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Found 2 results

  1. The lady next door to me has always run a child minding business since before I moved in, it wasn't a problem as I'm at work all day and the noise was done by 18:00 when most parents had picked up their kids, she never had any more than about 3 plus her own of which 2 are under 5 years old and one under 16 years old. However now she seems to have built what can only be described as a playground in her back garden and an extension on the back of her house which is a play room (the windows have paintings on them). It's been pretty quiet through the Summer, but last week and this week the noise has started at 07:00 and is still going on now as it is now a full blown creche with possibly 6 - 10 kids but I can't be sure exactly how many and I don't really want to start looking over the fence counting them for obvious reasons. Currently there are kiddie tunes blaring out in the garden and screaming kids running amok. There is a pirate ship climbing frame in the garden and it has bell at the top which is well over the height of the fence (5' fence). If you give kids a bell what do you think is going to happen?! It has become utter chaos that doesn't quieten down until about 19:00. It is impossible for me to sit in the garden during daylight at all. So my question is: Napalm or Mustard Gas, which is most effective in small open air combat zones? Seriously, I know a little bit about nursery rules and regs as my missus is a qualified Nursery Nurse and there is something called 'ratio' where you must have a certain number of adults per child. In this case she is way out of ratio, as to the best of my knowledge she is looking after these kids alone. So do I do the dirty and report her to Ofsted as I genuinely believe the children are at risk if she can't watch them all? This seems a shame as she is trying to make a living and apart from the odd ball or toy coming over which I always return, we had no issues with the creche up to the expansion. My neighbour is a little stand offish though, so I wouldn't say I am able to say 'the noise is a little loud' without it causing some friction. Any thoughts on how to deal with this?
  2. I am jumping up and down like Tigger with rage. I have been on housing and council tax benefit, disabled buying home, Had a few probs with council tax in 2009, benefits were wrong and had a bill, sent to bailiffs CER and then they went ceased trading. Had a few ups and downs but managed to sort it out. We had a discrepancy but thats in past and has been left hanging. Now with the changes have to pay council tax again, but just haven't had the funds. I had a traffic fine and finished paying that off in June. I had a letter from council and decided that I would do a payment plan. I agreed £6 a fortnight which they accepted. This was for both amounts. I made it £6.50 and it was OK. Have paid 2 payments so far, another going on Wednesday. This morning a letter arrives sayint that I haven't kept up with my plan and they are taking me to court for the £33 outstanding. an the rest of the year. They have taken £6 off the old one and 50p off this years. I can't afford any more....... what should I do?
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