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Found 5 results

  1. The bin men came this morning and emptied our green garden bags and left a lot of the content in the road. If we drop a cigarette end we get fined £50, so this isn't on. Who do I complain to about this ?
  2. Hi, we've all been offered voluntary redundancy, ahead of 'proper' redundancies later in the year. It's a big firm, so a vanilla online 'calculator' has been setup for us to get a quote on the package. However, I have a concern around the notice period in lieu being offered. Rather than it being per my contract, they look to be basing it on length of service. (But clearly calling it Notice payment, not Stat pay or Additional Service Pay). So I'm being offered 9 weeks, rather than the 13 in my contract. Some who I've spoken to has suggested that with VR, it's all based on mutual agreement, so if I agree to 9 weeks, that's what I get. But reviewing CAB's website suggests that VR is still a form of dismissal, and so surely notice should be per my contract? Does anyone have any knowledge on this? And, if I 'accepted' 9 weeks, could I later point out that my contract was different and force them to pay the remainder, or am I out of luck by then? Been full-time permanently employed for over 7 years, and there is no specific PILON term in there. *Actually, there is a further clause in my contract suggesting I get an additional 1 week notice per year worked, which would bring it to 20 weeks. I imagine this was an error, but is there on paper signed by both parties - but would want to understand the broader legal position before I challenge / raise that point!
  3. I have been living in rented accommodation for almost 4 years. The landlord is someone I have known since childhood and have a good relationship with (I think). However it has recently come to light that he is facing repossession of the house I rent from him and it is obvious that the lender, Santander, is unaware that he is renting the property out. I am worried that if the worst happens and the boys in black with white van and clipboards come along they will think I am the landlord in question and attempt to evict me and my family. It could of course happen while we are away from the house. What do I need to do to protect myself?
  4. Hi all and hope someone can help me. I've been a sales rep with a company for the past 12 years and have done a reasonable job. I've met targets, called on customers regularly and have been told by many that I'm in with the bricks! The past 2years have been tough as my territory has been decimated with customers going bust or just not spending and as a result of this, my figures for this year are down and my position is now on a shaky peg! My manager, off record, has told me to start looking for another job as he does not want to go down the route of micro-managing me - this is the last thing either of us wants. We are good friends and he's not wanting to do this to me. The targets for next year are already being discussed and I don't fall into their plans and if I leave, they will not replace me. I've not been given a time frame on when to leave but the message is out there! I don't want to get sacked as Im unaware of rights etc - I did ask about redundancy but this apparently would cost too much due to my length of time at the company. Does anyone know what rights I have on this and how does this go with companies deciding to get rid of their sales people? Any help or guidance would be gratefully received. Thanks
  5. Here's the situation. I'm a 65 year old male living with my 56 year old partner. We have a 17 year old daughter. I've just had a letter to attend an interview under caution. My partner inherited about £40,000 from her father in July. We both lead practically separate lives now and although I live in the same house a nd claim for us I don't have much to do with anybody, keeping myself to myself and rarely going out. (I have diabetes, heart problems and depression). I didn't see much of the money although she did buy me a new laptop. the money was frittered away in the space of about two months, mostly on debt and huge mortgage arrears. There's nothing left now. The thing is I stupidly didn't declare it and as the claim is in my name I should have done. I kept meaning to but I'm terrible for putting things off. I realized that the DWP must have known about the inheritance. No attempt was made to hide the money. I don't have a bank account but it sat openly in my partner's account while it lasted. Now I have to attend this interview and I'm pretty scared. How likely am I to face jail time? It's the government statements on cracking down hard on fraud that terrify me. I can't believe I've been so stupid. I know a forum can't solve my problems but it helps a little just to talk about it.
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