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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I have a question about last wills and testaments. I am a dual French/British citizen married to a British citizen and we have lived in the UK for almost 20 years. We own a house in the UK (as joint tenants). We want to write a will that will say to whom we want our respective share of the house to go to once we are both dead. We have no children and won't be having any. In my case, I want my share to go to my husband but I want to make sure that when he dies, if I'm already dead, my share goes to my siblings in France, who are French citizens, and not to my husband's family or new partner for example. Could someone please help me and let me know how I can make sure that his happens? Are there specific types of wills for UK people who want to leave their assets to someone in Europe? I have received very conflicting advice from some solicitors. Thank you very much in advance! Sonia G
  2. I was wondering if someone could help me with an issue regarding a will? My grandfather passed away 9 years ago, leaving in his will, his share and interest in his property to his children, but giving a life interest to his widow ( 2nd marriage). The property was in his sole name when he died, yet there is a severance of a joint tenancy ( between grandfather and 2nd wife) that was drawn up several years before he died: the property was never held jointly, and remained in his sole name up to the point of his death. The children, were my mother and her half brother ( adopted): unfortunately the brother died in the same year as my grandfather made his will , but the will then stipulated if either child died, then their children would then take the parents share...still with me? However, when grandfather died, my cousins were not informed of their benefit from the will: and it appears that the executor ( the widow) decided that my uncle was no eligible as he was adopted, and decided to ignore that side of the family! Instead, she with her solicitors , drew up an assent that then put the property into hers and my mothers names only: neither cousin was informed of this. The solicitors have now admitted that this assent was wrong. I do have a solicitor working on this case for me, but I have a couple of questions that I can't seem to get a satisfactory answer to 1) when should my cousins have been informed of their benefit: we have been told they weren't told because of the life interest of the widow. no documentation refers to my uncle at all, and yet my was mother was informed, yet she would not benefit until the widow had passed away also. 2) the widow is about to take us to court to get her right of ownership...but from the evidence it appears that she was never on any mortgage , or ever on the title deeds, all she has is the severance notice. Is this notice actually valid at all? 3) do we have any course of action we could take against her , failing in her duties as the executor, I believe this is legally termed as devastavit Any help or advise would be eagerly taken:smile: sorry if i've put this on the wrong forum, but this is my first post on here Also, one last thing, not sure if it is relevant or not: the property was actually build by my great grandfather and grandfather: we have the original conveyance of the land to my grandfather
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