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  1. I agreed a full and final settlement with 1st Credit Limited, but they have not set my account from default to satisfied, can someone confirm how i can get them to mark this as satisfied? Also i have sent off a CPUTR2008 to HFO Services in July and they said they would reply within 30 days. It has now been two months and this is still set as default on my account, and they have not replied since, can someone advise as to what to do next?
  2. hi i have seen annualcreditreport.co.uk publicised elsewhere, can some body tell me if their reports are comprehensive. they charge 5 pounds for life time of annual credit reports. are they worth it. thank you
  3. I was discharged from bankruptcy 5 years ago. I require a full report from the TIB (trustee in bankruptcy)and would like to know if I have to pay for this and if I have to make an application to the Court if I get no response from the TIB. Do I have the right to know how the TIB managed the bankruptcy estate? ie who got paid who didn't etc etc. The TIB has never contacted me as all my dealings were with the official receiver, he was only appointed 3 days before my discharge and then represented by a creditor's solicitor, which I thought was a conflict of interests. I have a terrible gut feeling that the TIB has only paid out to the same creditor's solicitors, who is actually his own solicitor!!
  4. I recently checked my credit report online. - something I had been putting off doing for a long time:| 2 of my debts showed D = default, but only for one month and then blank afterwards. If a debt has gone into default, would it not show continuous D's for the remainder of the period? The rest of it was good news, I was suprised how good the rest of my track record is, apart from these two, which of course were a parting gift from my ex!! Any ideas folks?
  5. Hi, I wonder if anyone can give me a bit of advice. Might seem like a strange issue but let me explain. I'm trying to improve my credit score. Currently I don't have much on my credit report as I have recently finished university and moved into a rented property. I don't have any negative factors apart from one. When I moved into my current rented flat, Scottish Power (my previous supplier) offered to beat British Gas (existing supplier at the new flat), so I agreed to switch. Eventually the switch was complete and SP have been supplying me since. The negative thing currently against my name is that BG only supplied me for around 2 months (while the switch was in progress), and short accounts are a bad thing. SP doesn't show up at all, at my current or previous address. I've called and emailed SP about this - they don't seem able or willing to do anything about it. I can understand that they don't really care as it doesn't really affect them but is there anything else I can do about this? Despite numerous communications, my address is still showing up as incorrect on my online account. I don't know if this is related, but I don't think I've ever recieved any correspondence through the post to this address from SP. I'm just not sure they've got a clue what they're doing. As long as I pay every month, they just don't care. All this has come about after I was recently refused a new phone contract with Orange after a credit check. I'm now trying to tie up everything on my credit report which should be there as I'm convinced I should have a good score. Any advice much appreciated. Am I wasting my time with this? Thanks, Tom
  6. Hello Friends, I used to have a phone contract with Vodaphone which I finished last year in October. As per my knowledge I had made all the payment and my account was closed. After recently obtaining a copy of my credit file from Equifax I was concerned to note that Vodaphone has placed a "Default" notice against an account in my name. After this, I called Vodaphone to verify this and I was told that there was an outstanding balance of £30 on my account. I straight away paid the balance in full to avoid any further charges. When I asked them about the default they said they cannot remove it as its been sold to another agency, when I contacted the agency they said only Vodaphone can remove the default. I tried contacting Vodaphone by phone and was advised that I need to write a letter about my complaint which I did but didn’t receive any response. after several failed attempts I contact Ombudsmen services to complain about my default and after several conversations Ombudsman came back saying that they have contacted Vodaphone and Vodaphone has advised that the default is fair as they sent me notice and all Vodaphone can do is send me an apology letter for any inconvenience the default is causing. I requested ombudsman to send me a copy of the default notice which they received from Vodaphone as I was sure that they didn’t send any notice and even if they did they may not have used my correct address but Ombudsman failed to provide me a copy of the default notice and they said Vodaphone has confirmed that sent the notice of default to my current address. I had no choice after that accepted Ombudsman final decision of accepting the apology letter from Vodaphone. Recently a friend of my who currently staying at my previous address which I left almost 4 years called and said that she has received a letter for me, I asked her to open the letter and as I was expecting it was from Vodaphone. This clearly indicated that Vodaphone have been using my previous address in all the correspondence. I had updated my bank details and address with Vodaphone as soon as I moved to my current address. I believe it’s unfair to have a default on my report for merely a £30 for no mistake of mine. I really hope that I can get the default removed from my report. Can anyone here please help meL Sorry about the long post, i thought its better if i explain the situation in detail. Thank you for reading.
