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Found 2 results

  1. Afternoon All! I was hoping someone would be kind enough to advise on how I should proceed with the following problem with British Gas. I'll try and keep it brief as, with everything concerning BG this has been anything but! A few years back a bill was ran up at one of my previous address' and not paid. I admit the debt is mine so no problem there. I have nothing from BG or any DCA in over 2 years. Recently, have come into better times I have decided to try and get my credit score back. I checked my credit file and basically BG has marked my file, every month for the last couple of years with a "missed payment". I called BG regarding the account and was passed to their "offshore" debt team who didn't have a clue. It took 45 mins for them to find any info. I made a payment of £100 and asked if I could set up a monthly DD for the remainder but was told I can't as the debt was so old and must call each time to make a payment. I explained this is impossible as I am out of the country 10 months a year and will not spend 45 mins each time on the phone from abroad to give them money. I was advised by another adviser the following day that I could actually set up a DD so tried again. Again, no body could find any record of the account. Just an address and the balance. The guy who took the £100 payment had not even put that in the file. Luckily this was rectified. Long story short it turns out that the debt has been passed to a DCA. BG said as this was the case they couldn't do anything. When asked how come they took a payment then they had no answer? I told them that I will deal direct with the DCA but was informed they don't know who that is?? No record. I told them, if the DCA has bought the account then they should refund my £100 but was informed this would come off the DCA bill which I think is BS. They are supposed to be calling me back today with the DCA details (I won't hold my breath!). What would you advise on this one? I'm guessing BG don't even own the debt now so I shouldn't really be dealing with them. I was thinking just offer the DCA a full and final and claim back the £100 off BG. They can't take payment on an account they don't own right? The other thing is, should they still be marking my credit file every month? If they don't own the debt I'm not missing any payments? Any help will be greatly appreciated
  2. Hello, you all seem to be really clued up here so hopefully you can help me! In September 2013 I signed up for a gym membership at Xcercise4Less, which was for a year. When I signed up it was with some housemates that would not be in the area in a year, so when we asked how to cancel the girl simply said cancel the direct debit. After using the gym only for a few weeks I developed a hernia (unrelated to gym!), and so was advised not to go until after surgery. I stopped going to the gym, however continued paying for the contract as I was unaware you could cancel because of this. Come September 2014, the 12th payment came out so I cancelled the direct debit. Now starting a month ago it has been a mess of CRS, Harlands and Xcercise4Less harassing me and sending multiple letters for unpaid gym membership fees and then some additional extra? I emailed the gym directly and told them the situation however they stopped replying. I'm really skint at the moment and it is annoying me how I didn't even use the gym and they are still trying to come after me for money? How could I get around this? I emailed them saying I would pay my 1 months notice but they ignored that aswell. Would it be helpful to get a doctors note for the hernia? I've followed advice seen on here about not doing anything over the phone but I'm getting texts and missed calls every day and keep sending letters to my home address and worrying my mother. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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