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  1. Hi All, I took out a loan with HFC bank in desparation at a low point in 2007, and realised very shortly after (5 payments later, to be exact), that I couldn't afford to pay it! I was sure at the time that I had misunderstood the agreement I was entering into, as I wanted to consolidate my existing CC payments and the new HFC payment was significantly more than this - I put this down to my confusion at the time, on reflection I think their tactics were shoddy to day the least but you live and learn!! I buried my head in the sand for quite some time and eventually HFC took me to court and got a CCJ. I then contested the payment and went to a hearing, where I was told by a Restons idiot that I was 'insolvent, ma'am' (!) which really spurred me on to start to take control of my situation. I am happy to say that in the last 5 years I have completely paid off a number of creditors and continue to pay the rest, all due to be paid in full by 2014. However, in reviewing my HFC account recently, I realised that I didn't think they had applied my original 5 payments on the loan to the figure they have on my CCJ. I SAR'd them, which they have replied to today, less than 40 days, which I found surprising. However, when I have looked through the information they have sent, they have not sent anything pertaining to the CCJ at all. Do I need to now SAR Restons to marry up the payments? The statement of my acccount from their computer system that they have sent me says I owe about £3k, which will be correct, but with the charges they beasted me for, I will still owe about £9k in reality. Neither Restons or HFC has ever sent me a statement of account - is this against FSA guidelines and if so is this anything I can pursue? Once I have determined whether they have actually credited my account with the payments I made, I want to know if there is any way I can 'contest' the charges they have applied to the CCJ. I know I should have done this at the time but I was going through a marriage breakdown and not thinking clearly - however the amount I have paid back monthly is only £40 less than what was on the original agreement, so it seems really unfair that they have turned an £8k debt into £15k. If there's nothing I can do then please feel free to tell me I was an idiot, I learned the hard way!! But I would really love to be able to make things hard for them - I am actually soon to be in a position to pay the whole outstanding debt off, but I would love to minimise how much that actually is. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated
  2. I'm currently feeling helpless as I live in the Far East where my work is. I use my parents address in the UK as I don't own property in the UK or have any loans but I keep getting letters from Reston's which talk about a credit agreement with Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd. I have received several letters in the past from debt agencies but as I have been away I have always informed them of such and then received assurances from them that all is ok now. Allegedly I took out some credit in July 2006 in the UK even though I was in South Korea working. Does anyone have any idea how to get them off my back? I know I have nothing to pay but I worry about my parents receiving such letters and what it will do to their health.
  3. Afternoon people, I have just received a nice telephone call from restons solicitors. They would not tell me what the call is regarding as i am not the account holder. OK Im reluctant to call them and just wait for some correspondence via the royal mail. I have my suspiscions that it is for a Littlewoods debt going back quite some time. But unsure how long and i dont want to call them to find out tbh id rather wait for some sort of letter. Initially the debt was accrued through a catalogue agent...It wasnt possible to pay the catalogue agent the monthly payment so the debt was transferred to ourselves to try to arrange a manageble monthly payment. For some reason this was never done and now we are receiving calls from restons. I may be wrong and it may be for some other strange obscure debt but im guessing its them as i beleive HFC bank and littlewoods were the same. Any advice would be much appreciated guys and if any further infor is required just shout. Thanks
  4. A word of advice to anyone who has a debt with these organisations. Don't expect to get any Justice or reasonable behaviour from them. Thier first priorty is to use any means possible, including illegal means, to make you home less even for a small ammount. Never trust what they tell you it's all lies any way. Most Importantly watch out for their mates who are District Judges. When dealing with them allways remember they are above the Law and authorised by the courts to act how ever they like in order to extract the maximum ammount of money from you. this includes redicouls charges like £1500 a month intrest on a debt of £1,300. If what ever reason you do not beleive that they should enjoy this immunity from the Law then please please write to your MP and quote this case. You can quote the FOS referance ref: 9525388 so they can see for themselfs the poor state of affairs with unregulated banks. Act now. You never know when Reston's solicitors might buy your debt or if you are not in debt now then their is no doubt that you may well be in debt one day. Don't waite till it's to late take action now. Reston's solicitors are not fit to hold a consumer credit licence. Make your viwes know to FOS and your MP.
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