  7. Ive tried to register with exprian and equifax today. When Ive tried to complete the free 30 day trial with experian, it seems I have a previous account with them. When Ive logged onto their site, Im being asked to authorise a full membership payment of £15 but all I want to do is a £2 payment to see my report. Can anyone advise if this is possible? I didnt think I had to subscribe to any services to see my records? (Didnt have aprob with equifax - doesnt look like ive registered with them before Many thanks
  8. Hi All, I bank with Natwest. As a result of their recent outage I missed a loan repayment. I received an apology from them and was told that it would not affect my credit score. I decided to check this out online the other day. I got reports from Equifax and Call Credit. I was somewhat surprised to see an "AP" entry for my current account from the month before the outage on my Equifax report. There was no such entry on the Call Credit report. Curious, I have queried this with Equifax. Equifax told me to speak to Natwest. They are, of course, currently snowed under with complaints so I may have to wait a while to get a response. I understand that AP stands for Arrangement to Pay and is applied when a person in debt renegotiates with the creditor to pay less than the required amount to satisfy repayments. Whilst I was in my overdraft at the time, no payments were missed and at no point have I exceed it. I am a bit confused, therefore, about how the AP marker has got there. Would I have had to have agreed something for it to go on? Would someone have had to have warned me? I am completely lost. The plot thickens because this AP marker does not appear on the Call Credit Report. Do they not use the same information? I am wanting to apply for a mortgage in the next few weeks (hence paying off said overdraft etc) and am concerned that this AP marker will affect me, particularly as Natwest aren't in a hurry to get back to me. My credit rating remains at the top end of the "fair" bracket, despite the hit that the AP marker has caused. Help, anyone?
  9. Hello Everyone I would appreciate if someone could help me. i have a problem with the default on my credit report. I opened a contract with vodafone on 16/02/2008 and for 19 months i never missed a payment and was a loyal customer to vodafone. i dont remember the reason why but after 19 months i had a problem with a few payments and got in touch with vodafone after i received a remider from vodafone for £78 outstanding for my contract to close, we agreed that i would settle the payments with a monthly instalment. As i can see from my credit report i paid my first instalment on april 2010 and cleared my debt on august 2010. From that date until april 2011 my credit report shows that i had no defaults on my account because i made my payments and everything was as agreed. On the 21/03/2011 my credit report shows that it was a satisfaction date. And on 08/05/2011 vodafone updated my credit report and put a default again. These are the dates on my experian report: Account type: multi communications Started: 16/02/2008 Current balance : Satisfied Default Date: 06/02/2010 Default balance: £78 Satisfaction Date: 21/03/2011 This is the first time this has happened to me and i am sorry if i havent explained it very well but i applied for a mortgage and it was denied. my mortgage advisor told me that it was because of the default in the credit report and that i should get in touch with someone from vodafone and ask them if they can remove this as this would affect my application. i have contacted the customer service and they have told me that they dont know what to do because they cant locate my account. i am lost and i dont know what to do next to solve this problem. please if it is possible can someone advise me what to do or where to call to find some answers. thank you very much.
  10. Hi I've been checking my credit report from Experian and Equifax for some time now and all looks to be good. However, I signed up for Call Credit report and was horrified to find it had recorded a CCJ on it from 2007. The address listed was an address I lived at for 6 months between 2004 and 2005. The sum is a measly £200. This address was a house split into flats and and the default is just registered at the main house number (ie. not my individual flat number). I don't know what this CCJ is for and have emailed northampton court for the details. I was never served with the documents and have never had the opportunity to defend myself. I certainly would not have allowed myself to get a CCJ for £200! Any ideas what I can do? I've read somewhere that I can apply for it to be set aside - does this seem a good idea? I'm worried with it being a shared house that there's some foul play. I'm also a bit confused as to why Equifax and Experian haven't showed this CCJ on any of their reports over the years. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hi I have decided to start claiming for ppi on a number of cards and loans that i have taken out of the past ten years - Because of the time lapse I have sketchy details - eg incomplete card number or in the case of loans - account nos are missing. I know that I can request a SAR from each company which will cost £10 each - I was wondering whether the details I need would be on my Experian account? - this would just cost me £14.99 for a months membership - but before I pay that I wanted to check whether the relevant details would be on there- would anybody be able to advise me please.
