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  1. Hi all, Didn`t know where to put this but if someone got something off a demolition site or outright nicked an item(truth unknown) Then 25yrs later dies, is wife liable if item is still on he property? Andy
  2. Hi all, Please can you help me. Briefly, we took out a car loan in September 2008 with Black horse, never missed a payment until January this year, which was due to my hubby having a serious accident at work and being on crappy sick pay for 4 months. The monthly payments are £291.06 a month. During this period we wrote to black horse several times informing them of our situation and explaining that we couldnt afford the monthly payments but could pay something towards it but not the full amount. They never responded.....until April when they sent a letter informing us that we are 4 months behind with our payments. We sent a letter back stating the previous letters and offered to pay £100 extra on top of the monthly sum to clear the arrears. Never got anything back. During all this in March we made a payment of £291 (as we could afford to at the time). In June we received a letter stating that we have failed to comply with the default notice and that it appears that we no longer intend to comply with the agreement (we never received a default notice). It goes on about having to get a court order as we have paid more than 1/3rd of agreement. Last week we received a claim form from the court "return of goods hearing". I am now panicking on what to do...we want to keep this car for many reasons and are willing to pay the monthly payments plus an extra £100 on top. What do we do to ensure that we can keep this car, any suggestions would be gratefully received. I have to fill in an Admission form, again this is complicated because on my statement from Blackhorse (included in letter terminating our agreement) it states arrears as of 22nd June £2212.72 + £4091.35 (liability adjustment) = £6304.47, wheras on court claim form they have added another £517.25 for accrued late payment interest and fees. However in my statement it clearly states late payment int collection activity fees......are they just adding on another £500 for the fun of it or can they do this as it doesnt make sense. I dont know whether to admit the whole claim on that basis or not as i dont see how they can add another 500 odd onto it. Also can i write a letter with the response explaining why we went in arrrears etc and why we need to keep the car...will the judge take this into consideration. Someone please help thank you xx
  3. Firstly thansk for having me at the forums and secondly I apologise if this scenario is written up elsewhere and that it is felt I should look it up. In theory that's ace, in reality I think it scares people more if just one tiny bit of their scenariuon differs from others. With that in mind I thank you for understanding and taking this on it's own merit. Also...they are coming back at 6pm today and I appear to have lost the ability to browse forums. I live in Liverpool. I had a letter from Collect Services on 30th March 2012 regarding a PCN in EALING in July 2011. They left nothing other than a sheet of paper "UNPAID PENALTY CHARGE". They then say it is a "requirement of the baliff to enter your premises" Charge £397.34 So I rang "Peter" and told him that we have no idea what this was about and that we really needed to see a full breakdown we asked for (by registered letter dated 4th April 2012) Screenshot/proof of offence time and date of any/all bailiff actions that have incurred a fee reasons for fee name of bailiff that attended each time fee was charged name of courts the bailiffs were certified at date of cert We asked that the information be given within 14 days. WE HEARD NOTHING Then on 14th May 2012 we recieved a PRIVATE REMOVAL CONTRACTOR APPOINTMENT telling us that a removal contractor would attend "in the next few days" with a "senior baliff". This APPOINTMENT had been booked between Monday and Saturday between 7am and 9pm. They would aslo "contnue to call at different times until the PCN is paid in full" Charge still £395.34 STILL NO REPLY TO OUR LETTER We then sent another letter on 6th June 2012 which we state understood they may not have received or mislaid our previous letter and again, we asked for the above info. We gave 14 days for a reply or we would consider the matter closed. STILL NO REPLY Today.... A pink "notice of seizure of goods' with details of our car. asking the sum of £475.34 This with a yellow form UNPAID PENALTY CHARGE. telling us that the 28 day day objection period is now out of time. The pink form says he has "seized the goods" and the walking possession at the foot of the sheet is signed and dated by the bailiff. It says I AGREE THAT amongst other things....HE can remove the goods anytime AFTER 6pm IF THE sum due, fees, charges and expenses are not paid. I haven't agreed that nor have I signed. So can anybody help ? Is this whole thing really such a blatant one way arrangement. They tell me I owe them money. They don't need to tell me what for. They give me timescales and deadlines each time. Am I not allowed to give a fair time of response and then treat them the way I am treated. I mean I have twice given 14 days to reply and been completely ignored. Surely there must be a thread of decency that allows Joe Public to at least see what he's being asked to pay for ? Thanks in advance for any info and help
