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  1. Morning, I've read through the hundreds of Harlands/CRS threads and kind of concluded that after a lot of trying to be logical with them, everyone ends up writing a final letter saying go away or go to court but I'll be ignoring you from now on. With that in mind, I've had a 2nd chaser letter from CRS now and I'm ready to send the following response I was just hoping for a little advice to make sure I wasn't jumping in too two footed. I'm not prepared to pay even close to what they claim I'm owing and I would happily defend myself if they took the matter to court. letter attached. Thoughts would be welcomed. I have an email from Harlands accepting my cancellation due to relocation but as I havent settled the disputed debt they have still continued to add additional admin and now CRS fees. I also have an email following me requesting they place a freeze on the account until the dispute is resolved confirming they received that request but chose to ignore it and add further fees. Cheers Scott
  2. I hope I have stuck this thread in the right place, I have had a little search for other threads and not sure if I am doing this in the right place so apologies if not! Basically, I once shared a house with two friends one of which was responsible for paying for the gas and electric through SSE. When my friends moved out I changed to British Gas (a mistake it's self - story for another day) and got changed over within about a day of them leaving. I told my ex-housemate to tell me how much my share was of the account with SSE and I would pay him. I never heard anything after that for a long time. However, a company called CRS are calling me and chasing me for a debt to SSE (at silly o'clock in the morning) and sending me texts saying I have not replied to their requests and that they are going to visit the property. I am still in contact with who lives in that house now, and they have not received any post for me. They only have my old address and an abbreviation of my first name which my housemate used to refer to me by, so it looks like he has given them my name and phone number, I never agreed to any liability with SSE and they shouldn't have passed on my details. I am going to write letters to both companies, I am going to look in the templates section. I have two questions really, is there anything else that I might need to consider here? ALSO - can I provide them an e-mail address to respond to instead of my postal address? I don't really want them to come round!
  3. Hello! At the beginning of 2012, I joined my local Fitness First. Later in the year, I moved house away from the area and to somewhere without a Fitness First nearby to which I could transfer my membership. I contacted the gym to give them my new address and to discuss terminating my membership. I was told I couldn't get out of it as I'd signed for a year and we agreed that I would continue making the payments until the year was up and then my membership wouldn't renew. Fast forward to July 2013. Having moved house again, I was checking my list of Direct Debits a nd noticed that nothing had been collected by Fitness First since April 2013. Assuming the membership had now expired, I cancelled the Direct Debit. Yesterday I came home to a letter from CRS stating: We've been employed by Trugym for Women - Crouch End as your membership remains in arrears d espite previous letters being sent to you. As a result of this, our fees totalling £125.86 have being (sic.) added. Therefore your account balance now stands at £375.46 It turns out that the Fitness First I was a member of turned into Trugym in April. I never had any correspondence to inform me of this and I have not had any previous correspondence to inform me of any arrears. Annoyingly, all my dealings with Fitness First (telling them my change of address etc) were on the 'phone. What do I do now?
