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  1. Just a heads up that yet another entity connected to the Larholt gang ,Web Loans Processing Holdings Limited also registered at 15 Lyndhurst Terrace has recently been set up with the named directors being the rather unnatractive(solely my opinion as i have seen a photo of the guy----urghhhh) Jordan Taylor and Kim Child. No doubt this will be used to fold another of their entities into once the time comes.
  2. I've been told that if someone is in receipt of DLA, that automatically means they have 'limited capacity for work'. What does this mean in practical terms wrt eligibility for ESA? Anything at all?
  3. Hi, I made an application to set aside a judgment on the grounds that there had been serious maladministration by the court service on issuing the original claim which rendered the whole proceedings void from the start. District Judge W issued an order stating that it was totally without merit and an attempt to have a re-hearing of an application that had already been dismissed. The judge failed to provide the date of the alleged previously dismissed application, without which it is impossible to identify the document to which he was referring. It was impossible for him to do so as no such application had ever existed. I wrote to the court under the "slip rule" asking that it provide the date of the alleged applicatiion but there was no response. I then made several more applications, each asking the court to provide the date of the alleged previous application. All were responded to by District Judge W who dismissed them in the same manner as the original application and all without supplying the date. A further application was made, this being seen by Deputy District Judge B who decided that the application did have sufficient merit and set a date for a hearing. However, a week before the hearing was due to take place I recieved a further order from District Judge W, this time vacating the hearing as well as repeating his previous response. Another application was made asking the court to explain why the hearing had been vacated when a different judge had stated there was sufficient merit for the application to be heard. This received the same reply from District Judge W, and was accompanied by a Limited Civil Restraint Order through which I am prevented from making any further applications without the express permission of the judge himself. He obviously had time to draft the Restraint Order but not enough to provide a simple date. Does anyone have any thoughts as to how I may get District Judge W to either provide the date of the alleged application or to admit that it never existed? Thanks Stan
  4. So this company is chasing me for a loan I had with City Financial, maybe around 2005 (not 100% sure of the date). At the moment I am unemployed and not able to claim JSA due to my wife working part time so offered £5. Most of my creditors have accepted this without question - but not these. I've completed a financial statement but only put my details on there. It was just easier because I assume as it's in my name alone then my wife's income is none of their business. That and the fact that if I did include her income then I would have to mess around showing where the money goes and still come to the same conclusion - that being I can only afford £5. They are now demanding that I prove I am unable to recieve JSA by sending in a letter from the DWP. The only problem is that the letter I got from them states that I can't recieve JSA because I don't wan't it lol. This couldn't be any further from the truth as recently we've had to start a new claim for Tax Credit and they had a back-log of around 6 weeks meaning that although they paid the back-log we still had very little money whilst it was sorted out. Believe me, I could have done with the money so why would I apply for JSA, go to town and wait around for an hour and then walk in and say I don't want the money. I've even had to sell loads of things to make ends meet until they finished the new claim. Anyways - I'm not sure what to do now. Do the DWP send these letters out on request and what if they still claiim I don't want the JSA as opposed to not actually being entitled to it? Also - as the debt is in my name am I allowed to keep mine and my wife's finances seperate? Thanks for reading - Lee.
  5. Hi everyone im new on here, i had a letter from CSL for a debt id forgotten i had for argos. i wrote back to them stating that any contact i had would be through the post and all letters would be sent recorded delivery. i offered to pay my debt off by £20 a month and sent a cheque with the letter. They waited a month before reply and stated that my response was unsatisfactory as was my offer of repayment and that as i had conducted myself in this way they would be passing my case back to the credit company i owe the money to. Who would probably sell the debt and it would be harder for me to settle the debt. Please could someone advise me of what steps to take next. I have already had them ringing my work place constantly. But this issue has now been sorted as my boss informed them that it was a business number and to not ring again. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  6. I made a formal complaint by email yesterday to robinway, due to receiving a doorstep collector from Robinway Way on Bank Holiday, as I was not in the doorstep collector disclosed full details of the account to a third party in the house. Also she brought her young kid 6-8 yr with her?? I sent a formal complaint by email yesterday. I going to prepare a revised complaint. Today, Bank Holiday Sunday the same person knocked on the door again. I did not open, but she made a bit of a scene my swearing her head off as she walked to her car door. I sent her a quick text message quoting the common law, and further actions will be reported to the police, OFT, FOS. She tried to call back on my mobile phone, but I ignored it. [ hopefully that will do the trick] I going to send another complaint regarding her behaviour. The account is for a old capital one card account, originally I was just going to pay the whole thing off as I had been out of work for so long, just got a confirmed contract...so If Cabot has just been a little bit more patience, But I'm now going to dispute the whole account full of charges 2/3 are charges. Hope every is having a lovely Bank Holiday weekend BTW.
