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  1. could anyone give me some idea who to send my goldfish credit card PPI claim to. I've sent one to Barclaycard but they say they have no record of a goldfish account in my name. I gave them my card number and got the same result. I had my Goldfish card from around 1995 to 2000. it has been closed now for a number of years. but I am still paying the debt off at a very small monthly rate to a debt recovery firm. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. pigeonman16
  2. I had my home repossessed in 2009 due to a change in circumstances. The mortgage was with HSBC who marked the debt as 'settled' on my credit file in 2011 although I owed them money. This was removed from my credit file at the start of last year since it had been 6 years since the settlement date. I am certain that I had PPI on this mortgage. If I try to reclaim this PPI will it awaken the debt? I have seen the rule of 6 years for standard credit card and loans but wondered what would apply to the mortgage?
  3. Hi everyone, I am new to this so I apologise if this is in the wrong place, but please point me in the right direction if so wish I had come to these forums and used your advice and letters before I started my claim but unfortunately I didn't will try to keep this as short as possible whilst trying to give enough info to help me if possible. I had a Capital One card 2004 -2009 which had PPI on it. The ppi was sold during a telephone call when I called them to activate the card and to request a cash advance at the same time (as they ask if you want one). I was young and carefree and thought ok ill have a cash advance haha. that makes no difference. I haven't done anything until now as I didn't think I was able to make a complaint as I have no paperwork other than a few card statements showing the ppi. ..until I recently read something that said I still could. I was originally on a different website before making my claim and I found details about the Resolver tool, I submitted a complaint on there rather than by post. Oh so I wish I had done it by post instead! On Resolver I stated some points of why I think I was mis sold the ppi and why I am now unhappy about it. I won't put everything on here as it will be long enough anyway but feel free to ask if you need to know more before being able to help, some of the reasons I stated were: the costs and insurance were not properly explained (I didn't even know it would attract interest and it was made to sound like it was pence or just a few pounds each month where it ended up being over £40 most of the time), I would have already received company sick/redundancy pay and so I didn't need the insurance but this was not discussed (I would have received redundancy pay from employer but limited sick pay before it reverted to ssp, so I was trying to show that I wouldn't have afforded to keep paying premiums if I was off work sick, but I would get redundancy so didn't need it that way). I felt like I had to take the policy to have the card activated, I was not informed of their commissions made. I got behind on payments on the card in the end and PPI was cancelled in 2009 when I made a payment plan with the credit card. I have no idea what I was covered for on the policy as i didnt receive anything, but from the call i was under the impression i was covered for any sickness if i was off work. I recall calling capital one at some point to as if i could claim as i was off sick and just getting ssp (only off a couple of weeks) they said i couldn't. I've no idea when that was. I also rang to cancel the policy at some point but was made to feel i should keep it as its cheap (but it wasnt). The resolver form seemed quite basic and I just put the basic reasons like that, expecting that the company would respond to ask me further information and explain the process form there etc. That did not happen within a week of submitting the complaint they replied on resolver to say they had sent a reply directly to me. I got it in the post the next day and they had rejected my complaint. said it is their final response but invite me to send in any additional info regarding sick or redundancy pay. say they will also review it after 29th August under the Plevin rule of non disclosure of commission. stated that the ppi was sold on the card activation call in 2004 but they do not have the call recording. All of what they say is 'we would have said this on the call or we would have done that'. I did not attach any evidence or do a SAR before submitting on Resolver as I thought I'd be able to do it whilst awaiting their reply and corresponding with them etc. Their reply said I can request the evidence they used to make their decision, but no address to write to I called to request it and asked for a copy of my original signed CCA and signed PPI documents. I also asked if they could put their response on the resolver system where I submitted it they said they can only put a standard response like the one telling me they had sent it to me directly. I don't think that's true. I received their evidence which was a copy of a ppi terms and conditions leaflet, nothing to show it is specific to me and no info of costs etc, it is fairly basic in what it covers. I didn't get that at the time. They also attached a copy of my signature in a box detailing the fraud and credit checks etc and