  4. Hi All, I really need some help, sitting in floods of tears as i write this. I started a thread a couples of months ago regarding Express Finance, they sent me a text to an old phone saying i owed them money. The date came and went, no money was taken from my account and no phonecalls received. I posted an update and was advised to do nothing until i received something in writing. Nothing has arrived by email or letter. I got a phonecall at work from a company called CRS on Friday the 23rd August, saying they were a collection agency working on behalf of Payday Express and that I owed them money, the amount quoted was a completely different amount from the text message. The guy was very helpful, i told him that i wasn't allowed private calls at work, so he promised to remove my work number from their system, i told him that i hadn't borrowed from Payday Express for over a year, had no communication from Payday Express in over a year and he was very sympthetic. He promised no calls at work, only commuincation by email and that he would look into the matter. I felt sick, but heard nothing till today. So far CRS have made 5 calls to my work, i answered the phone to them and i exploded. I told them they had no right contacting me at work, the guy was a cheeky so and so and said this was the only phonecall they had made to me, complete lies. He said i hadn't spoken to anyone about the debt, where i told him that phonecalls were recorded at my place of work, he gave me another figure, different again and i explained that i didn't owe Payday Express any money. I said that they had my card details, so why hadn't they taken the money what is owed, he said Payday Express never help themselves to peoples bank accounts and that they would need my permission? WTF. I said if there was an agreement in place, and i'd agreed to pay the money back, then i agreed for them to take my payments. He said that it can take up to 2 years for Payday Express to ask for the money back? Again, WTF! I again explained that no commuinaction had come from Payday Express to say there was loans outstanding, he again said that they can take a year to contact a customer. I'm A, scared they keep contacting my work, B, force me into paying something which i'm not liable for. I asked the guy for proof of the debt, and he says its their word against mine. Who do i complain too? This company shatters lives with their threats and aggression. They need to realise this. Please help. Grumpy x
  5. Hi, Looking for some advice on a gym membership that i didn't sign up for. CRS are claiming i owe them £250 for various fees and missed payments for a 12 month gym contract with Xercise 4 Less that i never signed up for. First letter i got from them was on 16 July, i responded to this by email stating that i never signed up for any membership and have never even been into the gym. They then called me on the 1st August asking me to send a copy of some ID to them, I sent them a copy of my driving license, only after i did this did i wonder why they wanted it. They then got back to me again on the 6th August stating that as all the details on the contract were correct that the contract must be valid and that i have 10 days to pay. I asked them to send me a copy of a signed contract, knowing there isnt one, a nd they have now sent what looks like a webform with my details which i received today. I have not paid a penny to anyone regarding this contract and have never set foot anywhere near this gym, the only contact i have ever had is regarding missed payments. They had set up a direct debit which i promptly cancelled before any payment was taken as I had no idea who Harlands were. Hope someone can give some advice as im not sure what to do next? Thanks
  6. Hi, I searched on Google and here seems a good place to ask. I have been sent two letters today one with my name on and one with one of my mates. You can view one of the letters here: http://s2.postimage.org/c4rwacl61/59505_10152451539445693_14521781_n.jpg Now Me and my mate in the room i was in are non smokers. The other room my mate has guaranteed me he did not smoke. I will be truthful with this bit, another of my mates has said in a different room there was smoking but they have not received a letter or should i say i have not receieved anything for them - i was the one who made the bookings. Can anyone shed any light on what i should do? As clearly the rooms/booking ref they have accused of smoking are incorrect. Thanks
  7. I had a payday loan with MEM/Payday UK and I just looked at the email trail of all the loans I had taken out. It looks like I rolled over multiple times, approximately 8 times it looks like it. I finally could not carry on and in December 2012 I sent them an email saying I could not afford to pay the rollover fees all the time, nor could I pay the full amount. I never heard anything back from them apart from their automated emails telling me I had not paid yet. I received an email from Credit Resource Solutions approximately two weeks ago, saying: Well pdf was blank. Today received the same pdf, except this time it was not blank. I've attached pdf with details blanked out. It seems that CRS are making false representations in this letter? Apart from that, anyone suggest a course of action? I'm guessing best way forward would be to contact payday uk/month end money, and request statement, and work out a payment plan with them?