  7. MIDLAND COMMUNICATIONS DISTRIBUTION LIMITED ( NOTTINGHAM ) ( ORANGE DISTRIBUTOR ) Hi Does anyone have an account with Midland in Nottingham. We want to know if they are any good. I have seen reviews etc on this site and others which are not very good. Does anyone work with them?.
  8. The OFT has secured court orders against Optimum Care Mobility Limited ('Optimum'), a Derbyshire-based business that sold mobility aids such as stairlifts, scooters and specialist chairs, across the country. The orders prevent the company and its former directors from using unfair and misleading sales practices again. http://www.oft.gov.uk/news-and-updates/press/2012/61-12
  9. Hey guys, I'd appreciate some advice here, basically ive had two compliance inspections, one covering a year of my SA (as a self employed person) and the other a limited company that im a director of (for approximately the same period.) As a self employed person my income was only about 9k (with expenses of about 4k). All my figures in thsi respect are legitimate and if anything are probably understated. Same goes for the company, it made about 22k in a year, and for various commissions i did through the company I invoiced it (for approximately 8k.) Other monies that were paid in went out in expenses for things like events budgets that i managed. Ive been told that its possible that the x2 amount spent in the company (with my SA wage saying staying the same in that year) may be what attracted HMRCs attention. I was looking at some articles about self employed or employee, as that particular year saw most of my income come from invoices to that company - though (agreements for half that income in work i did were with me and not the company - though it was channelled through the account for practical reasons.) Other monies I have made (and more so since the year of inspection) have been from a more diverse set of clients. I work an enormous amount of hours (60+ a week) its in the (er not too profitable artistic industries). I decide myself when i work (not the company) I can also decide to hire other people, and have sometimes paid them and their expenses (and always pay my own expenses from my own commission work) from my personal account. I also work with my own equipment (personally owned) and not just company property etc. There are other directors of the company though they dont draw any money from it. I reckon during the inspection there might be some argument about whether I should be employed, but if i was i couldnt work the hours necessary to do survive? (as I'd have to be paid NMW right as a PAYE working director?) I also would presumably have lost WTC and other benefits. So any advice on these matters regarding possible issues would be appreciated. In the compliance they've asked straight off the bat to look into company and personal bank accounts, receipts, invoices, computer records and to inspect the premises.
  10. Wales and West Utilities (May 2011) Investigation into compliance with obligations on regulatory reporting under the gas transporter licence Ofgem is investigating Wales and West Utilities’ (WWU) compliance with obligations on reporting of information to Ofgem on WWU’s mains replacement programme under its gas transporters licence. These obligations include those under Standard Special Conditions A26 (Provision of information to the Authority), A30 (Regulatory Accounts), A40 (Price control review information), D9 (Transportation activity incentive scheme and performance reporting) and Special conditions E2B (Restriction on revenue in respect of the Distribution Network transportation activity), E3 (Allocation of revenues and costs for calculations under the price control in respect of the Distribution Network), and E6 (Information to be provided to the Authority in connection with the transportation system revenue restriction in respect of the Distribution Network) of its gas transporter licence. (From 1 April 2008, due to amendments following the gas distribution price control, the relevant requirements referred to in part E2B, E3 and E6 are now held in Special conditions E5 (Mains and services replacement expenditure adjustment), E17 (Allocation of revenues and costs for calculations under the price control) and E20 (Revenue reporting and associated information to be provided to the Authority in connection with the distribution network transportation activity revenue restriction).
  11. Opus Energy Limited (May 2011) Investigation into the reporting under the Renewables Obligation (RO) by Opus Energy Limited Ofgem is investigating Opus Energy Limited’s compliance with the requirements under the RO for the reporting of electricity supply data to Ofgem. The RO Orders for England and Wales and for Scotland, which are or were in place at the time to which this investigation relates, require electricity suppliers to report to Ofgem, by 1 July each year, all electricity supplied to customers during the preceding compliance period (from 1 April to 31 March).
