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  1. Hi, another update. I've had a letter today from Resolvecall. Upon careful reading it does make clear they visit to put you in contact with the company they say you owe the debt to. I'm promised a visit within 60 days. I'm happy to ignore this now, as I've done everything I need to. I think the only niggle is CapQuest asking for proof of my surname as it doesn't match their records, but as dx100uk advises, they will surely be able to check that. I don't want to engage in any more correspondence with them and I really don't want to give them copies of my ID. I'm hoping they will just stop bothering now. If I get anything else I'll add to this thread. Thanks
  2. Hi - looking for some advice, please. Last year, my partner was involved in an accident. As a result, he is now disabled and unable to work and I am his carer. We are now struggling with some of our bills, although Scottish Power is the only one we are behind with. A couple of weeks ago I was telephoned by Resolvecall, and actually the agent was very nice! As soon as I told her my circumstances she suggested I contact the Jobcente regarding Fuel Direct, and left it at that. I phoned as suggested, but they were a little hazy, and thought there may be a problem as the disability is in my partner's name and the utility bill is in mine. I meant to call the Jobcentre back later, but I forgot (my fault, I know). Last Monday, Resolvecall rang again. I explained what had happened, said I'd get back onto the Jobcentre, and left it at that. Today, while I was shopping, a guy knocked at the door & told my partner he'd come to read the meter. He came in, looked at the meter, asked where I was and then slapped a Notice of Intent to Apply for Warrant of Entry on the cooker hob! According to my partner, the guy was extremely rude, although I haven't got all the ins-and-outs yet - he's on morphine and gets very confused and disorientated. I rang Resolvecall when I got in to find out why their doorstepper had called when everything was in hand. I was told it was just procedure and the account had already been passed back to SP. I need to know the following, please:- Should the doorstepper have identified himself as a debt-collector, rather than implying he was a meter-reader? Should he have called, bearing in mind that Resolvecall are aware that there is a vunerable adult in the house? Has he broken the DPA by revealing the debt (including the amount) to a third party, ie my partner, who is not, nor ever has been on any of the utility bills, nor have I ever given him permission to speak/act on my behalf? Looking forward to your views! Janie
  3. I've still heard nothing from CapQuest, no I'm not surprised after reading other posts. And the threatened visit from Resolvecall didn't occur yesterday. So thank you for your help, I'm hoping this is now the end. Hi again. I spoke too soon. I've received a letter today acknowledging my response to them. They're asking for proof of my surname. The chasing letters they'd sent me have always been in a previous surname (I was married before) They say it's to update their records. Should I ignore it now? Thank you!
  4. Hi, I recently received letters from Cabot and then resolvecall . I’ve had a visit card posted by resolvecall. I called them up and have discovered that they are chasing a old ccj . I think the debt has been sold, they were very vague with the information and told me that they would get back to me with more information. What should I do next ? Really confused.
  5. moved to the SLC forum. Capquest are part of the Arrows (debt Collection )Group , Arrows also owns Erudio whom purchased all remaining old style SLC loan en-masse in 2013 when the Gov't sold them. resolvecall as with every other DCA are NOT BAILIFFS and have ZERO legal powers on ANY DEBT no matter what it's type. sent Capquest our SB letter from the debt collection section of our library. staple to that a copy of your latest capquest letter to it. dx
  6. nothing any DCA can do forget about it. they have ZERO legal powers...thats why he left...no mug to fleece here waste of time more like it. would of been resolvecall i bet!! SW are WRONG, no DCA can force anything. they'd have to go for a UK judgement and you are not under the jurisdiction total BS. lloyds have alot to answer for in many areas. and this was a private pension too! your Fwding address will be on your credit file regardless
  7. I received a tatty envelope containing a poorly printed card from a company called resolvecall requesting that I call regarding my account. I have no idea who this company is and I am unsure as to what to do with it, do I ignore it or do I respond? I need some advice on what to do.
  8. It was a company called Avant. The original loan was taken out in Jan 2014 and last payment (think they called it a forbearance payment) was made around March 2017. I have no intention of calling, was going to email them, but want to know if they are being a bit naughty with the wording "Resolvecall will be instructed to attend your home address to assist you with contacting us to discuss your account" Plus, should we request any details from them etc? Thanks DX
  9. ACI are a debt debt buyer/DCA, who was the original creditor please and when was this loan taken out?? reSolvecall or scotcall as they used to be known (snotcrawl) like any DCA are not BAILIFFS and have ZERO legal powers on ANY debt - no matter WHAT it's type ignore them and stay off that phone!!
  10. Hi Really new to this site, i have an urgent query. resolvecall attended our home today, nobody was home. THey have entered the house put gas/electric meters in (due to an unpaid disputed bill)and changed the locks. There is no one at the property and i have no way of getting in the house with my 3 children.... Is this ok? is this legal? help!!!!!!