  8. Morning all, This is my first post (please be gentle with me!) My wife took out a gym membership (24 months) back in March 2012. In November 2012 she called the gym to say that she wanted to cancel the membership as she wasn't using it. The receptionist at the gym told her to cancel her direct debit. On the 13th Feb she received a letter from Harlands stating she owed £98. I told her to ignore the letter. On the 21st March she received a letter from CRS stating she now owed £646. What should we do? Her original agreement with the gym was £29 per month. I've no idea where they've got this £646 from. Please advise. Many thanks Gavin
  9. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, so am not sure whether this is the right way to start a new thread, but will try it anyway. I joint the gym chain Fitness First (FF) at their branch in Walworth Road in London SE 17 in 2007. The reason being that they have gyms all over the city which I was able to use. However in March 2013 the Walworth Rd branch was taken over by another gym company called New Fitness Exchange (NFE). Because FF had debited as usually my account for March I assumed nothing had changed for me. I only realized at the middle of March that this was not the case when I tried to access the FF in Hammersmith and they told me that my membership had expired. What they didn't tell me there and then was that my membership was transferred to NFE. They offered me instead to continue my contract without any changes to the conditions, which I agreed to. On 19/03/13 FF called me and advised me that I should cancel my contract with NFE to avoid being charged by them. Hearing for the first time during the whole process that my contract had been transferred to NFE I withdrew my application to continue my FF membership immediately which was confirmed a few days later by phone. Bear with me this is only half the story. The same evening I went to NFE on Walworth Rd and asked them to terminate my membership by the end of March. They asked me to write my name and phone number into and agenda so they could call me to confirm the cancellation. The next day I got a call from NFE confirming that the membership will be terminated by the end of March. Asking them whether any further action would be required they confirmed that that was not the case. However checking my bank account in the following days I noticed a direct debit order which I didn't recognised and deleted. On 14/06/13 I received a text from C R S to contact them on 014444 449165 stating that they had sent me a letter on 07/06/13 and that they need to discuss this with me. Needless to say I never received that letter. I called them back immediately to find out who they are and what they are on about. Only after having asked them several times they disclosed that they are a debt collector acting on behalf of NFE and that I am in arrears with £240. I disputed the claim and they told me that they will send me another letter. I terminated the phone conversation after that. The next day (Saturday) I went with a friend to NFE on Walworth Rd to find out what was going on. After explaining my dilemma to the staff in charge they produced the agenda with my name and phone number crossed out which they said confirmed that the membership was terminated. They promised that they will speak to their management Monday (17/06/13) and than call to inform me about the status, which never happened. I am not sure what I should do now. I tried to look up C R S online, but there seem to be a lot of debt collectors with this name out there. Without a letter from them I cannot really respond in the way your forum so helpfully recommends. I am also anxious that the whole affair could have a negative impact on my credit record which would be catastrophic because I was just planning to apply for a mortgage. I would be extremely grateful for some advice. Sorry for the long-winded story and thank you for your patience .
  10. Hi, I am Peter after being out of action for a year i started playing sunday league again. However the manager said i need to get fitter and requested i joined a to get fit first. I explained that i could not afford it because i was not working. he agreed to pay for two months. A player on the team is one of the gym instructors and said it would not be a problem. he said the minimum you can sign up for is 12 months but just cancel the direct debit after the two months. after the two months ended i cancelled my gym membership. Then i started to get harassed for money. phone calls, letters. i explained that i never had any money, i live at home with my parents and that i can't give them money if i wanted. i told them that i had signed up to job seekers allowance because i was struggling for work. i sent them a copy of the details. but they said because i signed a contract, i should be able to pay. i sent them a letter saying that letting them no that i ve not worked in over a year. i am currently on job seekers and that if they continued to harass me i would contact trading standards and the police. however, i have just received a letter from crs and struggling what to do. if anyone can help let me know. kind regards peter
