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  1. Hi Wondered if anyone would have any advice regarding an old overdraft account that I had back in 2001, I stopped using this account about 2003/2004 as registered with a new bank and completely forgot all about this account. I checked my credit file and had noticed that in 2011 the Bank of Scotland registered 1 default against me for £849 and the default date is registered as 01/03/11 which is nearly 8 years later. Then there was another entry from 1st Credit a DCA the following month for an amount of £850 for the same debt with the default date of 01/03/11. Can they do this ??? this is having a severe effect on me obtaining a loan via the bank that I have been with since 2003/4. I moved address in 2013 and since then 1st Credit have been chasing me advising they bought the Debt from the bank. As this was for an overdraft I'm struggling to find any information on were I stand. Today I sent a request to the bank for a breakdown of the account and a copy of the default notice that was seemly issued but i have never seen!!!!. Any help or pointers on were to obtain some information regarding this would be so gratefully received.... Thanks
  2. Hi many years ago I ran into debt ( £4500 ) on a Halifax credit card. They sold the debt to Arrow Global who tried to take me to court and obtain a CCJ. I wanted all the paperwork before acknowledging the debt but despite many SARs and CCA requests ( I did everything correctly ) I ended up putting in a defence as they wouldnt give me anything . After many weeks and lots od support on here the debt was thrown out of court. My credit file in now better than ever putting me in an ideal position now to move house and start my life over honestly. I never knew if I had ppi on this but I have a feeling I did . I never had any statements from HBOS or Arrow. Would I claim from Halifax the original seller of my credit card, or Arrow Global who took me to court and lost as they owned the debt. Also if I approach either would I end up acknowledging the debt and starting a 6 year negative debt on my credit file all over again ? Id rather not risk ruining my credit file , but if I could reclaim some ppi it would certainly help me move forward financially with house purchase ! many thanks for reading.
  3. Hi. I am having a dispute with the Bank of Scotland connected to a Shared Appreciation Mortgage my parents took out in 1997. I have launched a website with information that you might find helpful. Please take a look.
  4. hi all am just new to this forum dont know who else to turn to i am 30 years old and from glasgow scotland i have been a - halifax personal customer 25 years bank of scotland business customer 6 years the story so far (27 days no access to funds) 3rd december 2013 block put on my halifax personal and bank of scotland business account 5th december went to pay for fuel at petrol station both cards didnt work. 6th december went to local branch they informed me accounts is blocked contacted complaints informed me that i would receive a letter in the post they couldnt give me information on the phone 9th december letter received states in letter that my accounts have been blocked due to processing error 10-11-12-13-14 december constant calls and branch visits to try get problem resolved to no avail same old excuse processing error and they pass me round different departments like an old scud book and there all really sorry and working on it 15th december contact financial ombusm made big complaint about them and told them am in bad situation as this is really effecting my company that i run with 3 employees who i have not been able to pay. informed me can take upto 8 weeks before do anything 18th december feeling very down all letters from my car, van , insurances all my bills phone, tv,life insurance, mortgages all demanding money off me. called fos again explained the extreme harship this is causing me they said they are going to put a request in to fast track it for me which sounds good to me 24th december extreme hardship not one pence left to my name borrowed from friends and family to buy food and electricity to get me by 30th december sitting in my friends house typing this to ask for everyones help and advise. i have no money for food, electricity,fuel for transport or gas for heating i went from runnin my own electrical contractors company and i have around 40 thousand of my life savings that i worked really hard for in my life tied up between my 2 accounts. went for other visit to halifax branch the man at counter says really sorry can do nothing and he has only seen one similar case where someones account was blocked for 7 months i cant wait that long i will be dead before then im suffering extreme depression and everyone i talk to is just really sorry i need answers and fast im really lost.(HOW CAN BANKS GET AWAY WITH THIS!![ATTACH=CONFIG]48381[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]48382[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]48383[/ATTACH]) i would appreciate any feedback or advise thanks and god bless.