the date, then on the back is some terms and conditions but not the full set. It is just 3 points. In the heading it states it is taken from clauses 8, 10 and 32 of the full terms and conditions, so it is clear that is not the original full terms. I appreciate the age of the policy and that they may not have certain info. what do I do now? I've seen links on here to different letters that can be used etc I've no idea if I can do any of that now that I got that letter off them. I know after a final reply the usual next step is the ombudsman, want to try and settle with the company if possible before that. As they are reviewing it after 29th august and as they invite me to send in any sick/redundancy info, it appears they are willing to correspond still. I don't have anything in terms of sick/redundancy to send to them what can I do in terms of other evidence? I don't know the terminology or court case references or anything like that to put in any letters to them. Should I send s SAR to get whatever other info they may hold? What can I ask for or use as it was a telephone sale and they don't have the call recording? If it is straight on to the ombudsman from here, shall I try to gather any evidence to send with it and again what can I send? It's frustrating as I know that they didn't advise me properly of a lot of things on the call and I didn't receive any paperwork or policy info after that call, I don't know what I can say or do to make a successful case like so many others have done with telephone sales. Sorry this is so long. Any information, advice, points to the right pages or help with what to say and evidence etc would be great. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi there. I'm new to this site and wondered if someone a lot cleverer than myself could help out. We have recently been told by West Bromwich Building Society that we could have been mis-sold PPI . I have looked at all the paperwork and we had PPI with them for 2 years between 2000 (when we took the mortgage out) and 2002. I see for the firstyear they paid it for us and the second year we carried it on of our own free will. I do wonder if we'd made a claim during that year whether it would've paid out though as my husband was self-employed at the time. I'd really like a copy of the terms and conditions when I rang the mortgage company the lady didn't answer my question and said all I needed to do was make a complaint and they would look into it for me. I don't know as I'm really happy with that though as they could make up any story about the terms and conditions at the time and I'd be none the wiser. Am I being cynical here or not? Is there any way I can get a copy of them? The other thing I stumbled across when looking through the paperwork was that we had building insurance with them for the first seven years of our mortgage. On the conditions of offer letter it states we had to have the policy with them for 5 years and then when we changed to another fixed-rate mortgage in 2005, we had to have it again for a further two. Should they have made it compulsory to take out with them? When I spoke with the lady she said with regards to paying the insurance for the first 5 years we would have to take the issue up with the broker who recommended the mortgage to us and for the other two years it had been our own free will to choose that fixed-rate package with those conditions attached. Does anyone know if that seems right or not? Many thanks in advance.
  5. Hi I just wondered if anyone else has a PPI claim with the FOS and if they've had any updates? In May 2013 they settled half my claim but not the rest so I transferred It to the FOS. Haven't contacted them yet. Interested to know if any have been settled. Cheers Karl
  6. Hi all and thank you for allowing me to join the group. I would appreciate any advice and help you can offer me. I have started the process of attempting to claim back for miss-sold ppi on two old personal loans with Halifax both for small amounts £1,000 and both taken over a repayment plan of 24 months. I have received correspondence from the Halifax clearly showing both loan agreement account numbers at the top of the letter. Sorry I should also state both loans were back in the early 90's. From the correspondence it appears that they are aware that we were miss-sold PPI or so it appears from the correspondence and have asked for clarification on how we feel we were miss-sold the insurance. They have also provided me with quite a lengthy questionnaire to complete which I have done to the best of my ability and I have also enclosed a short written chronology of events which I believe lead to the miss-selling of the policy. So guys my question is this. It appears that the Halifax still have details of the loans we took out back in the early 90's as they have provided evidence of the 2 account numbers for the loans which leads me to believe they are just seeking clarification from us as how it was miss-sold but as this is the first time I have ever done this, am I fighting a losing battle considering the time that has passed Michelle x