  11. Hi folks. The OH received this little missive today. We think the story behind it is this. We cancelled a car insurance last year when it had to be scrapped. Of course we had to pay for early cancelation fees to the insurer, Swinton and a proportion of the cash-back promotion, which were being paid for by reducing the DD. Just before it would have been renewed the OH stopped the SO and asked for the final figure to pay, which would have been payed by card. This was requested by letter. What she received was several letters stating she was behind with payments etc. with the usual threats to pass it to DCA's the last one was dated 28 th Feb. However on 25th Feb she received a letter stating that after all recalculations she was having money paid into her account. We have had numerous calls from CRS but nothing in writing until this. Should she just ignore it, or send Swinton a "What's going on letter." Cheers [ATTACH=CONFIG]43007[/ATTACH]
  12. hi. about a year ago i developed a ulcer on my big toe on my left foot.with being diabetic. around september i joined a gym by harlands in bideford devon.just after siging the contract my ulcer got much worse and i ended up with another ulcer on top of my left foot. reason i thought id join was because i thought light excercise may help with circulation.so when all this happened i was unable to go to the gym,as i couldnt walk properly and couldnt work or wear a normal shoe. i never attened the gym at all or had my induction,even though i paid the fee when joining "£47" had letters from harlands about paying them for time i had been a member.come the following january 2012 i ended up having my big toe amputated.which madfe life quite crap really,trying to get about etc. harlands passed their annual fee of £525 to CRS. they sent me a form which i had to have signed by my doctor verifing what had happened to me. they still want me pay the £525 as they said the ulcer started in july and i signed contract in september. i refused to pay them,and i told them to take me to court,which all his reply was "i hear your words" also i have moved from the area where the gym is in bideford and im now in southampton. im just wondering what will happen ? will they take me to court ? and will i ahve much of a chance of winning ? because of my illness,operation etc ? any advice or help would be nice thanks
  13. Hi this is the first time i have used the forum so apologies in advance for any errors. My story is that in September 2011 i took out a loan with payday express for £160. I defaulted on this loan but paid back £270 by April 2012 at which time they told me verbally that the loan had been settled. I was then surprised to be contacted by crs saying that i owed payday express £25, i disputed this and gave them details of the transaction i had made with payday express. They went back to payday express with this information and then got back to me saying that payday express had gone through the account and the amount i owe is actually £125. Seeing as i have already paid £270 for borrowing £160 i am refusing to give them another penny. Any help on this matter would be appreciated Many thanks jb184
  14. Cananyone advise if CRS Civil Recovery solutions UKCRS, PO Box 9877, Nottingham, NG1 9GB Are they part of, or formally the company trading as “Retail Loss Prevention”. ? I am pre-empting the possible letter from them seeking civil loss claim from them which I anticipate arriving shortly. Are CRS in a position to recover any form of debt / compensation after being served a “Notice of Civil Recovery” by a store security guard? A fixed penalty notice for £80 was issued by a police officer relating to the DA12 offence (theft) I have paid the Fixed penalty notice. as I want a prompt closure to this matter. The offence was NOT pre planned - was a gnuine oversight / lapse of concentration, lots of things on my mind ,after having had several (seven) operations / procedures to my eye in the last 12 months, this following a serious assault in public house, more treatment planned in the near future, and still under care and medication for stress / depression and anxiety, my GP is willing to substantiate in a letter. I purchased several items to the value of £48 plus, and forgot one item I had placed in my coat pocket value £16.98 as I was struggling to hold all the items in my hands. Genuine error (50 plus years old -no criminal record – yes I walked out of the store with a unpaid item in my pocket – when challenged by security realised my error and offered to pay – they detained me for over a hour (whilst the police arrived) in a small room used to house cctv monitioring equipment, cold , confined area, door covered by security person all the time Should I respond as in early forum answers , that there is no debt and quote the example of “Oxford Court Case” Retailer v Ms K and Ms B ? Or should I proffer a small arbitrary sum ? Your suggestions / advise / experiance would be appreciated please
