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Found 2 results

  1. Government pulls all Learndirect contracts and funding https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/aug/15/government-pulls-all-learndirect-contracts-and-funding?subid=19389892&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 Learndirect, which was privatised by David Cameron’s coalition government in 2011 and is majority-owned by the private equity arm of Lloyds Bank An FT/FE Week investigation this week found that in the four years since it was sold off, it parent company spent 84% of its income, most of which came from the taxpayer, on payments to managers and financiers. learndirect opposed publication of the report "which gave the provider the lowest possible rating" because it would "create a risk of “irreparable damage including financial consequences”." The shape of things to come for Hunt the Hated's sell off of the NHS's taxpayer money saving Staffing arm. https://www.ft.com/content/5bc8444a-5979-11e7-9bc8-8055f264aa8b
  2. Hi All Today l recieved a letter from argos re a larder fridge l brought in November 2012. It was in regards to the energy efficiency rating it was given. TBH l was not fully concerned re this when l brought it just that it was big enough to go in the space it was the second thought re the fridge. Todays letter, I have summerised it, says the National Measurement office (NMO) and Argos conducted a investigation into the energy efficiency of the fridge and concluded that the product was using more than stated on the table. It was rated a + but it is actually a As part of the discussions between the NMO and Argos it was agreed it would be appropriate to compensate customers for the additional energy costs that l would incur over the anticipated lifespan of the appliance. The NMO has calculated that over the estimated life of the product it was likely to cost customer up to a additional £25 in electricity charges based on current tariffs and usage. As result they have enclosed a cheque for £25 to cover the additional expenditure. Please be assured that there is no saftey or other issue affecting your product. Please accept our appologies for this issue. Argos strives to ensure that all our products are of the highest quality and meet all technical and enviromental standards working with the industry and regulators to continually improve performance. Its signed by a contact centre manager. I have a few questions naturally. l have tried to speak to someone on the phone at Argos but the customer services staff cant give me more info as they can only tell me whats in the letter. The department that deals with these things does not take phonecalls or make phone calls and they cant be contacted by email or contacted in any way by customers nor can they contact customers. Also the customer services lady did not give me the details of the department l needed she said she would find out off her supervisor but cut me off. I decided that another 2 hours trying to get answers/being on hold was not worth being hung up on. I was not aware of the problem before and no one has contact me re electricity company or tariff were on tho l would assume they could easily find that out. * How do the work out what the anticipated lifespan of the appliance is * How do they no what the estimated life of the product is. * How did they come to the conculsion the additional cost is £25 * What tariff and usage did they use. * How did they determin how l use it. It might be a back up or second fridge. * How do l no this is correct as not every company charges the same. * If l accept the cheque, they sent it with the letter as said above, and put it in my bank can l still challenge there findings re the tariffs etc. * I understand the warrenty is only a year but l did read a while back about a judge ruling the Sofa, I think, should have lasted longer than that and a reasonable period of time tho l dont no what a reasonable amount of time is or if this applys to other goods like fridges. The fridge is still working I expect it to work for several more years to come. My last one lasted about 7 years and TBH was and still is fine, l sold it to a lady down road, just it was clogging up a bit. Also have a freezer of the same style that is 7 yrs old and a chest freezer that is 9 yrs old. Am l to then assume these have gone on longer than there anticipated lifespan and the estimated life of the product. Any advice would be great.
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