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Found 8 results

  1. Having moved my home phone & broadband recently - without any problems, I thought I would take advantage of the pricing offered - Vodafone - and move my business account to them as well - different address. After making contact they tried at first to say they could not help as my business does not show on their Postcode lookup - yet on Royal Mail PAF it comes up straight away as it does with many others - could it be VF use an out of date system, would have to be years old as have traded from here for the last 10+ years. Eventually overcame the Postcode issues as they input things manually but they now tell me I may have to fork out for a new phone number as the one I have is not recognised. I have suggested they contact my present provider who will tell them otherwise. In this day & age it seems to me as if those connected to the IT industry have the worst values. The bigger the company the worse they are.
  2. Hi there I have a question relating to a loan that I took in 2004 through Zenith Windows to install double glazing. But Zenith windows went into administration in 2010 I believe. Loan amount 5K. It is now paid off. How do I go about getting the PPI back from them and the unfair charges. Can anyone help please? Many thanks and much appreciated.
  3. I got myself into trouble with a Halifax student overdraft many many years ago and the fees racked up so much I couldn't afford to pay it back before the debt was sold off. I moved away and sort of lost track of it. The debt became statue barred and fell off my credit file around 2011. Am I as good as dead to Halifax for any future business or will I be long forgotten by now, or in the near future? I'm looking for a mortgage and Halifax look promising but it seems like a bad idea to approach them or any of their group companies. What happens to people who do this with a few lenders? If you mess about with a few you could wipe out the majority of the high street lenders because they all seem to be owned by each other to various degrees.
  4. Someone raised the issue of assumptions being made by companies, government and people that everyone has the internet. This is obviously not the case and to those that don't have it, there will be frustrations caused when told that they need to take an action online. Today there was some announcement that Skype was down around the world, as if it was a big inconvenience. We regularly see computer problems meaning that services are not available. I want you to imagine that tomorrow you woke up to find that the internet was no longer available and would not be available again. How would this affect you, the business you work for and the world economy ? I think the world would be as devastated by internet disappearing, as it would if hostile aliens invaded the Earth. So much is now invested in using the internet for every aspect of life, that any major issue affecting it would have a massive impact.
  5. Hi all I'm two months in arrears with a company based near Doncaster as they haven't completed the job they were supposed to do almost 12 months ago. To cut a long story short, I had a call a few days ago to discuss this from a Mr Morley supposedly of 'Doncaster Debt Collectors'. Called from a mobile number. Has anyone heard of this company or had any dealings with them? I have googled it and there are no results. I suspect he is from the company that I am having problems with rather than a debt collector. I explained the problem and he agreed to remove all charges from my account and to send an engineer out to finish the job. I have previously discussed this with the company in question, sent a letter in the post etc, with no joy and now, as soon as I stop paying, 'Mr Morley' is offering to make it all better! Surely this is not the job of a debt collector? What do you think? Looking forward to hearing your views and thanks in advance.
  6. I have in place what I believe to be a fairly watertight Tomlin. Not (in the grand scheme of things) of great value. Without going into the exact details I sued for PPI, CPP, DPA & CCA non compliance plus a few charges which it settled prior to prelim.....pretty much everything I could think of after it rattled my cage. My issue is that it seems intent on publishing the originating agreement with a non existing balance which has been compromised by the order. In effect I reversed a £2k debit balance to a positive balance of £7k....yet it has recently published the originating account details with debit balance and seemingly duplicated the account, passing the original 2k to a dca? From its records (and as settled) it reduced the balance to £00.00 prior to issuing a cheque for £7k, ergo 9k in total per compromise. It is on notice that it has a few days remaining to retract the publication and comply with the confidential terms prior to enforcing of the schedule.... Oh and, it still hasn't settled my costs, also contained within the order at circa £900.00 Am I correct in thinking its up s##t creek without a paddle if I have to weigh out another £150.00 to enforce the order? Is there any wriggle room for creating duplicate accounts?
  7. Serious question. I can't find any evidence and wonder if anyone can help. (Yes I know the web site is non-compliant with the law and openly admits it's not independent and merely a monkey to the usual organ-grinder, but that's not my question)
  8. Hi everyone, Would be grateful for any advice... An alleged debt was sold to a DCA by a mobile phone company (went via a few DCAs actually). Anyway, as far as I'm aware the debt has never existed and (despite writing and asking repeatedly) have never received any written evidence of the debt. The DCA have placed a default on my credit file and won't remove it until I 'provide proof of payment'. The CRA contacted them and they replied with the same proof of payment request so CRA won't do anymore but the debt doesn't exist. The phone company won't discuss it and the DCA say any discussion must be with the phone company. I know technically they must prove it exists but this isn't helping me in getting the default removed. I was so close to getting my debt sorted but this in conjunction with another complete farce (made worse by me insisting upon my rights being upheld apparently) has left me completed gutted and frustrated. Will save that for another thread when I can think about it without banging my head against a wall Thanks for any help or advice
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