  4. Hi guys, Picked up a PCN 232 yesterday in Westminster (St Johns Wood) for "parking in a place or area not designated for that class of vehicle - goods vehicle loading bays". This space, outside a Tesco Express, is, like most others in the area, a pay by phone between 8.30am and 6.30pm. I was parked there at about 7pm to pick up a couple of bits from Tesco. Came out and had been given a PCN - asked the guy what he was doing as it was past 6.30pm. He then told me that it becomes a goods vehicle loading pay from 6.30pm until 8.30am. This was a surprise. Bay marking: You can see from the pics below that there are no markings on the road saying "LOADING ONLY" along the side of the bay. (contravention of direction 24, which states that a 660.4 sign should be accompanied by wording as in illustration 1028.3 or 1032 TSRGD 2002, surely?). Signage: When you step out onto the pavement you see at eye level (from the pavement looking out to the road, and there is one on the road side of the post) a sign about how payment can be made by phone between 8.30 to 6.30. Nothing at eye level about this being a loading bay. When looking from the road to pavement, there is (as was pointed out to me by the CEO) a sign quite high up which details the pay by phone parking hours and, even higher above that, the sign that this is a goods loading bay between certain times. There was a lorry parked behind me at the time I took the photo of this, so I couldn't step back into the road any further to get a better view of the sign, but it's not at all easy to see. I tried to take a photo from across the road but you couldn't see the sign as the lorry was blocking it (sign isn't that high up. But given lack of writing alongside the bay, this seems too difficult to tell what type of bay it is! Any thoughts here as to the challenge? I think the lack of bay marking one is useful, but technically it's not "LOADING ONLY" all the time - does this make a difference? That's my only concern. The signage on the post is very unclear, but there isn't much in the statute about how high a sign must be displayed etc... Thanks all in advance. PICS:
  5. I bought a nickel lantern from an online retailer. Prior to the purchase I contacted the seller to confirm that the item was in perfect condition [it's actually a gift for someone] as I'd purchased the same lantern from a different retailer that arrived in a dreadful condition. The new seller actually sent me a photograph showing two tiny dents in the lantern door which she felt were just a fault in the manufacturing process. As they appeared minor I said I would go ahead with the sale, IF this was the only fault. The lantern arrived today. There are dents all over the lantern. And in places, the nickel plating has either worn away or was never there in the first place. I contacted the seller stating same and that I would be sending the lantern back for a full refund [including return postage costs]. I also said that I was annoyed that she had misrepresented the condition of the item. I had a one line return message from her referring me to her terms and conditions. I don't see any reference to return costs. I have a bad feeling about this transaction. What are my rights? Cheers .
  6. can anyone help me with how to deal with TK Maxx and thier couriers, Hermes? or has anyone else had the same problem? i ordered a dress in the sale with a pre sale value of £214. it hasnt been delivered. i discovered this less than 24 hours after the claimed delivery and rang customer services--assuming it had been misdelivered. However, the courier from Hermes, was rung while i held on the line and she told the tk maxx customer services people that a young woman had signed for the parcel at my address. I was told my daughter had signed. This would be hard as i don’t have a daughter. since the courier insists that it was delivered and signed for, i hae been left with the bill the courier is either incompetent or a thief and no action is being taken to rectify the situation... any advice or help? Thanks
  7. In feb, I purchased a mobile phone from very. After approx 4 weeks, the screen was glitching and it kept turning itself off. I was told by VERY that I could not return it as I was out of the 28 day period. It would have to be repaired. It kept happening in the following week, so I parcelled it up as a return and a letter explaining and sent it back, as I felt a repair after this time was not acceptable. We received a call stating they had received it and a few days later it was credited back to my account, so I got a cheap replacement. In may we received a package and to my shock it was the mobile, with a letter stating they had found a fault but it had been repaired. The sim card and memory card was missing. I rang them and said I now had a replacement and did not need it and that if I had wanted a repaired phone I could have got one down the market. I was told that I could not send it back and that if I did, they would keep it for 6 weeks and then destroy it but I would have to pay for it??? I have written 2 complaints which have not even been acknowledged and I have been told they do not have to reply to my letters as they have spoken to me about it on the phone. The customer Service team are in serious need of training because the attitude was that bad, it reduced me to tears. after 3 days of switching the mobile back on, it is switching itself off again and I cannot turn it back on without dismantling it. I have been told that it has to be repaired AGAIN (up to 3 times) yet it has been added back to my account and I am being charged for it although I cannot use it. I am stuck with 2 phones and cannot believe I have to keep a phone which was faulty and still is faulty and have the hassle of keep sending it in for repair. It is 3 months old and I have used it about 5 weeks in total. What are my rights please???
