am at my wits end, do i do nothing , or just tell them that i have made a bad mistake and own up, will i be definitely prosecuted , will i go to prison, i don't know what i should do. i have claimesd about 2100, overpayment , please can anyone give me some help..
  10. Quick background: I CCA’d MBNA Virgin and received my credit agreement. Unfortunately for me, it is enforceable. I have paid up my arrears and have restarted my monthly repayment agreement to avoid further action. My circumstances currently are that I am out of work and seriously considering "signing on" but I probably won’t because I never have and I am confident that I will find something in a month or two. Before I write to Virgin/MBNA, I wanted to seek advice from my fellow Caggers regarding my intention pay them less each month. My current plan is: 1. Write to them and explain my circumstances and offer what I can currently afford monthly. 2. Cancel my direct debit and simultaneously set up a Standing Order for a quarter of what I am currently in agreement to pay them monthly. I guess if I can’t pay then I can’t pay and there’s nothing much they can do about it. I assume they will ask me to fill in a financial statement but I know that legally I am not required to do this and frankly, I don’t want to. Is this the right path? Possibly trying to avoid a DN, although I have a collection of DN due to my other unenforceable agreements – so one more really won’t make much difference. Or should I just not pay and after several threats, call the number and negotiate, hoping that they will agree a lower payment? I want to try and be in control of the situation even if there is an enforceable credit agreement in existence. Anyone know the best plan of action for me? Thanks.
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