  7. Hi, I unsuccessfully claimed against Barclaycard for a mis-sell of egg card PPI back in 2015 (I was successful against Canada Square for my Egg loan) My Reasons were: the box was pre-ticked and having a relationship with Egg I had spoken to someone over the phone first who had advised that I must go online to apply, and as with the loan my chances were improved if I took out PPI. In addition I had a generous sick pay scheme and redundancy scheme at work. I then sent off a SAR to barclaycard requesting all of my statement information as well as the original application. They returned a ream of lovely dot matrix print outs (that they insisted I go into a branch to collect) and a reconstruction of my application.. .none of which was of any use to me in my hunt for further information, so I left the claim at that point. I recently became aware of a "failed SAR" and what it meant, so I sent another request to Barclays for the information, pointing out that they had failed to provide the relevant information requested. I have now had another ream of much easier to decipher a4 paper (delivered to my flat this time), this includes all of my statements as well as some information on my claim. This following stood out for me: Again they haven't provided my application, this time not even a reconstruction, just a page of settings & values, again it says "Y" for PPI and I am sure that this was pre-ticked The PPI rate climbed from 54p to 79p in the £ (with a mid range in the middle) within a very short space of time with no notification. I also have "finance charges" which I have asked for further explanations on, but I suspect were put in place when PPI took me over my limit as this was applied before payments were calculated Then the final and most worrying item, there is data about when my claim was filed and "settled", the settled date is correct, the claimed date is years out, which seems to indicate a lackadaisical approach to reviewing these claims, and a total lack of due care and diligence on their part, I can't believe that my claim was actually looked into bar data entry & sending out standard letters based on this information. In addition I now have the details of my exact sick pay offering as well as the letter sent when AXA were replaced as the underwriter of the insurance, this was the first inkling I had of this being optional and I turned off PPI soon afterwards. Given all this new info, and the fact that BC failed to hand some of it over at the first time of asking, am I right in thinking I could ask them to review my claim again even though the 6 months has long passed.
  8. Hi I am wanting to claim back PPI on an old RBS mortgage, loan and Package bank account. The person I had a joint account with is now desceased and I have no paper work with any account numbers. Do I send a SARS first with a copy of the death certificate? Thanks in advance for any help
  9. Just checking but there is a 'tick' for one year's card care and they charged me £12 back in 2003 - can I claim using the PPI spreadsheet as it is typed in so they put that in and not me because my details are handwritten. Given the length of time I have no idea if I agreed to this (which after all is the point, right)
  10. hello all - need a bit of advice before proceeding This might seem more complex than it actually is, so please bear with me. after a long haul, I have had my PPI complaint upheld by the RBS. So far, so good. They have made me an offer and then gone on to explain that I won't be getting some of it due to a succesful claim made against the PPI. Then it gets a little complicated. I have all my DSAR documentation, and have been going through it prior and post claim. The copy statments show insurance amounts hitting the account to cover the loan payments, but they are sporadic and do not make sense - eg. there are 9 insurance payments being credited to the account on the same day? And I distinctly remember prior to these payments trying to make a claim on the insurance due to redundancy but the claim was delayed and not upheld. I never received any notification from the bank or the insurance company that succesful payments were being made and the account went into arrears, being passed round various DCA's before being sent to CMS telford Theirs and my offer calculations are nearly the same. What is confusing me is that they have sent me copy statements going back to when I opened the account in 1995, listing every detail and transaction etc. but then the statments stop in 2010. The account has been in dispute since 2008 and has been statute barred since 2014. My questions are as follows: how do I find out if the account is still active? there has been no activity on the account for at least 9 years and I have had no "you owe us" letters for about 7 years are CMS a part of the bank or a DCA? I presume that any amount I receive will be offset against the statute barred debt? when I cca'd and DSAR'd the bank they could provide no evidence of any credit agreement existing between us I think i've explained it pretty much, so any comments/suggestions/questions are welcome
  11. Received an odd letter yesterday from J D Williams. We had an unenforceable account with them that became Statute Barred in February 2015. The letter makes reference to a PPI claim that we put in in 2008, that we have no record of. A check has also been included and the wording states that they made a mistake after rejecting our original complaint and that the payment is the 'full & final settlement' and the complaint is now closed. Any idea as to what is going on here? Are they trying to reset the Statute Barred clock if we cash the check? Any advice would be gratefully received?
