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Found 9 results

  1. After scoring zero points on my 3rd WCA assessment (so no change there ) I find my self in a dilemma! Do I or do I not claim Universal Credit [uC] Well.................... http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/10218/ http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/9951/ That's in Full Service areas I'm still in a single claimant area so..... I'm going for it.... ; a. LHA change of circumstances in today NIL income declaration well except for DLA,. b. going to have to argue for an annotated fit note from a GP I've seen before from here http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/forums/viewthread/8408/ c. sent off the SAR and Mandatory Reconsideration with proof of posting this morning. Now the basics of the argument are; a, as you have not claimed UC there is no new claim nor conversion to UC regs. b, as there is no new claim nor migration it's all just a new phase in the same ESA claim which REG 30 applies too Antone knows there shizzle on this procedural stuff so maybe can advise? So ESA at assessment rate with DLA/.PIP premiums is still....
  2. please redirect if posted in wrong place mother in law has dementia wanders got ran over 3 weeks ago thank goodness not to bad. had mental capacity test done in one hospital conclusion lack of it. moved to different rehab unit they at first said they wouldn't accept other hospitals conclusion her home social services did the test. how do we as a family apply for both financial and medical power of attorney she cant consent herself
  3. Equality Act, and lack of capacity, used to annul bankruptcy order. I will add more in a moment... Not sure where to post this argument here on this thread or the other one in the bailiff section so have decided here and to link to this thread for further discussions... I think this is an important to add here due to the thread and other things so your thoughts please... See below for the link... http://blogs.lexisnexis.co.uk/randi/...cial-receiver/ The link to a case referred to in the above can be found here http://www.mentalhealthlaw.co.uk/Haw...1)_EWHC_36_(Ch) Although this case is significant in as much was for bankruptcy it can easily be used for all levels of debt and with that in mind this info could be of use for many....
  4. Whilst looking to help a new poster I came across this very good PDF and I am hoping it will be of some use for the forums if so please feel free to read share and use it. It is a very good document about how debt could/should be handled in 12 steps and 12 questions from The Royal College of Psychiatrists and has many case studies for reference and has the names of some well known DCA's EA's and other institutions. This is a 2nd edition of the document and was published in November 2014. It will pay anyone reading the attachment to read it entirely before posting thoughts back....... Your thoughts please
  5. I am waiting for action against me with trepidation, I have complex mental health problems including memory loss which means I cannot recall all transactions related to matters over a year ago. Thus, the prospect of remembering the details of DISPUTE which were raised over three years ago. I sent many letters DISPUTING with original lender credit card, but don't have copies. They eventually sold to Arrow Global. They, in turn, have used a succession of collection companies , who I have ignored / returned letters unanswered. I now wonder if original lender/credit card will be able to provide ( or even kept) my letters of DISPUTE ? There are times when my cognitive process is greatly impaired, so I am unable to talk, write, take information in. At other times, like right now, I can compose a short email. Any guidance gratefully received . I think I destroyed my records last year in during a psychotic episode. I take anti psychotics, anxiolytics, mood stabilisers and anti depressants , all of which impair my cognitive function. Original agreement 1995 Last Payment 2011 (? needs verifying ) Default Notice possibly issued 2011 (? needs verifying )
  6. Hi I am a new user, could you please read below and advise which forum i should post to. I'm most grateful and please excuse my inexperience with this site. ----------------------------------------------------------------- We purchased an industrial property around 7 years ago. The previous owners had a high capacity electrical supply fitted to cater for their needs. Our present energy supplier SEE are charging us £805 per month! (almost £70,000 over 7 years), for the facility to use large amounts of electricity if we want to. I recently joined the present owner of the property and have been auditing our expenses. I cannot understand why this hasn't been dealt with up to now, nevertheless I have queried this with the supplier and told them that for the past 7 years we have been using around 10% of the available capacity and whilst we should have queried it sooner they too should have pointed out that we had no need for this type of supply. The gentleman I spoke to said there was nothing he could do as it's our responsibility to read and query invoices. I said that he was right in principal, however there was a moral obligation or at least expectation after say 6 months, a year, 2 years, for them to serve us in a morally acceptable way, in spite of our own error. He was not forthcoming. I spoke to Citizen's advice who said there may be grounds for arguing that it was an unfair contract. Has anyone had any experience with this they can share, or any advice on this. My feeling is that SEE should return a significant part of the £70,000. Thanks for reading! Simon
  7. Hi, once again going to fill in Limited Capacity to Work form, as they lost the first one. I've read the sticky on es, and my question is, as I'm not totally incapable of work - I suffer from chronic back problems and depression but I could do about 2 hrs a day non-physical if it wasn't client facing and I could sit but move around if I needed to, as long as it wasn't a lot of travel, but could not guarantee I'd be able to do it all the time - 1) how should I fill in the form? I don't want to lie. Should I just use the worst-case scenario as a model for it? My worst days I can't even get out of bed, but thank God that doesn't happen too often, but is happening more and more these days. 2) what will happen if they agree I have a 'limited capacity' as opposed to not being able to work at all? How can I get the benefits system to take into account that all my experience is in jobs I can't do anymore, ie, client-facing, and what will happen should I succeed in getting them to acknowledge this? It just seems the system is geared to absolutes and black-and-white and encourages people to be dishonest and gloomy about their future, which I really don't want to be, but don't want to go on JSA when I can't medically handle the jobs I used to do! Thanks for all help.
  8. Hi. I've just got the Limited Capacity to Work form. Not much of it applies to me; my problem is severe back pain. I am off work basically because my job involves very cheery client-facing and with my pain I can't do that. Often I sleep badly with the pain. I can't stay very long in the same position and being on my feet for more than 2 hours is agony. I could work for about the 2 hours a day when my painkillers are actually working, or I could do some other job that involves non-physical back room, but unfortunately I'm not really qualified or have any experience of any job apart from client-facing. I'm very depressed, too, as a result of all this, and on medication for that. Can I explain all this to them on the form? Any other advice? This is all new to me. Thank you.
  9. I've been told that if someone is in receipt of DLA, that automatically means they have 'limited capacity for work'. What does this mean in practical terms wrt eligibility for ESA? Anything at all?
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