  5. On April 8 2011, whilst doing some banking as POA on behalf of my mother inside her Halifax on-line bank account, I was tempted by a banner advertisement which purported to be a promotion for a new limited offer account called the Web Saver Reward with an interest rate of 2.8%, paid annually. At that time my mother had a savings account with Halifax delivering 2.3% interest, *holding about £40,000, so it seemed sensible to take advantage of an extra .5% Clicking the ad. led straight to an on-line application form, entitled Variable rate Web Saver Application. Within that form there was a question: Would you like a cash card? With Yes and No button options. I clicked Yes ( even though we didn't really require one – and in the event, never used it...). By doing so, I inadvertently reduced the interest rate to .25%. I did not realise that I had done this for almost a year. The account that opened on April 8th*was visible in my mother's internet banking and titled Reward Saver. For most of the next year it had a balance of around £50,000. When I discovered in March 2012, that the interest rate was much lower than I thought it should be, and there was no discernible reward, I contacted Halifax Customer Services, who told me that it was because I had clicked the card option. That had apparently converted the account from being a Web Saver Reward into a Variable rate Web saver. I wanted proof that I had made an error, and so they sent me screen captures of the application that they said I would have filled out. Twice they sent me the wrong ones, because they sent me versions that would only have been visible either to new customers, or to someone not logged in. Finally they sent me screens that would have applied to someone who was already logged in. On the screens there was among the small print at the top of the form: Important: Please note that if you are applying for a Web Saver reward you must select the no card option. These screens may have been the application we filled in – but it is impossible to verify as they are not dated. They were the only screens Halifax ever sent us which showed the application process for someone already logged in. We had already requested and been sent the wrong screens twice. (The wrong screens were also later sent to the financial ombudsman...) I note that they amended the application form for new customers and those not logged in 9 times between the date that we applied for the product in April, increasing the emphasis each time until August 7th, when they finally made clear that selecting the card option reduced the rate. Excerpt from August 6th application: IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you select the no card option within the application form.* Choosing a cash card will open a*Variable Rate Web Saver*with a rate of 0.25% AER variable. This last re-vamp was perhaps as a result of Halifax's admission that their application could be clearer and their promise to review the application form, made after Jo Thornhill published her article on thisismoney: *Beware catch on Halifax online savings account - one wrong click and your rate drops 0.25% on 3rd July 2011 At the time that we applied, we were not aware of the importance of selecting the no card option. There was no clue given as to why it was important, and I missed the small print Important disclaimer at the top of the form. It was difficult to discern the name of the product being applied for: Web Saver reward, or Variable rate Web saver. I expected the application form to be product specific – and there was no clear presentation of the fact that customers would be applying for a different product if the wrong option was clicked. The warning is in a very small type size, given far less prominence than the 2.8% rate promised on the banner which it contradicts. When I did click the card option, no tooltip arose to warn us of consequences. The product we received was titled Reward Saver, not Variable Rate Web Saver, and so appeared to be what we had applied for. There was no obvious clue that we had switched products and would be receiving a lower rate. Throughout the gruelling complaints process, we requested that Halifax send us a copy of the original banner ad. They first ignored our request and finally refused, saying they couldn't. We requested that the Financial Ombudsman request it, but if they requested it, it was never sent to them either. From Halifax advertising stored on the on-line archive ,it is possible to see the 9 increases in emphasis that took place in the application form for new customers between April and August 2011. It is available to view them, but as I'm new here - I can't post links - all the archived versions of the application that I could find are for new or unregistered customers only. The archive reveals that the bank were aware that the product was misleading. As the unnamed Halifax representative said in the Jo Thornhill article: '‘We accept we could make the process clearer.” However despite their own admission and the concerns raised on-line, their avowed policy of 'Giving a little extra help' did not include contacting customers who had taken up