  12. Hi, just a quickie... Is a PPI claim construed as an admission of liability on an account? Less than the 6 years for Statute Barred, so would that set a company back chasing? They don't have the original "wet" agreement and so can't (at the moment) take this to court as it was before April 2007. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks H. x
  13. Hello all. I've just found this forum and have been reading through some of the very helpful guides regarding PPI. I am currently in the process of helping my sister with a PPI claim against Capital One. We've never done this sort of thing before so do have a few questions we were hoping you could help with. Initially we contacted Capital One to ask if she had PPI. They emailed back and said yes. I then sent off a SAR to see what information they hold on her as we're not sure if she was mis-sold, so are trying to establish a few facts. They responded with a pack that contained loads of statements, memos etc. I don't think it included everything I asked for, they said to ask again for specifics (like which telephone call exactly) and they will provide them. In the statements it shows PPI, there is also a signed copy of the CCA which indicates my sister asked for PPI. She is a bit suspicious of this but that is neither here nor there, the fact is it's signed and she has signed up to it according to this document. We want to know whether it is possible she was still mis-sold though. Ideally, we need a copy of the literature explaining what exactly PPI is and its policies that you would expect to have been sent out at the time. This will allow us to check if she was eligible or not and perhaps claim on those grounds if she wasn't. If she was eligible then we can at least draw a line under this and not bother complaining. Is there any way of obtaining this document or information? I understand a CCA request will just be the loan agreement which they already provided a copy of in the SAR. I imagine they must have sent out a PPI leaflet as opposed to discussing it over the phone with her, as the memos do not indicate any phone calls prior to the start of the PPI agreement (although they are hard to comprehend). She was in part time employment at the time, had not been in full time employment for six months prior to the agreement which elsewhere I have read may be deemed as reasons for ineligibility and thus a mis-sale. So we're not really sure how to proceed from here, if at all. Thanks for reading, I appreciate any help regarding this.
  14. Hi all, I tried reclaiming ppi I had with an old pre 2005 principles card. The ppi was sold to me over the phone, I never received any terms and conditions so was not really sure what it entailed. As it is I never needed the insurance as I was working full time and was entitled to 6 months full pay and 6 months half. Santander have now written to me asking for prove of sickness benefit as they have had to go back to the insurers and will not uphold the complaint unless I can provide this. Unfortunately I left the company 14 years ago and they have since ceased trading. Can anyone help me on what to do next if anything. Thanks Tlk
  15. Hi All. As the title say's is Vanquis Bank (Credit Card) Repayment Option Plan (ROP) the same as a PPI & Can it be reclaimed. Today I've received my SAR. I've typed up all the Charges and ROP's so far but yet to put into the CAG sheet's as I'm unsure which of the following can attempted to be re-claimed & which CAG sheet to use: (Date range of values is 03/08/10 to 04/10/15 - My credit Limit is only 250) 337.45 Billed Finance Charges Trans Type Purchase Interest 15.34 Billed Finance Charges Trans Type Cash Interest 30.42 Billed Finance Charges Trans Type Default Fee Interest 0.96 Billed Finance Charges Trans Type Default Fee Plan Int Free 188 ROP Payment 420 OverLimit Charge 36 Unpaid Item Charge 132 Late Payment Charge -36 Refund Late Payment Charge -108 Refund OverLimit Charge 11.33 Billed Deferred Finance Charges -7.4 Refund ROP -19.04 Refund Billed Finance Charges -0.65 Interest Credit Adjustment (Yep the Over limit are labeled Interest Free - yet I get Default Interest) The letter that is attached to the SAR states that in relation to the CCA - they have said "The Documentation that you appear to be requesting is under Section 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, and not the Data Protection Act 1998, please note a statutory fee of £1 is required for this service" - Is this correct? Surely the SAR should cover everything? No statements have been included as "these are charged at £5 per copy as stated in the Terms & Conditions" but they have supplied a list of transactions - is this all I would require for any support of claim? I'm awaiting the calls/transcripts - to see how this was sold and if I did accept it.... Will post these once received.
