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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I am going to cancel my car insurance as I have found it cheaper else where, I’m currently paying £3120 a year (£260 on the 16th of the month) I have found it for £1160 a year. I phoned up my current insurer and asked them what I would be charged to cancel, they told me it would be £467.19p to cancel surely this can’t be right, the bloke on the phone assured me that it was the correct fee and was nothing he or I could do about it and said if I needed to I could pay it off monthly over 2 years with no interest. Just wondering if this seems correct and if not what I should do about it. Thanks, Steven.
  2. Hi all, really not sure if this is the right forum to post this in but looking for some advice. SO sorry for the length!!! there is just so much to say Basically 1 year ago we bought a puppy, I work as a nursing assistant at a veterinary surgery so we took her to my vet the day after for a health check (we had some red flags from the breeder but this being our first puppy were slightly naive) At the health check she was diagnosed with parrot jaw, basically an overshot jaw. We contacted the breeder politely and told her, she was a bit abrupt with us saying she knew about it, but its not as big of a deal as my vet was making out... anyway we ended the exchange amicably with an agreement of, or so i think of splitting the bill if it came down to her adult canines being removed in the future, which was worst case scenario. She offers to take her back, ofcourse we say no. fast forward about 2 maybe 3 months or so, we realise her sight isn't quite right. Take her back the vets, he agrees something isn't right, referred us to an eye specialist. He agrees something isn't right too but that her eyes seem fine besides being slightly small for her age and head. So he suggested a neurologist as he thought it is her brain. Week or so later we go there, they notice her head tilt and say yes something isn't right we'd like to do a brain scan, they were 85% sure she'd come out with hydrocephalus. She didn't, 1700 pound later (she was fully insured) they tell us her optic nerve is fine. She does seem to have muscular atrophy of the muscles in her head though and this is unique and doesn't have a name, possibility of degeneration over time but unlikely, but that it is the result of a toxic process while in utero... meaning the mum appears to have been exposed to a chemical of some form which has caused it. Advice = just keep an eye on her. Take her home, some visit to vet over rashes and stuff, not thought of much. We email the breeder and tell her, she practically accuses us of doing something to her and it ends with her saying she spoke to her vet and he said its a rare thing and she breeds to please blah blah, we can have a free puppy if we like... :/ i was always polite and said thank you, but right now no.. We take her to be spayed. My vet says he is concerned as although her parents where carrier and clear of vWd (clotting disorder, and meaning she should never be affected) he believes that the time that her swabs stayed saturated indicated to him some sort of clotting disorder and it's worth checking out (we had paid so many excesses we couldn't afford that because IN THE MEANTIME... she got this horrendous rash all over her body and she is in misery and pain and we've tried everything from hibiscrub, sudacrem, surolan, compresses, flea treatments, piriton, cortavance. Finally we go to a specialist and she tested for allergies. She is allergic to 2 types of grass, rabbits, all type of dust mites, clover, mould, etc ALL KINDS. Low and behold? its hereditary.... may have skipped a generation, but hereditary all the same. She now has to have special injections made every month for the rest of her life to try to calm her reactions down. Honestly I am angry, i'm sad. I'm so infuriated and I don't know what to do. We love her, she was an extremely expensive dog, 800 pounds and we've spent tons. I don't begrudge her a penny but, as anyone can understand.. I'm peeved. Any help would be so much appreciated. Thank you for reading.
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