  15. Hi, I am from Northern Ireland. I joined a local gym (Lifestyle Fitness) in August 2011 and used it regularly before hurting my back badly playing football in Feb/March 2012. I was seeing a physio while waiting for an MRI but she advised me to not use the gym. She offerred to write me up a letter to cancel the membership but stupidly, I declined thinking that I could use the pool facility as others advised me it could help my back trouble. Anyway, I missed a direct debit one month and when I called to clear it up, I advised the lady of my situation. This was either June or July 2012 and my years membership was due to expire in August. The girl (working for Harlands on behalf of Lifestlyle) advised me that the membership would be cancelled from end of August but I had to maintain payments until then. 01/08/2012 was due to be my final Direct Debit (£22.55) but I didn't have sufficient funds in the account and missed the payment. Harlands subsequently sent me a letter advising that I now owed them £62.55. When I called to query this, they advised that £22.50 was the money owed, £20 fee for failed DD, and a further £20 as I fell into arrears (which should surely have fell in with the previous £20 charge). I offered to make a payment of £22.55, which should have been all that was due to the company, but they declined and they advised they need the full £62 to clear the account. A few weeks went by and I had forgotten all about this issue until today. I have received a letter from CRS Debt Collectors acting on behalf of Lifestyle Fitness. They state that a balance of £72.55 has been passed to them and they have also applied their 'Standard Charge' of £102.50, bringing the full balance to £175.50. I rang this CRS crowd to query the payments and see how I could resolve it. The options they gave me was to either pay in full, or set up a payment plan. I queried the payment plan and they advised there are further charges applied if I take this option (£25 admin fee plus £2.50 per instalment). This would mean I would be paying over £200 for a £22.55 missed direct debit as I can not afford to be paying this sum of money out. I have read through the forum and found several helpful threads but not sure what I should do next. I was planning to speak with gym directly but they do not handle any money and always refferred me to Harlands in the past. Should I deal with them directly and ignore the debt collectors? Should I just pay the £72.55 or should I only offer the actual membership fee owed (£22.50)? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  16. Hi all, I've registered here to just to make this post. I noticed quite a few complaints here about Travelodge's smoking fine, and threatening letters from CRS. I was accused by Travelodge a while ago of smoking in my room, and received a letter from CRS demanding £150 or face court action. As usual, their "evidence" was ash on the window sill and a smell of smoke in the room (I don't smoke, so this was not true). After a few letters back & forth, I asked CRS to provide a copy of the invoice received by Travelodge for the "specialist cleaning" which they claim was required, also to provide proof that the room in question was not used the next day, and also to provide detailed calculations showing how these items totalled exactly £150. I never heard back from them ever again. Job done. Bunch of idiots. Do they really think this is the best way of getting repeat business?! I will never again stay in a Travelodge hotel & would advise everyone else not to either.
  17. Hi, A little while back I started receiving emails and phone calls from a DCA called Credit Resource Solutions, asking for money. It relates to a company that I have previously had a debt with, but I'm almost certain I cleared the debt in full, and have had no dealing with said company for at least a couple of years. The sum is only £10, but it's the principle rather the money that is concerning me here. I asked for a statement of account from the original creditor, showing all payments, but nothing has been forthcoming. I also requested that any contact from them should be by post. Next, I emailed CRS warning them that I would consider any further contact from them as unlawful harrassment. This has done nothing to stop them, and I am still receiving regular emails from them, as well as numerous phone calls, most of which are silent. What is my best course of action here? I have read that harrassment from debt collectors is a criminal offence under the Administration of Justice Act 1970. So who should I be reporting them to? The police? Trading standards? As I've said, it's not the money that worries me, but I just want to get back at these scumbags and stop them contacting me. If I find out that I do indeed owe the original creditor, I will happily pay, but I refuse to give anything to CRS after dealing with me so appallingly. Any advice much appreciated.