  12. Hi Last year my father health was not that good and he had the stuff he ordered from Littlewoods and Kandco delivered to my address, due to difficulty getting to the door to accepted deliveries. He passed away in December, my sister contacted all the companies he accounts with, informing of his passing and that he had no savings. Kanco told my sister that my dad had their account had been transfered to my address and into my name. Which i knew nothing of. I keep getting letters from NDR Limited address to MISS F Roberts, mine name is MISS S L Roberts, I have not opened any of the letters and have returned them to unopened and put on the front unknown at this address. Any advice on how to proceed, I am full time carer to Aunt and do not need this stress. Thanks
  13. Over the years I've read all of the standard Paypal horror stories and never believed it would happen to me as I've always followed the rules...wrong! A few years ago, my husband joined a government scheme where he was helped to set up an internet business. It didn't pan out as the market was too competitive. This has left us with a fair bit of stock, i.e. new DVD's, games, music CD's, books and other bits and bobs, so I decided to set up a temporary store to sell this stuff very cheaply just to get rid of them, along with a few car boot sales etc. It's only been up for a few weeks, and is not even live as yet as I'm still adding stuff to it. Then I received the dreaded eMail from Paypal: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear ****** , We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy regarding your sales / offers on http://www.******.com/store/. Therefore, your account has been permanently limited. Per the User Agreement, when PayPal permanently limits an account due to an Acceptable Use Policy violation, we may hold your funds up to 180 days. We will review your account at 30 days from the date of this email, we will calculate our exposure and will release any excess funds to you for withdrawal. If there are any funds remaining in your account at this time, we will review your account every 30 days until either all your funds have been made available to you for withdrawal, or a period of 180 days from the date your account was limited is reached. Please log in to your PayPal account and verify that your account information is accurate, as PayPal cannot be held responsible for incorrect information provided by the account holder. You will need to remove all references to PayPal from your website/s and/or auction/s. This includes not only removing PayPal as a payment option, but also the PayPal logo and/or shopping cart. The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction. This includes transactions for counterfeit items or unauthorized replicas or copies of items. The complete Acceptable Use Policy can be found at the following URL: https://cms.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=ua/AcceptableUse_full&locale.x=en_GB To learn more about the Acceptable Use Policy, please refer to our Help Centre page here: https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/helpweb?cmd=_help We thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at euaup@paypal.co.uk. Sincerely, Erkan PayPal, Brand Risk Management -------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1999-2012 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 5ème étage, L-2449 Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any additional questions that you may have to euaup@paypal.co.uk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was shocked, mainly as I knew this was a mistake, but partly because they say I can't appeal against this accusation. However, I phoned their support line and spoke to a very nice man called Steve. He informed me that no-one had actually visited my store but it had been 'flagged by the system'. What??? He said he sympathised and would make sure someone visited the store and I would receive an eMail the following day, which I did: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear ****** , Thank you for contacting PayPal with your concern regarding the limitation on your account. We regret to inform you that we cannot overturn the limitation on your account. Due to the violation of PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy, your account has been permanently limited. Please refer to: - Website/s: http://www.******.com The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit an account for any violation of the User Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy. Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for items that infringe or violate any copyright, trademark, right of publicity or privacy, or any other proprietary right under the laws of any jurisdiction. This includes transactions for counterfeit items or unauthorized replicas or copies of items. If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Brand Risk Management Department at euaup@paypal.co.uk. Sincerely, Erkan PayPal, Brand Risk Management -------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1999-2012 PayPal. All rights reserved. PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. & Cie, S.C.A. Société en Commandite par Actions Registered Office: 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 5ème étage, L-2449 Luxembourg RCS Luxembourg B 118 349 Responses to this email address are not monitored. Please send any additional questions that you may have to euaup@paypal.co.uk. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Furious, I phoned again, as this eMail told me absolutely nothing. I spoke to a very unhelpful lady (I forgot to ask her name!) who told me she didn't know anything, but that my eBay store had been flagged as high risk. I tried to tell her I don't have an eBay store, but she kept interrupting and telling me I have! I eventually managed to shout over her to explain it was my own store. Once she understood that, she said there was nothing she could do as my store had been flagged and my account limitation was permanent. When I asked to speak to a supervisor she refused. She also told me that Paypal would never tell me which items supposedly violated their terms. When I asked her if this was fair, as I should have a chance to defend myself, she said that it wasn't a matter of what was fair or not. Charming! The fact that I've been a faithful Paypal customer for years with a good record seemed to cut no ice at all. They are holding on to my money and won't release it. Surely it's wrong to accuse a customer of wrongdoing without even giving them a chance to appeal or defend the accusation? I've also written to them asking which items in particular they are concerned about, but just received the canned rubbish instead of a personal reply. I know of a woman who successfully sued Paypal in a British court, and I was wondering what my legal stand would be regarding this problem? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  14. Hi all, first post here. I had a credit card debt back around 1995 - nearly 20 years ago! - which I believe ended up in a CCJ. I was young, dumb and skint back then. There were a few attempts by various DCAs to track me, probably Mackenzie Hall were the most vigorous, but I was living overseas at the time they contacted my UK correspondence address, and they eventually wrote to me saying my case was closed. Suddenly, up pops this new outfit Ruthbridge Limited, with a standard fishing attempt. "contact us urgently about a personal matter..." etc. Now, I expect that this is in relation to the same debt, as I have no reason to believe it is any other, so I fully intend to have much sport with Ruthbridge over this. I could easily afford to pay back this debt if I so chose (it's the only debt I've ever not paid in my life) but to be honest, their approach instantly makes me hostile to them. If they ever want to see a penny out of me they're going to have to work damn hard to get it. So, until they lay out what the debt is, and supply a copy of the signed credit agreement etc. etc. etc..I'm just going to keep blandly responding to their contacts to noise them up a bit. I've already told them I will not speak to them over the phone but am perfectly happy to engage in a written dialogue. Do you think they read these forums? I'm rather looking forward to this.
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