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Found 2 results

  1. Hello All, Ive been a HA tenant for just over a year , so I'm now an assured tenant. Last year I recieved a list of service charges, which at the time seemed a little off/excessive, but being on a starter tenancy I sucked it up as to not cause trouble. This year however, I would like to dispute some of the charges and I was wondering what the best way of doing it was. I've looked all over the intertubes but there is very little out there. I've emailed the contact address on the letter outlining my concerns, and I'm awaiting a reply, but forwarned is forarmed as they say. I would appreciate anyone with experience of this chipping in. I'll just quote from my email to the HA, so you can see some of the issues I have with their charges... "Communal Cleaning: £315.82. I have lived here for over 12 months now and have never seen a cleaner at the property, or evidence that someone other than the resident have cleaned the very small communal area. Can you provide the invoice and a schedule of their visits please. Communal garden and grounds maintain: £318.39 As far as I can see , this building doesn't have any communal gardens or grounds. It fronts directly onto the street and has no grounds to the rear, other than the church graveyard that is maintained by the parish. Can you explain which "grounds" are being maintained and when I would expect to have seen the maintenance people? Could I also see an invoice for this charge? Communal electricity: £220.31 The communal area has 1 small heater and a light. My total bill for last years electricity for lighting, heating etc a whole flat was £750. I would like to see a bill or electricity meter reading as I believe £220 is excessive for such a small area."
  2. Hello there , Hopefully in the right place ? I would really appreciate any advice re: Eviction. I assume the property I am renting is not privately owned, and is owned by a HA..... I did a mutual exchange from a Council property to HA and was only given a sparsely worded Tennancy Agreement and known as the Assignee. Any way cut a long story short, I was taken to court in 2009 for rent arrears £1,000. approx and ordered to pay £20. wk on top of rent. Subsequently, I managed to lower the arrears owed to £84. in 2 yrs, despite recieving £10.17 mth HB, on part-time wages, and £700. per calendar mth rent charges! I was refused HB and an AOE was placed on my wages as I worked for the Local Authority. The Bursar failed for 4 mths to deduct this & to inform me that I had been on BR Tax for the previous 2 yrs. She had also been underpaying P/T staff for the 7 yrs she was there !! She disappeared off shortly after. This left me with even more debt owed to the Local Authority and HA. I was then sacked from my job with the Local Authority (school) in May this yr, have not received my P45 and have been unable to claim benefits, or HB. I have been in touch with CAB, Legal Advisors, Legal Aid Solictors and the Council to understand why so many problems....but to no avail. Went to Court and had it set aside for evidence....These being repairs.... a) 20 yr old Gas Boiler with obsolete parts, b) 6 yrs of requests for kitchen repairs, c) Substantial cracks to ceiling running through to next door from 4 yrs ago, d) Cracks to outside of property walls, e) Uneven and dangerous patio slabs in garden above 3 inches, My current arrears seem to be £3,400 approx now, although this is disputed with my own calculations and differing rent statements recieved from HA....(have ALL receipts and logged payments since 2010), including photos of repairs.... Unfortunately, have to represent myself as I cannot get any Legal help whatsoever, and was asked if I had "upset" anyone in Council....NO not that I know of, but have an uncomfortable history with them.... Ideally I would like the repairs carried out and the arrears reduced or cancelled, on the grounds that I have been constantly badgered with calls, texts, threatening letters (re court and Judge not denying eviction) sarcasm of "austere times", all of which have been logged in my diary.....can anyone advise or suggest my chances of succeeding ? Thankyou.
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