  18. Hi All, I'm brand new to this forum so apologies if I've posted this in the wrong forum but this looked to be the most relevant section. I took out a gym membership with Bodyzone in Newcastle upon Tyne and initially agreed a 12 month contract at approx £32 per month. However, during my contract, the gym changed their membership packages, removed the 12 month contract element and dropped their monthly subscription to approx £15 with no contract. I enquired as to whether I could change to this new arrangement and was advised (in writing, via email) that as I had completed 6 months of a 12 month contract I could be changed over immediately and should contact the receptionist at the gym to arrange. I did so (in person) and was advised to cancel my existing direct debit and the gym would take care of the rest. Due to an injury (sustained at the gym) I did not attend the gym again and assumed as I had written confirmation that I would be moved to the new arrangement (no contract) that I was under no obligation to make any further payments as long as I did not attend the gym. Over the following months I received no further correspondence from the gym, but received a letter from a company called Credit Resolution Services who claimed that I was in debt to them to the sum of £231.50. I contacted CRS and advised that I did not accept their claim nor acknowledge any debt to either CRS or Bodyzone gym. I explained the situation and forwarded the email confirmation I had received in writing from the gym manager. I advised that I would not correspond by telephone and that all contact should be in writing. I was contacted again by CRS some months later advising; "Further to the above matter, we have spoken to (Receptionist) @ the Gym, whom has confirmed, that as you did not pay the required Transfer Fee in the sum of £30.00, your Membership was never changed. In view of the above, this debt is valid and due." The confirmation email that I received did not mention a "transfer fee" nor was this mentioned when I visited the gym in person. I responded to CRS advising that their actions in no way validated their claim and that the written confirmation I received contained no mention of a £30 transfer fee. See below: "Hi (Name removed), Please call into the club and see (Receptionist), so long as you have completed 6 months of a 12 month contract we can change immediately, (Receptionist) will explain the rest. Kind Regards (Name removed)" I have advised CRS numerous times that I dispute their claim entirely and acknowledge no liability to themselves or the company that they act on behalf of. However, this morning I have received 2 emails from a company called Equidebt Ltd (EQL) who have advised that they are acting on behalf of CRS. See below: "Dear (Name removed), Creditor: Credit Resolutions Services Reference: (Removed) We have been instructed by Credit Resolutions Services to collect your unpaid Gym Membership Direct Debit. It is important that you contact us immediately to resolve this outstanding debt of of £231.50 Call us after 8am on 0800 032 4280 or visit (website) to make your payment in full. Our hours of business are: 8.00am and 8.00pm Mon - Thurs, 8.00am - 6.00pm Friday or 8.00am - 1.00pm on Saturday. Yours sincerely, Equidebt Limited" I hoped that one of you guys may be able to help with my understanding of my legal position here. I did sign an agreement at the beginning of my membership, but then received written confirmation from the manager that this would be changed (immediately). I at no point signed any agreement with CRS therefore am unsure as to why they have been named as "creditor" by EQL. I've had dealings with EQL previously regarding intimidating letters referencing statute barred debts, so I understand that they aren't an ethical company, however the last thing I want to do is ignore their letters / emails if I have reason to stand my ground. As far as I'm concerned, the most they could claim from me would be a months membership under the new arrangement (therefore approx £15) but I'm also aware that if I state this or make an offer to pay then I am effectively accepting liability. Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