the product to check whether they were receiving the rate they expected. Anyone viewing our account set-up might have thought it strange that we had moved £50k out of an instant access savings account earning 2.3%, into a 'Reward' account earning only .25%... but previous ineptness at the branch had discouraged us from ever doing business there – and Halifax appeared to find it impossible to set up and maintain telephone banking on a POA account. So there were few opportunities for anyone but ourselves to view the account. It appears that had we not already been an on-line banking customer, we would have been provided with much more complete information. This would have been less misleading, especially if we had applied after August 6 2011. (This does not explore the business ethics of pretending you are giving extra help, but then using an application form designed for one account to serve as the application form for another, instead of creating a separate form. But it is clear from the textual additions made that Halifax had the capacity to adjust the code, and thus could have made the application clearer, much sooner, by highlighting the rate drop, adding a tooltip, etc. They just chose not to – at least until after August 6, and the appearance of the article on thisismoney.co.uk.) I would suggest that Halifax advertising is thoroughly misleading and dishonest. Not only did it inform us that applying for the Reward Saver will deliver a Reward of 2.8% interest - and kept silent about the catastrophic drop in interest if one clicked the card option, but their messages are underpinned by the corporate messages: 'A little extra help'. 'Always giving you extra', and the Bank of Scotland's 'With you all the way'. In our view, Halifax and particularly Halifax customer relations have been the diametrical opposite of these sentiments. We have pursued our complaint as far as we can; Halifax Customers relations now refuse to speak to us beyond saying that the complaints procedure has been exhausted, that they they are bound by the decision of the financial ombudsman (although the ombudsman says they are not...) and refusing to allow us to view the offending ad. They say they 'can't' do this. Halifax withdrew the Web Saver Reward on 10 Sept 2011.As a result of their misleading promotion we lost somewhere in the region of £1000. Do you think that may be found to have breached BCOB standards and we might succeed in a court case? We look forward to hearing your view, thank you,
  6. just finished (early) a loan with bank of scotland ive had a couple of loans . 1st 2003 then in 2004 i borrowed a bit more on that loan.then again in 2004, and the last time in 2006 so in 2006 this is what i had loan amount £20.000 interest £7.830 insurance £10.000 interest on the insurance £4.742 so in total £42.573 paid £506.83 over 84 months the insurance is half the loan. worked out at £175 a month or £44 a month or £2200 a year is this a bit high for insurance? ive rung bank of Scotland and told them i want to file a claim for misold ppi told them i work full time and get sick pay also the £2200 a year i paid for insurance would of paid at least 7 months payments had i been off sick had i got the insurance elsewhere. what would i have had to pay i dont recall being told i had an option to get from another source
  7. The SVR mortgage rates are increasing for many. 1000's of mortgage holders would like to get into a fixed rate but simply can't remortgage due to tighter lending criteria, financial difficulty, change in circumstances and loss of equity in their home. Is the CAG going to organise a mass protest against these sudden hikes.This could cause an increase in repossessions and rock a very shaky housing market. Is there anywhere we can complain?
  8. Hello everybody! I have an issue with Bank of Scotland regarding an account that I have opened with them. They have blocked theaccount and are refusing to return the 8000GBP that I have in it. The account was opened for myself as self employed. After 9 months since opening it was closed without explanation by BoS. This happened 2 years ago. Since then, they have refused any communication with me and to this date the reason of the closure of this account is unknown to me. I have contacted the Financial Ombudsman Service and after their investigation they have concluded that I need to take them to court as there is nothing they can do to help me. It appears that Bank of Scotland has told the Financial Ombudsman office the reason but they've asked them not to disclose it to me. The money belongs to my business, the tax on them has been paid and I have all the documents to prove that their provenience is lawful. The account was never overdrawn, no illegal activities were made, I have never owed any money to anyone and I still have no debts whatsoever. I have no knowledge or idea why this has happened and since then my trust in the whole banking system has been very low. I would really like to get my money back and find out why and how this can and has happened. Does anybody know what shall I do at this point? Thank you.
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