  16. Have had a letter today from LLoyds Bank regarding my PPI complaint on TWO TSB cards held in the late 1990s. They have rejected the mis-selling of PPI but have made a payment into my bank regarding the commission - a total of £500 However after the breakdown of each card it says total payment is £503 but after that there is a total of appendix i and ii where it says over £6,000 is the amount you will receive for both cards. I dont know where that figure has come from but if they say its what I will receive do I pursue them for it or could they turn round say its a mistake and not pay it
  17. I had a capital one Platinum card on which i paid PPI - i used the templates from the Martin Lewis pages to complain was rejected on the grounds that when I transferred a balance to this card in march 2000 i ticked a box to request PPI. They attached a photocopy of the said form showing this box 'ticked' - however I had had the card for a couple of years before transferring this balance and had not had PPI (as far as I am aware but I don't have records going back to those dates) and would not therefore have specifically requested this on a balance transfer. Their argument is that I selected it, the information was there and I had a 30 day cooling off period in which to cancel it. Unfortunately this decision was also upheld by the ombudsman. I am aware that I can not revisit this although I am annoyed about this I phoned them yesterday to enquire about the Plevin vs Paragon case to raise a claim for overpaid commission and was told by their representative that I would have had a letter if I qualified. Is there any way to find out what rate of commission Capital One was receiving and how do I go about making a claim in the event it was greater than 50%?
  18. Can you help me with a ppi claim I have tried to claim. I had a credit card with citibank that was taken out back in around 2000. I had ppi on there which was costing me around £30-£40 per month. I had a CMC who said they could put a claim in for me, this was over 2 yrs ago. After all this time and numerous calls they have now closed the case for the following reasons. Citibank transferred my account to a bank called Opus. This was done without me knowing until I had a statement off them where I called them and found out that my account had been transferred to them for reasons I still don't know. I owed nothing on the card and Opus refused to send me a card as they were not issuing anymore. I can only see my account being transferred because I did't use the card for about 9 months as didn't want to and like I said I owed nothing on it. When the claim was put in and after many months, citi said the account was now with opus and had nothing to with them now, Opus said the account was with citi so the claim is against them. This went backhand forth and nobody would take responsibility over who the claim was against, even though I paid all ppi to citi. CMC sent the claim to the ombudsman and after about another year they replied saying there is nothing they can do and the case is closed with them. Is there anything I can do as I paid all this ppi and cannot get anywhere with it at all. In all the time I had the card I was self employed to and found out lately that even though I was paying ppi I was not covered as I wasn't employed The ombudsman was told this also. Can I get anywhere with this now or is it done and dusted. Please help. Many thanks
  19. Hi there I have a question relating to a loan that I took in 2004 through Zenith Windows to install double glazing. But Zenith windows went into administration in 2010 I believe. Loan amount 5K. It is now paid off. How do I go about getting the PPI back from them and the unfair charges. Can anyone help please? Many thanks and much appreciated.
  20. Can some one please help. I have received a final response to the letter that I sent to GE regarding my PPI payments on the loan that I took with First National Tricity Finance in October 1999. I have the agreement and I know I paid £155.00 as a lump sum. Single premium. Santander was saying that I should have checked the PPI. However, in 1999 I did not know anything about PPI, and also I was told that this formed part of the deal. In order to continue with the loan I had to take this so I did. Has anyone able to claim an PPI from Santander please? Many thanks
  21. I have been made an offer on a loan taken out in 1994 which ended in 2003. It looks like a goodwill offer and also looks a bit "light". They dont give me exact dates of ppi payments looks like it was added at the start of the loan being about £1200. Their offer is £3300. 2 questions: 1) Can I bank their cheque "without prejudice" taking it as a payment on account to mitigate my losses, and argue about the amount later? They havent mentioned acceptance in their letter, just calling it their "offer". 2) I feel that the 8% stat interest should be compounded, not simple. I would be grateful for any help on this. I have downloaded the spreadsheet, taking £1000 as the initial PPI payment from 01/01/1994 gives simple interest of £1,921.92 but if you use standard compound (1+r)^n * £1,000 = (1+0.08(rate)))^23years*£1,000 = £5,871.46 then add on the principal £1k = £6,871.46 why is it simple instead of compound? the fair calculation of loss is the amount foregone each year, which is the interest lost each year and interest on that interest for the following year?