  19. Hi, I’m hoping someone may be able to offer me some advice / assistance. This morning I received an unpleasant letter from a company called Civil Recovery Solutions (CRS) who are acting on behalf of their client (Travelodge Hotels Limited), relating to an alleged incident that occurred during one of my stays on 11th May 2012, which resulted in damage to a wall. They claim the damage is for £400, and that I either need to pay this within 14 days, or write to them denying liability within 10 days! There was no damage to my room at all when I stayed, and I am shocked and appalled by the letter I’ve received, which is very ‘bullish’ to read! I have since stayed with the same hotel since May 11th, and not one member of Travelodge’s team has mentioned any damage, nor has Travelodge been in contact with me directly, despite having all of my contact details. I don’t know what the damage is as they have failed to elaborate or provide a cost breakdown, nor its location, other than it’s to a ‘wall’. This letter has come completely out of the blue, and as a total shock. All I know is, I can’t afford to pay £400 for something that I never did, nor am I willing to do so. Obviously I will defend myself; I just don’t know how to go about it. How do I prove or disprove such allegations? Surely it’s going to be my word against theirs?? How do I know a) the damage occurred, b) it was in my room, c) it wasn’t done after my departure, or even d) that it already existed before I stayed but I didn’t notice it (they haven’t confirmed which wall the damage occurred to or its extent!). I was proposing to reply in writing denying the claim, and request photographic evidence of the damage, but I’m not sure if this is the correct response? Should I also contact the hotel I stayed at directly to query the whole incident? I also feel that I should write to Travelodge head office for such an appalling way to treat a customer! I noticed some similar posts on this Forum, but they were all relating to Smoking in Rooms, not damage to property, so I’m unsure of the best approach to this. Thanks in advance for reading my post and any advice you may be able to offer, Kind regards
  20. Hi Long story short; I defaulted with LS over a year ago as I couldn't keep up the repayments. I emailed them every month offering them what i could afford and requesting their bank details so i could set up a standing order and they never replied to any of them. Then, about a month ago, I received an email from them stating that despite their attempts to make contact (there were none) they have passed my debt over to CRS. Cue a bombardment of emails / texts from CRS who have now told me that my account is being prepared for pre-litigation. HELP! I actually don't know how much i owe LS now - god knows what charges they have added to my account! Can anyone advise on what i should do next? CRS are being rather persistent and although i've not replied to them directly, I've a feeling I can't hold them off much longer. Is there a letter / email i can send requesting a statement of account by which they have x amounts of days to reply? I can't find it on here but swear I've seen one. Thanks
  21. This has been an ongoing thing for some time and I was on here about 10 months ago discussing this very same case. I was at a gym, and signed up for a 12 month contract. Hit financial trouble and the gym said I had to pay anyway. When I couldn't pay any of the monthly fees they got CRS involved. I was advised on here that I shouldcontact the gym and arrange to pay the remaining £92. I did this and the gym front of house said I need to deal with CRS. I was told on here that they had to accept my payment. CRS added about £100 onto this for admin fees (it's laughable) and I was also told on here that this is technically not allowed. I moved house anyway and I signed up to the gym again and took out another year (strange how they allowed this ) (my financial situ is better now). I received a letter in my new address saying basically: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Our records show that a balance of £192 remains unpaid.. A COLLECTOR from EQUIDEBT will be instructed to arrange payment with you: (IN RED) the cost of equidebt being employed will cost £79 This will bring your balance to £276. You can avoid this if you call us in 10 days and pay your balance of £197. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knwo how this industry works, haha! They TRY to control you on fear and fear alone. I am wised up to this and will not allow my life which is moving forward to be dragged down by these **** bags! Can anyone advise..... are there any FORMS or any written documents which i can show the gym that they have to accept my payment of £92 (that i owe and am willing to pay). Please advise guys...
