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  1. I have a relative who was sectioned under 37/412 of the Mental Health Act.They have been in and out of a few hospitals for around 15 years now.When they are making progress,they are then transferred to another hospital where they are told the treatment is different, and put them back. They have not had any leave for over a year whereas they used to get escorted leave regularly just like many of the other patients. My relative was told they had to take a specific medication before they were allowed leave,but after several administrations of the medication, they were feeling numb, having severe headaches and put on an excessive amount of weight.They refused to take any more medication. It has now transpired that they were told,"If you don't take your medication, then you will have no leave of any sort for 3 years". Surely this is an act of coercion/Coercive persuasion, or even blackmail?. The current newly appointed doctor was surprised to learn that my relative has been locked away for nearly 16 years, whereas a person with the same or similar diagnoses is released within around 7 years of treatment. It seems to me that this hospital(which has been taken over twice in under 10 years), are only in it for the money whether the patients are fit to go back into society or not. Does the current law on Coercion and blackmail cover mental patients?? Is there any thing I can do like contacting the Ministry of justice and be a voice for my relative?.
  2. It is difficult to believe that the BBC, which once was held in great respect as a truthful recorder of world events, is now a biased corrupt service dedicated to the manipulation of public opinion. Yet the official reporting of the migrant crisis is so obviously a biased form of emotional blackmail that one simply cannot avoid this conclusion. The BBC constantly shows us close-ups of migrant women and children, yet every time the camera moves back it becomes obvious that about 85% of each and every group consists of young males, who appear surprisingly well fed and well clothed considering their claim as refugees. Indeed we are occasionally shown huge crowds which are entirely male. And these males are prepared to resort to whatever force they have available, as the stone throwers and fence wreckers demonstrate at the Hungarian border. One migrant grabbed a woman, presumably his wife but who knows, and threw her on the railway track to prevent the movement of a train. Ate such people likely to benefit any community into which they move when they have already demonstrated their contempt for any rule of law which does not match their plans? Yet our media continues to demand that we should feel a moral duty to “welcome” these people, who are almost always referred to by the media as Syrian families fleeing from Assad, when it has now been acknowledged that the vast majority are from quite different parts of Africa.
  3. I am not sur if this is the right place to post this but today I received a default notice and a administration charge of £12 fdrom the AA home contents insurance department ,Last year I took out a policy with them and paid by direct debit this finished on 31 July 2013 the lasst payment being made on the 01 July .after looking around I chose to stay with the AA for another year and phoned them to haggle down the price and agreed a price and the new direct debit payment s start on the 01 October so how can I have defaulted when there are no payments due ,When I spoke to them they stated that my bank had cancelled my DD and the charge and default stood and the only way I could stop the charge and default notice was to reinstall the DD and if I left the full costs would be due .I went to my bank this morning and they looked at the my account and told me as well as showing me that the AA had stopped the DD as it states Finished and only they could do this and to recontact the AA . Now as far as I was concerned all was well till I had that letter from the AA this morning and nothing was wrong and feel now why should I stay with such a blackmailing company if I want the default notice removed and the charge dropped, and I still can not belive how a person can default when there has been No missed payment with the first is not even due to October and no payment every missed or late and if something was wrong a simple letter or phone call would have done but this.. |I would like to give my custom to another company but do not want this default notice and charges to be made and feel forced to stay with them after this trouble is I was going to stay with them or why would I have renewed with them and ageed the new monthly fee which was more than last years anyway. advice how to deal with this would be most grateful as I feel stuff them .
  4. hi all,this might sound a bit weird but here it is. my son has criminal convictions and couldn't find a job, his mate was working for a well established business in the city dealing with finance but as my son had convictions so couldn't apply for the job there but one evening at drinks the director suggested to my son that he forges a passport and it will be OK. before doing so my son showed the manager his crb and he was aware of all the convictions. my son desperate for a job forged his passport and crb came clean and the company paid for his training and give him a job.first 6 months later - my son was the managers favorite but things went peer shaped when my son give a notice as he wasn't happy the way the company operated and he got a call from the manager blackmailing him that if he leaves they will inform the police of the forgery. now my son didn't go to work today and the manager is sending him threatening messages and blackmailing him. my son told him that the company knew of all this to which the manager replied we have high connections... wht do you suggest my son do and as he if gonna go to police at some stage which punishment is he looking at? appreciate your help.
  5. Hi all My lender has been persuing me for a debt I can prove I don't owe. They recently agreed this though only verbally! . Have letters etc. for 2 years asking for this - which was incorrect accounting on their part Also , the lende agreed to terms I thought we had initially agreed too. For about 3years they denied these terms though transcripts of phone calls and recording prove otherwise though they never formally agreed to the terms. Because of the supposed belief in these terms we permitted a short sale of a property ; weeks before completion of the sale the lender changed the terms completely ! - is this blackmail ? They led us down a path and then changed the rules at the last minute ; now ; but only verbally they agree with the initial terms after 5 years of torture I assume they are playing nice simply because they realise they are in a tight spot. I cannot go to the FSA as it is outside their jurisdiction My question is harassment for a debt I never owed is easily provable , but blackmail is more tricky ? What legal stance should I take - they certainly aren't now playing ball for fun so assume they realise they are in the smelly stuff Any advice welcome
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