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Found 9 results

  1. Even though i'm new on here i've been on here enough to know that this type of 'help me' threads get posted sooo many times so here another one. To keep it short: i was stopped by revenue inspectors and failed to produce an oyster (i used my sister's but as my sister was with me at the time literally with me i gave her oyster back) when the inspector asked for my oyster i just said i didn't have one because my sister was terrified and i didn't want to get her in trouble so took the responsibillity. (i'm older than her). tfl sent me legal proceedings letter and now a 'single procedure justice' notice to plead guilty or not guilty within 21 days. This 21 day ends next week thursday. Because this isn't a court summons so does this mean no out of court settlement?????? also ANYONE have their number i've searched every where but can't find it. i'm so stressed out.
  2. Hi all, Is there any truth in the rumour (English law) that a court won't convict on the evidence of a sole witness ? Also, is there any truth in the rumour that witnesses must be independent - i.e. ruling out 3 close members of a family effectively being 3 witnesses rather than 1 ? Mike.
  3. Hi all, hope someone can help with this. I’m on Universal Credit and have been “signing” every two weeks where I don’t actually sign but Jobcentre staff review what I’ve been doing. I’ve kept my own spreadsheets and have presented a printout with each meeting, I’ve got the member of staff to initial and date each time so that they are happy with it. They’ve mentioned about documenting time spent and applying for positions outside my “perfect job” I’ve been doing this and spending way over the supposed 29 hours (I do voluntary work too) Today I’ve been given a UC71 form and a doubt about not applying for any job I am capable of doing. I apply for an average of nine jobs a week and take enough time about it so that it’s a well thought out application. I’m a bit confused to how they could think I’m not doing enough. Also why didn’t it come up at the time so I could have avoided this. I’ve been asked to come up with six weeks worth of additional information about other positions I’ve applied for. I’ve got seven days to reply so would greatly appreciate any advice about how to deal with it properly. Cheers pc.
  4. This is a good FOI reply I found on Whatdotheyknow site; https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/sanctions_comprehensive_monitori#comment-57627 The FOI 108 DMA Checklist.xls file (click on 'View HTML' to see it) is particularly interesting as it contains a list of all the checks the adviser has to do if they want to raise a valid sanction doubt - there's LOTS of little things that we can catch them out on if they fail to do it Well worth printing out and keeping. Should your adviser ever try to raise a doubt you can produce it and at least make sure they go through every step while you argue it with them.
  5. Hi so this morning i receive a doubt letter for not attending my course on the 3/2/14 , the funny thing is I received the letter telling me that i was due to come in on the above date on the 4/2/14 The letter is dated 31/1/14 and is a second class letter, Clearly this letter WONT be received by the 3rd as its a weekend. This will be the 3rd time ill be sanctioned in the last 12 month. I honestly dont no what to do iv give up
  6. Hi all, Just come off the work programme and earlier today had my 3rd appointment with my adviser as part of the post work programme support. Today was also my signing day and I took my jobsearch in the job diary like I have for the last few years only to be told they were not satisfied that I was doing enough to look for work and using universal job match. At my last appointment I was asked to provide screenshots of my universal jobmatch account and also email me CV to them before this appointment, after asking for advice on here I decided not to email m CV nor provide printouts of the screens on UJM. I was told by them that it was a legal requirement to give them a copy of my CV and I had been mandated to do it at my last appointment, she did say it was mandatory but that was only verbally so not sure how that stands up. And with regard to UJM it was mandatory to either give them access to my account or provide printouts so it could be shown how I was using UJM and to see I was applying for jobs using it. As a result she has raised a doubt on my claim and suspended my money so no JSA for me, and it was made clear if I did not comply at my next meeting then it would be another sanction. As it was said, only 3 sanctions and I have no JSA for 3 years. Can anyone offer any help, where to find legislation etc as I feel I am fighting a losing battle at the moment. Thanks