  22. Hi Guys, I have been going through your forums ever since CRS guys started sending me letters and have used the advice from here to reply to them. The story so far: I and my wife had joined Gold Gym in July 2010 and were using their service till December 2010. Since we shifted residence in January 2011, we notified Gold Gym and cancelled the direct debits. We thought all was fine until one day a letter landed demanding all the remaining payments and an additional charge. My first reply to them caused them to switch this additional charge off as an early settlement "discount." They claimed that Gold Gym had wrote to me in January and February. I never received these as these were probably addressed to the old address where I no longer live. However, I did point them that Gold gym had my Phone Number and email which they could have used to contact me as they had done so in the past before December to check on us. With the second letter I had demanded they give me 1. True copy of original credit agreement 2. Statement of account 3. Copy of Executed deed of assignment from Golds Gym to Credit Resolution Services After I sent this letter they sent a notice demanding that I pay the amount by 31st October. I received this on the evening of Friday 28th October leaving me nothing but the weekend. I ignored it assuming that they hadn't received my second reply before they sent it. I received a third letter yesterday that is as follows: ================================== Further to your recent letter, we duly write to clarify the situation. We refer you to our letter of 7 October 2011, you have entered into a legally binding Membership Agreement with Golds Gym, you agreed to pay a minimum of 12 monthly installments of £35.00 and give a months notice when you wish to terminate your agreement. Following your December 2010 payment your Direct Debit was cancelled. Your membership continued to role on month to month as you gave no notice to cancel. Golds wrote to you on 17 january 2011 and 2 February 2011 regarding your arrears, as nothing further was heard your file was referred to ourselves. There is no record of you cancelling your Agreement with the club, please provide a copy of your cancellation form or evidence cancellation has been agreed. The offer of early settlemtn of £307.8 remains open to you until 4 November 2011. Please call CRS immediately on 01444 449165 to arrange payment of your debt. Please note any references to Credit Agreements or Consumer Credit Act are irrelevant as this a Membership Agreement. We recommend you seek legal advice, to ensure you are fully aware of your obligations. Your sicerely, For Credit Resolution Services =============================================== I am out of ideas as to what I should reply to them. I don't want to end up paying for a service I did not use.
  23. i currently have a bill in dispute with EON and is with the energy ombudsman. EON has passed on my details to a debt collection agency before who have written to me. I've informed them of the dispute and I have not heard back from them. For a week now, I have threatening text messages and phishing type phone calls from CRS. I have not replied or even tried to ring them back. I have received nothing in writing from CRS so had no idea how they knew about me. I have written to EON to stop all their agents from harassing me as they promised the debt would not be pursued at the moment as it is in dispute. (note that this is the only bill i have outstanding. i pay all my dues in time and have an unblemished credit history) I know some debt collection agencies buy their data. Can I sue EON for hiring unscrupulous agencies who sold my data on? Or does EON sell their data? Isn't this a violation of the data protection act? I am not going to cave in when i am just practicing my rights, but I want these harassing calls and text messages to stop. Anybody tried to stop them and succeeded?
  24. Hi guys, Like many guys I've read about here, I've been sent a letter from CRS. I joined golds gym in october and first payment was from novermber 2009, 6 months contract. I completed the concellation form and cancelled membership just before april, as they ask you to cancel membership one month advance, so April was the sixth month. What I did wrong is I cancelled the direct debit just before april not paying the last month fee. After that, I recieved I think one or two letter/s, I do remember something about £55 - 45 monthly fee + £10 charge. Now, I got a letter from CRS same thing like other people here, saying £55 charge from golds gym and our outstanding collection fee of £85. Total of £140. Pay by 16th december. I do not have the copy of contract I signed when I joined golds gym. So what I have in mind is to go and talk to golds gym about this and see if they're happy if I pay them their £55. As you might have seen before, golds gym have this in their T & C s: ''If you fail to pay any amount due under this agreement, for a period of more than thirty days, we reserve the right to pass the debt to a third party company for collection. The costs incurred in employing the third party company will be borne by you including costs in tracing you should you have changed your address without informing us.'' Now I'm not sure if this was the same in the contract I signed. The second line where it says the costs incurred in... ... worries me a bit. Do you think I should pay the charges because it does say the costs for this third party will be borne by you. I'm confused because I'm a student 20 years old and I don't want the CRS charges to keep rising and then having to pay big money so I want to get it out of the way asap. What do you guys think I should do? Thanks in advance.
  25. Hi all, Just today one of the admin assistants where i work told me she'd received an automated message for me saying it was someone from CRS asking me to contact them, they gave a reference number and a contact number. This is embarrasing as i work as a community mental health nurse and its my place of employment, i also received the same message as a text to my work mobile phone. I do not want to contact them in case that is viewed as me acknowledging a debt. I believe that the numbers were probably given by my ex partner many months (4years+) ago to a DCA. Is there anyway that i can ensure that no more of these calls are made to my work numbers?? Thanks
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