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  1. I don't really think this is anything to do with the NHS but this seems to be where the Care Home funding issues are. I am sorry this is long-winded but am hoping it saves you having to ask questions. My mother has been cared for at home for many years by me and by carers. She is 98 and has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's for seven years. It is not getting any better as you may guess. After one fall of many caused a broken ankle last year she ended up first in our local hospital, then in a Rehabilitation Unit, then in an interim stay in a care home for assessment and re-enabling and finally in a permanent care home. To transfer her from the Rehab Unit to the Interim Care Home she was assessed and found not to have the mental capacity to make that decision and she was, after a Best Interest meeting moved very quickly to the interim home. We went through the same process when discussing her care after leaving the Interim Home, Mental Capacity Assessment where it was found she would not be able to decide in her own best interest and Best Interest meeting where it was decided she needed full-time permanent care as the LA would not be able to put in enough care at home. At this time I explained that although mum owned a bungalow she had an equity release mortgage, taken out before my father died 15 years ago. I took on PoA about eight years ago. Mum has been assessed for the payment for the Interim Care Home stay which I understand and will pay (when an invoice finally arrives) and for the first 12 weeks in the Permanent Care Home again, I understand the formula they are using and will pay it when billed. They could not find a home that could meet mum's needs for the rate the LA chooses to pay but the room she is in is at what the home calls Local Authority Rate. She has been assessed as needing to pay the full amount once the 12 weeks are passed. I have been asked as PoA to sign a form requesting a Deferred Payment Loan against the future capital from the bungalow. According to the formula in the "What is the Deferred Payments Scheme" paper they sent me they would calculate Mum to be in negative equity once the bungalow is sold. They are still asking me to sign but I am not a solicitor nor do I have any knowledge of the Care system other than what I have gleaned on the way. I think they will give mum/me this loan but it feels very unsafe to take it out. I feel we could end up with a debt we cannot pay if the house sells for what has been estimated as the value or less - especially with March and Brexit, etc. I have asked for a reassessment of what mum has to pay after the 12 weeks as the figures have been updated since the original assessment which was really a best guess at what the bungalow would sell for. At best she will only be able to fund a few weeks and I really could not have made it clearer that this was the situation from the outset. How can they charge her when their own figures suggest negative equity. I am quite prepared to pay whatever the law says she should but I feel very out of my depth with this. Help!
  2. I had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, first one ever, and the hospital told me to speak to the DVLA, who told me I had to complete a declaration (FEP1 form) so they could assess my fitness to drive. According to the guidelines it could be a 6 month ban. However the form says "you must not drive if your doctor says you cannot drive". Neither my doctor or the consultant at the hospital will give me a decision - they say that's for the DVLA to decide. So, while the form is being processed etc - am I OK to drive, since no one has said I can't?
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