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Found 7 results

  1. Hi, I have been on a DMP since 2011 with a number of credit card debts, which all defaulted at the time. All are with external DCA’s now. I’m paying £80 per month, on an outstanding total debt of £20k. I have recently been offered some money to clear them (not enough for the full balance), so have been investigating how I could best achieve this. I understand if a debt is deemed unenforceable, then I’ve got a better chance of a lower F&F settlement. I’ve submitted CCA requests (I did not do this prior to going into the DMP) recently and have begun to get the replies back. I have had a reply from American Express (directly, rather than through the DCA, Allied International, which is who I wrote to). They have provided me with the data from the online application form, which was completed in 2005. This included an “e-signature”, which amounted to a “Y” that I agreed to the T&C’s. I understand that the absence of a ink signature after 2004 is not cause for making the agreement unenforceable. They also sent a series of credit agreement text’s through to the point at which the default occurred. However, the first one is dated after when the card was taken out in 2005, so wasn’t the set of text that I would have agreed to at the time the application was taken out. Is this an issue? Also, this text has a set of different interest rates for the various different card types. There was no indication within the online application data which card I had been offered and which interest rate I was on. Later versions of the agreements do have a single APR, although it isn’t consistently the same. Do these issues make the debt unenforceable? Should I SAR them as well so I can check the actual interest rates applied? In terms of the offer for the F&F, do DCA's take into account the amount paid off the debt already through a DMP? I've paid between 35-50% off most of the original debts already - so I'm not minded to offer a great deal. Finally, I also want to claim for the fees applied to the account when I was in financial difficulty - would it be better to do this before the F&F, or after? Thanks, Badger
  2. AMEX have written to me offering full & final settlement out of the blue and unsolicited. The offer taken from the letter : "If you pay just 40% of your outstanding balance still owing, we'll waive the remaining £0.00 of your balance in full and final settlement. In order to accept this offer, please call Amercian Express on 0800-etc. This opportunity allows you to repay a reduced amount from which you otherwise owe us. From Michelle Upton Manager American Express Address Amex House Brighton." They call this a 60% Balance Forgiveness. In brief this concerns an Amex credit card taken out in 1995 inclu. PPI and is in dispute since 2009. They closed my account July 2009 after i tried to make a claim on the PPI. They then had many different DCA's chase me as the debt was passed around without notification . Each DCA have been dealt with via CCA letter etc following the correct time-lines none have provided the information requested hence all are in dispute. Further oddities they lost my details on a laptop believed stolen, have had Amex letters advising i contact there insurance people only to be confronted with AIC and a rude aggressive French lady who told me PPI will not pay out until i am bankrupt etc etc Then all went went silent for many months until the settlement letter arrived this week. I need advice on dealing with this development please help
  3. Hi Folks, I somehow missed a letter from Amex offering a 70% debt settlement. Now they have reffered the matter to debt collection agent. Can i still get chance of asking for the offer? Cheers
  4. Hi All I had an American Express debt passed to SRJ and had a payment arrangement in place. A E have now passed that debt to another debt company vilcollections. I am continuing to pay vilcollections but they are saying that no payment arrgt was agreed with them and i must supply an income and expenditure form which is very detailed. They say my payment is a good will payment. What are my obligations? Many Thanks
  5. Hello, I've been with AMEX since 2008 and recently I found out that my card has been suspended and to call them to discuss. Well after calling they said they wanted me to show them where the payments from Paypal were going and to provide a screenshot of my Paypal payment history. I refused. A week later I receive a letter saying that my account has been closed and the sum of £3,800 must be paid; 4 days after that I lose my job and have been out of work for the last 2 months. I have held off paying them until my job situation is improved. I received a Default of Sum Notice on the 17th stating I need to pay within 14 days. What would be the best step to hold them off for awhile until I am able to pay? - a few months. You advice is appreciated.
  6. Hi I've been indispute with Amex for about 2 years over a business card debt. They insist its mine personaly i say its the company (liquidated) I have no credit agreement only a application. No T & Cs and the application form only has the business address and company name on it. So i'm happy to stand my ground. They have passed it to several DCAs who have all given up. However after hearing nothing for several months i have have been approched by a new firm (not newmans) They keep phoning me and asking me toonfirm my address before they will discuss anything with me. I refuse to confirm my address until they advise what its relating to. They refuse and say they've written to me which they havent. My problem is that if it is Amex related and I'm sure it is I think they may be writing to the business address knowing that i have no access to it. They could then start county court proceedings and i would not have the chance to defend myself as i would be unaware of the action. Am i better off confirming my address if they call again so i can deal with it and be aware of what they are up to. Kindest regards...Llew
  7. I did a CCA with Fredrickson, whom i have been paying for a few years now. They also have a default on my credit files, so i assumed they must own the debt. I rang them today as did not get any POD from Royal Mail two times. The guy at the other end said we received them, and HAVE SENT THE ACCOUNT BACK TO AMEX! I asked how can you do that when you purchased it, hence you defaulted me? answer : i don't know but we've returned it. So i asked why did i not get a letter stating this? answer : we don't send letters out (they do when they threaten court action!). I then asked can i speak to a manager? answer : no-ones here as its a quiet day (Friday). Can i have a name to call for next time? answer : no, we are not allowed to give names out. So, looks like they chickened out and are saying they've sent it back, but have defaulted me over the years. Anyone got advice how i should handle this? Shall i take them to court for CCA non-compliance, ask for all my payments back, plus statutory interest, plus expenses, plus costs, plus cost of paying extra on mortgage over the life of their default (over £4,000) or leave it to the judge to decide compensation?
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