  22. I recently started a PPI reclaim on a loan I knew I had from Barclays. I have always banked with Barclays and still do. I took the loan in 1999 for £5000 over 60 months. Initially Barclays could find no evidence of this despite the repayments coming from the account I still have. I found my original certificate of PPI which included all the details including loan agreement number and photocopied this and sent it in. I'm now at the stage where they're requesting further information after reopening my case. My questions are: how can I prove I did not need PPI? My employer at the time did provide sickness pay but I haven't kept my old staff handbook or old statements to prove this. I didn't have any medical conditions and I don't think I'll have taken a day off work for the entire duration of the loan to ever need the sickness policy. So I'm stuck with progressing at the mo. Can I add I was 23 at the time and still living with my parents had no priority bills as such other than this loan. I also didn't have many savings either as a wayward 23 year old. But the further information request is asking how could I have paid for the loan if I'd suddenly become unemployed? Would my lack of savings at the time be worth not pursuing the PPI reclaim for?
  23. Please could you help i have been pursuing a claim for mis sold PPI against YES car credit/DAFS for a number of years, i bought the car in 2001, I'm not covered by either FOS or associated bodies. I have got to the stage whereby i have advised them i will be continuing my fight through the courts, on Saturday i received letter From Irwin Mitchell stating amonghts other things. I quote " It is our clients primary contention that any claim brought in respect of the agreement will fail as it will have been brought outside the statutory time limits for starting court proceedings. The agreement was entered into by you on 20th November 2001, almost 16 years ago, and therefore, according to the limitation periods set out in the Limitation act 1980, any claim arising out of this agreement is now out of time. There is other gumpth with, that I'm not to concerned about and this will be their scaremongering in an attempt to put me off. Would just like to understand a bit more about Limitation act 1980, I've had a look through, to which it states "6 years", however my complaint is not against the Loan per say, it focussed around the mis selling of PPI. I would be grateful if you could give me a direction i can take with this, as do not want the bastards to get away with it any longer. Once I'm successful, would be more than happy to share my finding on your site, as I'm aware I'm one of thousands in the the same boat with DAFS crooks. I believe they scan your site looking for such information in getting themselves ahead against claimants like myself.
  24. I posted a while ago that I had written to Paragon about PPI I had taken out in 1989 with my National Home Loans mortgage, to be fobbed off and told I should take it up with the financial broker. "We realise this may be a disappointment to you". The financial adviser happened to be a friend of a friend at the time, and I've found him on Facebook. He seems to be doing very well ("one of the UK’s best-known bankers" ) so I wouldn't feel bad if the PPI was to come out of his pocket, although I doubt that would be the case? Would any of you kind and knowledgeable folk have any advice as to how I should proceed? Thanks
  25. I had an ongoing PPI Claim with Capital One (since October 2012) in which was rejected and referred to FOS. This was again rejected on the basis that it was a non-advisable sale and suitable for my circumstances even though I was in full-time employment, with sufficient redundancy fund and sick-pay cover etc for the rather small amount outstanding of nearly £500 (my credit limit). I did further argue the case, that I had not ticked any PPI agreement box on my postal application but for some reason it was added at a later date (about 6 weeks) in which they advised I agreed to. When I requested details regarding the later agreement, the copy that they sent is not a very good one and quotes a completely different Capital One account number ? complaint was then passed to the ombudsman, and I have today received their findings and they have also decided not to uphold my complaint. Has anyone experienced the above with Capital One (or any other entity) / FOS / Ombudsman and could possibly enlighten me regarding the Final Decision Acceptance / Rejection Form to sign. What happens if I reject the decision ? Will I still have an opportunity to provide any further reasons why I disagree or request any further details from Capital One ? As this was one of my initial complaints and obviously know more now than then, I did not proceed with a SAR as I still had all of my statements and copy of my application form. They also state that they are happy to discuss with me about rejecting / accepting the decision but they cannot discuss the detail of the complaint ? I have searched various forums regarding Capital One and believe they reject a majority of any claims presented but also wondered am I wasting my time in pursuing the matter ? Sorry for any silly questions but this is my first experience of this situation and would appreciate some clarity in the matter.
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