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  1. I have been driving for less than two years, but am about to qualify for my 2 years NCB for the first time. I drive about 25K miles pa with no accidents at all up to last weekend. This was when another driver was backing out of the parking bay opposite to me trying to back out too and swung round to exit, whilst I was stopped to re-manouvre to go the right way, and he hit my bumper causing the panel to come loose. He tried to drive off but I stopped him and I called police and our details were exchanged. Before the police arrrived he tried knocking on windows putting words into mouths of drivers, instead of just askign them what they saw as an open question. He was saying 'didn't you see her bash into me?' One driver, who refused to be a witness officially and would not leave his details either said : "no you bashed into her." I got his reg. no, just in case. I also video'd the back of the other party's vehicle and this showed no damage at all and photo'd my own car damage, which was visible. I was very angry at the time at what had happened and his attempts to drum up 'witnesses' in the way he was doing. Two women, who overheard the commotion 'got in on the act' and said I had been at fault and were very abusive toward me. One said I was at fault because the other driver was an older man and I was bullying him and getting angry; the other said I was posh for having a brand new car. Both were opportunist chavs out on the make and both were mouthy and one tried to pick a fight with me too. I have no doubt that they will want money from the other party if they are called upon as witnesses officially. They were just fake witnesses. I told police this when I arrived. Police did nto take witness statements, because it was a no injury incident, and said they were there as a 'courtesy' and to facilitate exchange of details. In fact all I got was the other party's name and insurance policy no. His insurance company name was wrong and there was no address (the latter was rectified later on). My local garage said there was a small dent to my car, but the bracket beneath the panel was broken and needed replacing at a possible cost of around £150.. There was no bodywork paint damage or visible paint from the other vehicle. I reported the matter to my insurance company and they decided not to log it officially and said I should claim directly from the other party's insurer and if they accepted full liability my policy would not be affected. I did this. The other party's insurer said they had heard from the other party, refuted my version of events, but would send out a claim form to him. In the meantime. before he received them, I went round to the other party's house and he showed me a scratch to his car which was not there at the time of the incident. He made it clear that he was not interested in claiming for his 'damage.' But since receiving his insurer's policy claim form he put a note through my door asking me to call him. I did and he is now saying that he has got an estimate from the garage for his car and is making a claim directly to my insurer for the damage to his car now. This is completely fake. There is no damage to his car and his actions seem to be little more than vindictive and fraudulent. He is trying to harass me into not putting in a claim at all and if I do he will do a like for like claim against me, even though he is lying and I am not. I feel very angry about this. I have video evidence of the back of his car; I can evidence that he showed me damage to his car days after the incident date (why not at the time of the incident, if he felt I had damaged his car??). There is no CCTV of the supermarket carpark and I have no willing witnesses and he has two fake ones. How do you advise I deal with this. I am at my wits end. My insurance will sky rocket if he puts in a false claim and my insurer decides to capitulate. If I don't claim against his insurer directly, instead of going through mine, he will do the same to my insurance company or he will drop it only if I pay for the damage myself. He has already stated that he doesn't care at all about his car, which is 9 years old. Now he is saying that he has a scratch, the paint over won't match due to fading and therefore it will need a brand new panel. I have evidence that he is lying about the scratch and his behaviours post incident don't in any way match that of someone who believed I pranged him rather than vica versa.. Despite all this, I am not sure I can fight two fake witnesses when I have none and nothing else to back up my story. Should I call police and take the offensive and report him for pending insurance fraud? Please advise. I would really appreciate it.
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