  12. Hi everyone Having received today a letter from Bryan Carter stating that they have started litigation and I will receive a claim form from the County Court within 48 hours, I signed up to Experian and checked my credit report. It does not have the Lloyds TSB debt listed. It does state the following: credit accounts - 4 (2 for my bank, 1 for the mortgage and 1 fro Lowell - I will be asking about this on a different thread!) account overdue - 0 outstanding debt - £0 missed or late payment - 0 Does this mean that the debt is statute barred? Or have I missed it somewhere on the report? Many thanks
  13. Hi there Lowell served me with a SD a couple of months back - I missed the deadline so didn't do anything about it and haven't heard from them since. Today I signed up for a credit check and found tht they have done a credit search on the following dates: 19th July - 3 searches 18th June 16th April 20th March 13th March 6th Feb 13th Oct 2011 Are they allowed to do all these searches? What are the expecting to see? Thanks
  14. Hi there Last year I went to court to counter a SD made by Lowell (for those that are searching all my threads this is a different debt to the one that they tried to SD this year!). They failed to turn up and the judgment went in my favour. They then wrote that they were closing the case. However the default is still on my credit file assigned to Lowell. Can I get it removed or should I leave well alone as they have been checking my credit report monthly and may start the SD proceedings for the outstanding debt - although the debt they served me with is not on my credit report? Thanks
  15. Hi Insolvency Service Annual Report & Accounts 2011/12 Always a slick and interesting report and well worth a read through (in my opinion) http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/hc1213/hc03/0358/0358.pdf Amongst a number of others - the paragraphs below caught the eye - whats that about nobody knowing about who is in an IVA? Individual Insolvency Register Use of the Individual Insolvency Register (IIR) remains at a very high level with 3,967,899 searches being conducted by users. This is an increase of 19% compared with the 3,348,240 searches conducted during 2010-11. Commercial organisations can register to receive data downloads of the IIR and at the end of March 2012 we have 32 subscribers to the service. We recognise the importance of this service to financial service organisations and the wider financial industry, and we work with these stakeholders to understand and meet their needs.
  16. Hi there i have a question or two, for the first time ever i did my credit report and not as bad as i thought, one mistake which i will deal with tomorrow as a dispute with virgin media which is now sorted. The other thing i was told a few years ago if its not on your credit report you dont owe it - now i had a letter from a company called creditg saying they had bought my debt and i still owe about £180 on it. Now this debt i was paying about 4-5 years ago, not sure on dates so i emailed them as asked that they send me any payment info if any on the last date a payment was made. Now i have just come of benefits to go self employed and only have return to work credit of 40 a week to live on until tax credits are sorted. They had searched my credit file as i have seen them on there, is there a reason this is not registered on my credit file as a debt?
  17. Hi all.....as usual, a bit of advice is needed here as this is ridiculous now. After a credit app knock back , we did the usual thing and checked our Equifax report and noted it to be a bit "colourful". One of the reds is for a disputed Orange Mobile phone bill in January 2010, (Yes 2010!). A bit of history may help with the advice. We went on holiday (Africa), for 15 days, (2009) taking the Mobile phone and dongle with us. Being very aware of the costs of mobile/data when abroad, we purchased a local PAYG mobile and kept the data access to a strict minimum using the hotels wifi to surf and make calls over skype. Data and roaming on the phone was switched off, and the dongle SIM was removed when switched off. For the 15 days in country, of which one was on an isolated safari park, and the remaining 10 in two separate wifi hotels, we received a bill from Orange totalling over £2000.00. First bill was taken by DD for £500.00 whilst on the holiday. Bit worrying but because we run our own business we anticipated it was because of the busy period before we went on our jolly days. Next bill in jan 2010 was for £1569.00. Our holiday was from 28th Dec 09 - mid Jan2010. When I recieved the statement, I rang Orange to discuss the statement as it just had 3 sheets and no call information or details. Coming from a comms background and knowing the spamming culture of the country we had been to, I wanted to know the exact details of the calls made or the data downloads. I was quite specific in my reasonable requests...I wanted to know the Ip address of the local data transfer centre, the location of the local 3g node, and the geographic location of the alleged usage, and any other relevant information. I was generally passed between post and pole and assured the information would be sent to me. Orange responded by sending me 15 double sided sheets of statement listing the APN/Service Class as "business LAN access" with one "access" being 18 hours long!! No other details at all ie the information I requested. I then sent them a letter and e mails disputing the amount and to call me to discuss this urgently. 5 correpsondonces later I had still recieved nothing at all. During Feb and March 2010, my bank kindly rang me up and said "do you have your mobile with you at the moment because Orange are about to try and take £1569 on a direct debit from your account" I told my bank to refuse the DD and tag the refusal with the fact the account is in dispute. The bank refused it 3 times with the same reason. I started to recieve calls from Orange - two or three I think. Each time explaining at length my concerns and not wanting to accept the debt if the data card had been spammed or corrupted or faulty. The mobile and dongle were disconnected by Orange after the last call from them and my further request for information. I think my last words were, "if you can prove from the information you have that I actually made the calls, then I will pay it" And yes, you've guessed! The usual suspects appeared on the letter writing scene - Moorcrofts and DLS. They got the immediate fob off letter as my dispute is with Orange etc. and to be honest, they have backed off since my request for information is reasonable and relative. So we are in the same position that we were some two years ago! My belief is that I havent defaulted on payment, I have disputed the bill before payment. But Orange have tagged us in the Equifax report as defaulting. Both the debt collecting agencies seem to have dropped it, which in essence, could be an easy £1500 for them. So....what do we do now to get this removed from our credit report. Equifax have spoken to orange who have come back and said we have defaulted - (listed it as a dispute with equifax)- and we are still showing red. The annoying thing is that the payment records from Orange show us as regular payers, (between £150 - £300 pcm) Thanks caggers for any advice you can give. PS...it seems to me that there is a possible loophole in the data roaming billiing if the Telco does not provide the full detials of your 3g data useage...or maybe this is another post to be placed?!