  11. Please could someone offer some advice urgently? Two weeks ago I came home to find a card from Resolvecall saying they had visited my home while I was out and asking me to contact them. I immediately sent the letter from on here about doorstep visits by recorded delivery, and it was signed for the next day. I have now had the following response from Resolvecall, dated 28th November and received yesterday 3rd December: Dear xxxx I write in response to your recent correspondence. The case you have referred to is not applicable in your circumstances. As part of the credit agreement that you signed and entered into, you agreed to repay the full outstanding balance and that where necessary, the creditor could recover the debt by outsourcing the debt to a third party, which included by way of doorstep collection. Therefore the licence you state that has been revoked is irrelevant, which for the avoidance of doubt we do not agree to, is not binding on us as it does not fulfill the principles of contract law. We are entitled by law and under contract to recover monies outstanding and we are allowed to take reasonable steps in accordance with regulatory guidance to recover such monies. Yours sincerely XXXX, Special Services Administration Manager The creditor is apparently SLC for a student loan from 1996. I am now terrified that Resolvecall will keep on trying to come round. I know they have no powers and if they were to come when I answered the door I'd happily tell them to 'go away' and slam the door, but I'm rarely in during the day and the people I live with are not aware I am in debt and would naturally start asking questions if they answered the door to someone asking for me who is, to all intents and purposes pretending to be a bailiff. Any ideas of what I do next, please??
  12. it is not showing on any of my credit files I've attached the letters I have had from both companies - global are adamant I am not to contact them i will send a CCA to arrow this evening with 1.00 attached is that ok? resolvecall.pdf arrow global.pdf I am also 98% certain this debt is from years ago - this arrow company wrote to me in the summer but I ignored it as i had no idea what the debt was for
  13. Sar to shop direct not arrows If you think its sb'd go ring shop direct and ask last payment or usage date . If resolvecall have been tasked and youve not had a letter of claim from arrows then 99% it is dont forget a DCA is not a BAILIFF and have ZERO powers on any debt no matter what it's type. dx
  14. I am so sorry I am really confused adn I apologise if I seem a bit think here the debt if it is that shop direct account is from cirra 2004/2005 Global have said not to contact them directly - they sent me a letter last week saying it was being handed to resolvecall and I have had the letter today so are you advising to send a CCA letter and SAR to Global? can I do this via email (currently self isolating due to covid shall I tell the debt agency I am goign direct to global in case they turn up? what is a SAR?
  15. Hi all so do not reply to resolvecall? I was going to send them a statue bared letter - is this not correct? I do not have global arrow details is there a template letter I can use?
  16. Type resolvecall in our search of the red banner and selfhelp......
  17. Intrum passing account on to resolvecall and arranging home visit Any advice
  18. please read my posts to date carefully the debt has been sold to arrows , read the resolvecall letter it says our client xxx...they simply are a chaser not a buyer. i have already answered the CCJ situation earlier. dx
  19. Ok here an update on situation. All but one of my creditors have put my accounts on hold until 22/11/21, which is fine seeing I was off work sick for 3 month, the time is given for me to get an up to date income and expenditure sent off. The one creditor has been adding interest and late fees on my account and ignored all letters I have sent, I get phone calls, messages, letters etc of them regularly, they have not responded to my original letters to them regarding my situation. I have now had visit of resolvecall agency. I was not in but a note was put in my letter box, I'm assuming it's from them. Do I make contact or ignore them or do I contact the creditor again.
  20. hi guys, Just went up to my mum's to collect some post and found two letters. One from a company called Mercers dated the 14th February demanding that I pay them a sum of money to cover apparent outstanding payments on my Barclaycard account. Now, I've had issues paying my balance, and they've been reducing my credit as I've been paying, but I have been paying. I can't see anything on my account on their website to suggest I'm in more arrears than I should be. I also received a letter from a company called Resolvecall with a different amount in arrears. I don't know what to do about this as I'm not aware that I'm needing to pay anyone other than Barclaycard any money. As far as I'm aware I'm up to date on my minimum payments. Can someone give me some advice on what I should do here? Thanks Guy
  21. Hi all, first post here. To cut a long story short, I had a loan from a large UK bank for £20k in 2005, I paid off £5k and was then made redundant. I informed the bank that I could only pay a token amount each month and their response was to add £10k of "reasonable charges" to the debt and sell it on to another company. I then found a job and took out an IVA which I paid for 2 years but was made redundant once more and couldn't keep up the payments on it. I defaulted on the original loan 7 years ago, but stopped paying on the IVA 4 years ago. I have not responded to any correspondence during this time, believing the additional £10k to be unreasonable. Today I received a brown envelope through my door saying I had to call Resolvecall urgently. Any advice on what to do next?
  22. yeh well, they have better. Unless I can get them removed beforehand. I am putting all the requested info together to scan. Having read lots of threads on here about Resolvecall, I would want to avoid them ringing my doorbell. I have 2 young children and answering the door to a stranger threatening this and that (they don't sound nice based on people's experience on here) is not something I relish. Can I write to Idem at all to avoid this? Or can I send the following letter to Resolvecall should they write to me (found on another thread on here)? Dear Resolvecall Your Ref xxx I do not acknowledge any debt to your company. Please be advised that I will only communicate with you in writing. Should it be your intention to arrange any “doorstep calls”, please be advised that under Office of Fair Trading (OFT) rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment . I have no wish to make an appointment with you. There is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and if you do so, then you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance. Yours faithfully, Oh also, does anyone know what the "i don't accept personal callers template" is?
  23. Letter sent and today received confirmation from Resolvecall that they will no longer attempt collection or any further action or communication. They did state that Arrow or another DCA might contact me in the future. I guess if they do i follow the same process. Thanks for the advice.
  24. I have printed ready to send and just received a letter from Resolvecall stating that they have been instructed by Arrow to assist in collecting and if they don't hear within 7 days they will arrange a visit to the property. Do i send the statute barred letter to them or to both?
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