  8. Hi all, Sorry that my first post here is a question - I hope I'm in the right place I ordered a thermal binder through an Amazon marketplace seller a few weeks ago. The seller sent the wrong item, so I asked for a refund. They instead sent along the correct item, but I had already purchased it elsewhere, so I pressed the issue and demanded a refund, which I have received. In their last e-mail they made it clear they did not want the two items back - they asked me to destroy them. My question: I have made every attempt to return the items to them, but they explicitly said they don't want them back. Destroying and disposing of them will cost me money. Are these items now my property and can I sell them, for example on eBay? Thanks so much in advance to anyone who can advise me! edit: After looking around some more I suspect this may have been better on the "general consumer issues" forum. My apologies if this is the case. I'd be grateful if an admin could relocate it if necessary.
  9. hi. looking for some help. just had a bit of a harrowing experience. came home to find a person knocking my next dooe neighbours door. i said hello and went into my house. 2 minutes later this chap knocked the door and introduced himself as a baliff from Swift Credit Services working on behalf of The Vale of Glamorgan County Council. He handed my a piece of paper saying that he has secured the debt againt my car outside. And i didnt pay up in full within 5 days they would be taking the car. My car was secured against a previous debt I had with the Vale of Glamorgan previouse which i paid off in full. I must admit at this point. remembering that he had be kniocking my neighbours doors looking for me really started to get my a little upset. I repeated to him that, as i had already explained to one of his colleagues a few days ago, i can only afford £50 a month toward the £419 debt. which that chap flatly refused. This guy pretty much repeated word for word "we have a contract and we cannot accept that amount" like the last guy. So, and maybe i should not have said this, but i said how do you know thats my car? he replied "we have checked its registered in your name". having been lucky enough to have had a company in days gone by i remember that being the registered keeper does not mean you are the owner I replied so you know that having a vehicle do you? and how did you get that information. maybe i am beling naive. i know i owe money but this seems just too far!
  10. In installing drying out equipment we had a fire caused by the installed equipment we found out that the extension lead and rcd they were using came from Tesco’s not exactly an approved supplier. To add insult to the issue we found out there were warnings on these not to use in damp and humid conditions, what does a dehumidifier do? Takes humidity out of the air.Anyway they tried and are still trying to force us to claim off of the insurance policy benefits being “old for new” and if we did not there would be limited indemnity the fire brigade put the fire down to the equipment supplied and the company who installed the equipment actually accused us of setting fire to the kitchen ourselves! It is not that old and was designed to last for 20 years. We have reminded them of their legal duty and also liability and were accused of threatening and abusive behaviour, even breach of contract. The matter is that serious that if it was not for a decent alarm system there could well have been loss of life. The fire was in August and the only thing that we seem to be able to do now is to apply to the Courts as they have ignored all requests for documents and requests to be amicable. We have a kitchen we cannot use andthe whole house was damaged by smoke being a sticky layer on everything. Any further suggestions we feel now as well we should take it to the press as well.Washing is being done by family, couldn’t put the turkey in the lean green fac tmachine wife cooks meals at her fathers house. Its hard to believe its true but it is.
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