  18. Hi guys was hoping someone could offer me some advice. In January this year I upgraded from a iphone 3gs to a 4g. I was told by Vodafone customer services that this would cost me 100 pounds but if I returned my old handset within 7 days I would be entitled to a 105 pounds credit. Thinking that Vodafone would credit my account with the credit in a timely manner I thought no more of it until March 1st 2012 when Vodafone took a £153.56 out of my account. I rang up Vodafone to clarify what the extra payment was for and got was told that the 105 credit was not applied and that I should do an indemnity claim against the account. On 14th April I discovered that my direct debit had been cancelled and Vodafone had not taken the monthly payment on the 1st of April. I immediately called Vodafone and payed what was outstanding by card. My subsequent payments have all been made though some by card as it took 2 months to get the direct debit working again. I had no idea that an indemnity claim would result in my direct debit being cancelled as this was not made clear at the time. If I had known the impact of this transaction I would not have done it. Why are Vodafone even suggesting that customers do this? I'm now looking to get a mortgage and i have discovered a late payment on my credit report placed there by Vodafone because of this indemnity claim. After speaking to customer services representatives and members of the billing collection team and having gone through a number of QA cycles - each of which can take 14 days I'm reaching breaking point. Having just come off the phone with the collections team again and with another submission to the QA department underway I am not hopeful to say the least. This is having serious consequences for both my financial and personal future. My partner is 4 months pregnant and we are planning to move home to Northern Ireland before the birth and we are trying to get a mortgage sorted so that we have somewhere to live when we go home. Needless to say the stress this is causing us both is not wanted at this time. I consider this action to be disproportionate and ruthless on Vodafone's part and a breach of good faith between myself who had been a good paying customer and Vodafone. I'm now considering the ombudsman as I think deadlock is approaching and was wondering if others have had similar problems and did they get satisfactory resolutions?
  19. So I have checked my credit file today and it shows a few settled accounts like old store cards etc. Can I have these removed from my credit file and will it aid in improving my credit score? I have a total of 7 "settled" accounts on file from a mobile phone contracts to store cards etc.