  7. Hello All, I have just received Two letters from JCP Informing me i have been Sanctioned for 26 weeks (10th Aug 2013 - 7 Feb 2014) They are saying i did not attend Work Program (TNG Avanta) on three Occasions: Fri 20/07/2012 Friday 03/08/2012 and Fri 10/08/2012 Quote " Without good reason for failing to do so.We previously told you that we would decide about this and inform you." I am sure i didn't receive any letters They carry on to say"We are sorry about how long it as taken to make a decision about your case.The delay is due to a recent Court of Appeal ruling about the Laws allowing us to impose Sanctions and stop benefit payments for not taking part in a relevant employment scheme.A new law has now been passed that allows us toi impose these Sanctions." Both letters are from JC+ , appeal form GL24, is not included with the letters.both letters are dated 9th August 2013 I received them on Friday 16th Aug 2013,so that's left me three weeks to appeal.What court appeal are they on about i have looked on net but nothing comes up. Any help ,info on this would be very much Appreciated. Thankyou. Evo
  8. :!:Hi everyone! My name is Paul, aged 41, I live in Norwich and recently, after 6 years of working for an organisation full-time, I was dismissed with Gross Misconduct. I have since managed to get my self sorted out, in terms of getting all the inevitable benefits sorted out, informing the relevant authorities of my changes of circumstances. The days following the Disciplinary Hearing were very hard for me - I felt shocked, very depressed, worried and very alone. Now I have got over the worse, I am now feeling happier as the overwhelming emotional support I received from friends and family helped keep me optimistic. To cut a long story short, I am now concerned as I recently received a letter from the Jobseekers Allowance department at my local jobcentre, stating that "there is a doubt over why my job ended" - I immediately got back in contact with my former employers, who informed me that they received a standard form to fill in, asking for details such as my job, salary and my hours worked - this form clearly led on to having received this "doubt" letter. I saw my Personal Adviser recently and I showed him this letter - he explained that they will continue paying my JSA whilst further investigations are carried out, and that my employers will have to state why my job ended, and if the response is unfavourable, I could inevitably lose up to 26 weeks worth of benefit and that I would need to claim under the hardship provision. I will also be sent a copy of this, with the employers' comments so I can have an opportunity to put my argument across. I have begun applying for new employment but am now concerned, as my employer has agreed to provide references but they will need to be honest about this. Could this be detrimental towards acquiring any future employment? If I do get an interview, do I declare this, and if so, how would I go about this? This is all very new and daunting for me as I have Adult Learning Disabilities as well - I will be very grateful for any advice/suggestions regarding this.
  9. Hi all Currently I attend a work programme with TCV Enterprises (formerly BTCV) and accidentally missed 1 work programme appointment 2 weeks ago. The reason that I missed the appointment was because my signing time at the JCP was changed and due to TCV being in the same town as the JCP where I sign, for convenience (as I have to get a train to appointments), I asked for that to be changed too; they were fine with changing it but I now remember my WP advisor saying that they couldn't offer me an appointment on the same day, but they could offer me one the day before I was due to sign. He gave me an appointment letter and off I went. It came to my signing day and I caught the train to sign on at the new time and then go to my WP appointment afterwards as I routinely do, I was quickly reminded that I was supposed to be there the day before when I got to TCV It just completely slipped my mind. Today I received my first ever 'doubt has arisen' letter asking me to give a reason why I didn't attend and why I didn't let TCV know that I wouldn't be attending; I doubt 'it was a human error' is going to suffice as valid reasoning here So I think I'm unfortunately looking at a sanction. Completely my own fault, I know. Can anyone advise me as to whether I'm actually likely to get a sanction and how long it's likely to be? Or am I just panicking? Also advice regarding alternative benefits that I may be entitled to should I receive a long term sanction. I have chronic renal failure but am pre-haemodialysis and am unsure as to whether this qualifies me for any benefits. Thanks in advance.
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