  20. Good Afternoon All! This is my first post here, so hopefully I get it right. Around six months ago I applied for funding to start up a new business, and unfortunately have been turned down by the bank, they advised me to obtain a copy of my credit report at the time, but for one reason or another - I didn't. I tried again a few weeks ago and declined again. This time I obtained a copy of my report from Experian, Equifax and CallCredit online. Upon looking at the reports, there are several discrepencies (old accounts that I failed to update addresses for, and some that I thought no longer existed - but are still "open") - these are easily rectified with some simple letters. However, there are a few that worry me, and are going to be the cause of being declined finance. There are 3 defaults, 2 with "Lowell Portfolio" and 1 with "HSBC". The accounts are very old, but have all been passed to Lowell Portfolio/HSBC(well, Metropoliton I think) in the past 2 years. I have been paying towards these monthly for some time (although small amounts). I have emailed Lowell Portfolio and explained the situation, asking them if they would be willing to remove the defaults on both accounts if I were to increase my payments in order to pay off the debts in the next 12 months. They responded in writing saying they are unable to do this, and to contact them to increase my payments. Not what I wanted, but I wasn't really expecting much anyway. The amounts owing to Lowell Portfolio are £1,200 and £500, and to HSBC it is around £1,300 (all approximate). I am not in a position to pay these off in full, and do not want to increase the payments if it isn't going to improve my credit score - as that is what I am after here. I have read through some posts on the forums here and see some guidance about requesting a CCA etc. - should I do this here? The debts are quite old as I mentioned, and have been passed from Littlewoods/Great Universal to Lowell Portfolio - who do I send the CCA to? I also do not remember seeing any "default notices" - I keep all my paperwork for open accounts, and cannot find them anywhere. Could I ask for these? In regards to HSBC, this is regarding a very old account. However, I have gone through some old paperwork and remember trying to file a complaint against them against unfair bank charges - at the time it was for just under £1,200 worth of charges (interest on top) - which, now that most of the debt is paid of, equals a good part of the outstanding balance. I may be able to dig out the old statements for this account, or even my original calculations - worse case, I guess I request it from the bank - although they passed to to "Metropoliton Collections" or something. Any ideas what I can do here? All my other accounts are in good standing (2 small credit cards and 2 bank accounts, 1 with a small overdraft), and I have no CCJs - so I would like to see if I can remove these defaults from my file and clean up my report. I am not trying to "evade" any debt, as I am aware that one way or another, all of the above debts have been incurred - and would be more than happy to keep paying them if they remove the default notices. I just want to improve my credit score, so that I can approach the bank again and start up a business. Any help would be appreciated - and many thanks in advance! Sorry if I waffled on a bit...
  21. HI all I have had a debt with Barclay card for years, I asked Barclay card for a true copy of the agreement and they didn't/couldn't supply it:roll: after that they didn't contact me again up until a few weeks ago when I got a notice of assignment for Lowell I asked lowell for a true copy of the credit agreement right away.... I have had about 4 letters since saying they are looking for it latest of this waste of paper says "if they can't find it they won't contact me again" all well and good BUT have noticed Lowell have already defaulted my credit record can they do this? Barclay card have also been defaulting it since 2009 and have now closed the account in default (sold it to Lowell) but neither have produced this true credit agreement do I have a leg to stand on in getting these defaults deleted?
  22. Good evening, I'm hoping someone here might be able to offer some advice to my situation. My partner and I recently had a mortgage meeting and while talking to the advisor I told her of a CCJ I have. it started in April 2006 for a RBS debt which I was struggling with and I still pay £75 pcm and currently have around £5200 left. The mortgage advisor suggested that we use some of our deposit money to clear the CCJ as it would put me in a better position which I said I'd think about. I've signed up to Check My File and nowhere is there mention of a CCJ on any CRA report, however, there are 2 default notices. one from an old Barclaycard which I had been unable to pay at the time and one default from 1st credit, who have since bought the debt. 1st credits details were listed on the report so I phoned them at 9 the next morning and rather stupidly paid £350 of a £425 debt with a debit card! I was told on the phone that this would show on my credit report as satisfied but after reading various articles online I think I should have paid a lot less ( 20 - 30%) ? or bargained for the defaults to be removed on payment? and that 2 defaults wont help the mortgage situation - showing satisfied or not? What should be my next step with these defaults and where has that CCJ gone?? Sorry to ramble a little but I could do with a little advice or input. Thanks all in advance
  23. I have been looking through my credit report recently and have noticed four defaults registered on there. Two of these from Lowell Portfolio, a third from 123 Debt Solutions and a fourth from 1st Credit Ltd. I have never received any written notification of these defaults and want to know what routes I need to take to dispute the defaults as I am paying back the debts on a monthly basis. Any helpful advice will be gratefully appreciates as always.
  24. Hello, I recently took out a home loan (silly, I know!) with Provident. Within the 14 day period, I thought better of it, withdrew my application and returned all monies to them. I have just had a look at my Credit report to see that it is now on there. As I did not go ahead with the loan, should it appear on there at all? Thank you Claire
  25. Hi all, Any help much appreciated. I pulled up my credit report today after not being on it for 6 or so months to find this which has confused me and am just looking for some advice on what it means: STUDIO Mail order £0 03/06/2012 It has £0 balance and credit limit yet is showing on my negative side with credit expert and is listed as revolving credit. Now I did apply for credit with them around december 2011 but never had any response from them so assumed nothing of it. I have contacted them straight away about it to query it and sort out getting it removed but im confused on why this would be placed on my report with a £0 balance and credit limit yet when I log onto their website to search for an account with them, it says I do not exist with them Thanks
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